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Learning to speak your mind: Efficient and Effective Communication

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

The project will be developed by IRDT, and it will take place in Timișoara, Romania. The two mobilities of this project will be held in august (more specific between 3rd – 10th of august, and 16th – 23rd of august 2016).The main aim of this project is to develop knowledge and abilities of youngsters between 18 and 30 years old, on the subjects of public speaking, argumentation and efficient commun...
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Back to the streets 2

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

EVS project Back to the Streets 2 is formed as a continuation of this year’s EVS and last year’s project Revive parks (youth exchange), which demonstrated the clear lack of landscaped public spaces and events in these public areas. Within the project also a survey was made, which is the starting point for the preparation of project activities. So, in Črnomelj, we will host three young volunteers w...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

“EduGaming” project was developed based on the premise that educational games (used in youth work, communities, workshops, trainings, etc.), which are approaching urgent issues related to social exclusion, disempowerment and radicalisation of young people, as well as various global challenges, are making a very big contribution to including young people (because they are innovative, attractive, us...
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Civil Society – a Fair Play Actor of European Union

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The project Civil Society – a Fair Play Actor of European Union is organised by EuroDEMOS Association – Romania and the partners Vision2020 - United Kingdom, International Relations Research Student Association - Bulgaria, TDM 2000 - Italy, Mladinski center BIT - Slovenia on 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2017. Within the project will be implemented activities to develop incentives to practice grassroots spor...
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Developing Entrepreneurial Abilities Laboratory

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Project DEAL – Developing Entrepreneurial Abilities Laboratory - aims to gather youth workers, youth leaders and young people with entrepreneurial spirit in order to empower young people and motivate them to find their passion in life and turn it into action. We aim to create a safe learning environment where young people will be able to learn and experiment with ideas, methods, skills and tools b...
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Start date: Jan 4, 2016, End date: May 3, 2017,

Our project recently again rising anti-Islamic movement, xenophobia, Yunus Emre's philosophy of tolerance, so that we can fight with thoughts such as Islamophobia, we believe that we need to understand better. Because of the undisputed pioneer of the Turkish people and Turkish poets who put in all the simplicity and beauty of Islam through the Yunus Emre Turkish language is a human sample brought ...
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BIThe part of BIT (Bodi del BITa)!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

BIThe part of BIT! (Bodi del Bita) is a project of the European Voluntary Service which includes four deprived volunteers from Poland and Macedonia. People participating in the project will be young unemployed persons or persons who abandoned education. Each volunteer will spend nine months in Bela krajina. Since Bela krajina, Kavadarce and Kielce suffer from similar problems derived from unemploy...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Project “YOUTH WORK AND VOLUNTEERING AGAINST RADICALISATION” base on a Training Course and dissemination activities that aim to build professional development of youth workers and capacity of participating organisations on the topic of equipping youth workers with volunteer management skills, competences and methods needed for transferring the common fundamental values of our society and preventin...
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Back to the streets

Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Mar 14, 2017,

The EVS project Back to the streets was created as a sequel of the Revitalizing nature parks youth exchange, which showed a big lack of well-maintained public areas and events on them. As a part of the exchange, we made a research which served as a base for preparing the activities of the project. On the 7-month EVS project, we will host two young Portuguese volunteers with fewer opportunities.The...
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EU goes With Innovative Social Entrepreneurship Led by Youth

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The TC "EU goes With Innovative Social Entrepreneurship Led by Youth” (EU goes WISELY) will bring together youth leaders, trainers and project organizers from different EU countries with the purpose of equipping them with skills needed to grow as a youth leader, whilst acquiring knowledge and raising awareness about social entrepreneurship. The international 7-day-lasting training course aims at a...
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New Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas

Start date: Jun 2, 2016, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

Project NEW ERA - "New Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas" is meant to tackle the issues of youth entrepreneurship in the context of rural development and youth unemployment. We recognized the issues of developing rural areas because this areas are as important for youth as urban areas and we think that there is strong need to also focus on these areas. Our main objectives: to promote youth entrepreneu...
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Volunteering Saves Lives

Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Nov 14, 2016,

The youth exchange Volunteering Saves Lives, which will be held in Črnomelj (Slovenia), will involve 36 participants and group leaders from Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Romania, Poland and Hungary. The exchange will take place between 22th and 30th August 2016. Its main purpose is to put volunteering in the spotlight again and give it a special importance in the achievement of social and personal cha...
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Start date: May 26, 2015, End date: Oct 25, 2016,

The project SPRINTERS - A NEW EUROPEAN SPORTS NETWORK IN MASS is an integrated project which will involve 98 participants from Romania, Croatia, Portugalia, Turcia, Estonia, Slovenia and Greece, in three thematic activities that will take place in Rm. Sarat (A1 and A2) and Mangalia (A3). The problem identified is poor participation in mass sport in the European Union on the basis of the lack of a ...
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History – youth's opportunity

Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2016,

History – youth's opportunity is a youth exchange which will take place in Črnomelj (Slovenia) and will be attended by 42 participants and group leaders from Slovenia, Malta, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Macedonia and France. The date of the exchange is from 5th to 13th July 2016.The project was developed by a history student who is finishing her studies at the university and who realized that there ar...
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Look beyond the fence, break the stereotype!

