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A New Step To A Better Life ( Daha İyi Bir Yaşam İçin Yeni Bir Adım )
Start date: Oct 19, 2014, End date: Jun 18, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A New Step To A Better Life is an Youth Exchange Project will be held in Akyaka/ Mugla between the dates 01-10 September 2014. Advance Planning Visit be held on 04-06 July 2014 in Mu?la. There will be 4 different countries ( Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania and Turkey) with 5 participants from each country and 1 leader for each group. It?s expected that each group members have desire to learn about the topic and to have motivation for contribution to the programme. The workshops based on our aims and objectives about Non-formal methodology such as sports, games, protocol visits, interviews with local people, etc.. Turkey, as a developing country, faces to environmental problems, rapid increase in population and urbanization. At the same time, hectic working life of people does not help them to eat healthy foods and to spend time for sports. By this Project, we aim to reduce the bad effects of these conditions in our locals and to raise the awareness of sports and healthy living. Besides, the expected results from the activities, to make participants to take advantage of the nature, awareness on healthy life and to prevent the damage to eco-systems. Goals 1. Contributing to have a sustainable development policy on environment, healthy life and sport. 2. To support the environmental education via sports. 3. To have local impact with organizing a sport bazaar and sports tournaments 4. Intercultural dialogue by focusing on healthy life and sports.

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