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This project is one of our steps we are taking in building bridges between the local population and the refugees. We think that accepting the new and unknown is possible only if meeting the „unknown“. This YE is therefore bringing together 5 countries and 48 participants, to discuss the questions of the personal identity, values, stereotypes and general human rights and - most of all - to build n...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Impropreneurs was the educational and cultural project contains impact of theatre and put a mark in a subject of youth entrepreneurship. The YE “Impropreneurs” brought together 36 young people from 6 different countries, which are Poland, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Portugal for the time from 11.04 - 20.04.2016. The main target group of the project was youth in the between 18 and...
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CSI 2: The Case of Rural Youth

Start date: Aug 17, 2015, End date: Feb 16, 2016,

Projekt CSI 2: Slučaj mladih u ruralnom području je nastavak vrlo uspješne razmjene mladih koju je LAG Vallis Colapis organizirao 2013. godine. Navedeni projekt je proveden u Lasinji (Karlovačka županija, Hrvatska) od 1. do 7. listopada 2015., a napravio je direktan utjecaj na 31 mladog sudionika - po šest sudionika iz svake zemlje; Hrvatske, Slovenije, Rumunjske, Italije i Švedske. Kao i većina d...
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Advanced Volunteer Management

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"Advanced Volunteer Management" was a 9day training course, which took place from 23rd to 31st of October 2015 in the town of Črnomelj, Slovenia. Training course, organized by Youth centre BIT as applicant and hosting organization gathered 28 youth workers from 23 different organizations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lat...
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A Network Against Youth Unemployment

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

A Network Against Youth Unemployment is a contact seminar whose purpose is to try to find a common solution to tackle youth unemployment at least in part . What can 13 European organizations to combat this phenomenon? They can make the most of the opportunities offered by the European Commission to give young people all necessary means to face the world of work in a competitive way! This seminar u...
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S Factor 2015: Into Eurovision

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

S Factor 2015 Into Eurovision was a non formal education project promoting social inclusion of disabled young people through the use of performing arts and film making. This was a cross-sectoral project relating youth work and non-formal education to school education. The aim of the project was to build on the success of the amazing “S Factor” talent show organised by Kelford Special School, Rothe...
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BIThe part of BIT (Bodi del BITa)!

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

BIThe part of BIT! is a European Voluntary Service project which includes three Portugal volunteers with less opportunities. The project will include young unemployed people that dropped out of school. Each of the three volunteers will spend 6 months in Bela krajina. Portugal and Slovenia, specially Bela krajina, have simillar problems originating in high general unemployment. That is why the volu...
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Oživimo parke

Start date: May 10, 2015, End date: Nov 9, 2015,

he Revitalizing nature parks youth exchange will take place in Črnomelj (Slovenia) and will be attended by 42 participants and group leaders from Slovenia, Germany, Spain, Macedonia, Croatia and Turkey. The exchange will take place between 19th and 27th August 2015. Črnomelj has three nature parks - Griček, Jurjevanska draga and Majer. Up until twenty years ago, the parks were full of children and...
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Manage your vote

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

At the Youth Exchange Manage your vote, which will take place in ?rnomelj (Slovenia) will participate 42 participants and group leaders from Slovenia, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Malta, Croatia and Poland. The exchange will take place between 01 and 09 July 2015. Main theme of the project is the active citizenship and youth participation in the society. The aim of the project is to show to the yo...
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New Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas

Start date: Feb 10, 2015, End date: Sep 10, 2015,

Project "NEW ERA - New Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas" tackled the issues of youth entrepreneurship in the context of rural development and youth unemployment. The main activity of the project was Training course held in Novi Marof, Croatia, 25.4.-3.5.2015. where 31 participants from Croatia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain learn how to promote y...
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"Bądźmy wolontariuszami!/ Let's volunteer!"

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

9 month EVS activity , which will be attended by three volunteers from Ukraine, Armenia and Słovenia is a based on four previous EVS projects implemented by the Volunteer Center . The theme of the project is twork for the development and promotion of local and international volunteering communities Kielce region and development of social activness of young people through the creation of the Yout...
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Social Inclusion with Dances and Traditions

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The project “Social Inclusion with Dances and Traditions ” is a Youth Exchange - Partner Countries organized by Antillo Municipality in cooperation with Partner from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Ukraine, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The project will be held in Antillo (Italy) from 28th April to 05th May 2015, 8 days and it will involve 30 young people aged from 18 to 25 (5 for each group) and 6 Group Le...
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A New Step To A Better Life is an Youth Exchange Project will be held in Akyaka/ Mugla between the dates 01-10 September 2014. Advance Planning Visit be held on 04-06 July 2014 in Mu?la. There will be 4 different countries ( Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania and Turkey) with 5 participants from each country and 1 leader for each group. It?s expected that each group members have desire to learn about t...
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Discover, Dream and Do 2

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

"Discover, Dream and DO 2" is a training course which will take place in Rhodopy Mountain's rural area in Bulgaria. The project themes are youth unemployment and education through non-formal methods. The aim of our project is training and empowering youth workers to become creators of better educational projects and activities in order to increase young people’s employment chances. To achieve our ...
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Winter Jobs

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2015,

Winter Jobs Youth Exchange, which will be held in February 2015 in Bela Krajina. Will last for 8 days. Participating organizations will be from Slovenia, Turkey, Greece, Slovakia and Croatia. The project was developed in cooperation between young people and the unemployed Turkish EVS volunteers. Most of the 30 participants of the participants will be young people with fewer opportunities, because ...
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Povuci - potegni: sport za zajednicu (Push 'n' Pull)

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Feb 17, 2015,

In the context of the role of young people in the EU , and especially the social position of young people in the different countries of the European Union , we meditated on the role of sport ( traditional and modern ) as a way of connecting young people and their empowerment . We have also considered how the young people with whom we share some common characteristics (peers , exclusion ) can be a ...
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Young Debate Club

Start date: Aug 25, 2014, End date: Jan 24, 2015,

The youth exchange “Young Debate Club” held in San Cipriano Picentino (SA), from October 23 to November 2014, and its main focus was to offer a chance of confrontation and growth among the young participants, regarding the dialogue with the decision makers and the leadership as a tool for democracy, citizenship and personal growth. The project idea came from the discussions between the administrat...
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Project of Training Course ,,Sport IT" prepared by organisations from Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Slovenia and Italy is are sponse to small use of methods based on sport and physical activity in non-formal education by youth workers as well as the practice showing that the demand for the use of sport in youth work is very high. The training aims to increase the competence of youth workers i...
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young enterpreneurs with a cause/mladi podjetniki z razlogom

Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Dec 20, 2014,

Due to the fact that sustainable development, social entrepreneurship and social impact measurement are in the foreground on european and national level, we want our project to raise awareness about the importance of the issue and consider sustainability as a guidance in business and life. The exchange is aimed to contribute to the development of capabilities in the youth field through gathering k...
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Brandyourself - Oglasi se

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Dec 18, 2014,

The youth exchange Brandyourself-Oglasi se will take place in Črnomelj in month of august. It will host 36 participants and youth leaders from Slovenia, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Bolgaria and Greece. The participants are mostly either unemployed or just entering the labour market. In the participant countries there is a noticable trens of youth unemployment. The young send their biographies en mas...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2014,

"FULLY-EMPLOYED" is an European Seminar - Action 4.3 - on youth unemployment in the countries of European Union. The Seminar shall host 34 participants youth workers, leaders and local volunteers actively involved in local projects, coming from Italy, Spain, Finland, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Croatia and Latvia that will be held in Forza D'Agrò, Italy, from 22nd to 27th Sep...
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Responsible Citizenship - Civic Volunteering

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Project “Responsible citizenship - TC on Civic Volunteering” is dedicated for youth workers, people who work with young volunteers professionally or voluntarily and people working in NGOs - or want to start such a cooperation like police- or firemen to involve young people in to the civic society through volunteering. Another target group is retired policemen, firemen and people who would like t...
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Youth Partecipation and European Elections

Start date: Jul 21, 2014, End date: Nov 20, 2014,

The project “Youth Partecipation and European Elections", organized by Associazione Culturale Giovanile Moby Dick, has been a chance of growth and progress among the young participants, about the awareness of European citizenship. The starting point has been the 2014 European elections, that is the formal mechanism par excellence of participation to the European social life. The focus has been put...
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"Volunteers' Centres - active youth in communities" is 7-days long training course that will be held from 13-21 March 2012 in Novi Sad, Serbia. The training course will gather 26 participants from 7 countries (Croatia, Turkey, Slovenia, Latvia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia and Serbia). Themes of the project are European awareness and capacity building; enhancing overall participation of European voluntee...
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"Support and supervise volunteers for inclusion" is 7-days long training course that will be held from 12-20 June 2012 in Novi Sad, Serbia. The training course will gather 25 participants from 7 countries (Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, Slovenia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia and Italy). The main themes of the training course are leading, supervision and mentoring youth workers and volunteers within activities ...
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Advanced Volunteer Management

Start date: Sep 1, 2012,

Training will take place in Bitola, FYR Macedonia and it will last for 8 working days during November 2012. Training will gather 42 participants, from 17 partner organizations, young people involved in various forms of voluntary work as participatory method of active citizens’ involvement in community development. The main aim of the training is to improve implementation of high quality detailed/...
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