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Toxicology and risk assessment are undergoing a paradigm shift, from a phenomenological to a mechanistic discipline based on in vitro and in silico approaches that represent an important alternative to classical animal testing applied to the evaluation of chronic and systemic toxicity risks. Large databases and highly sophisticated methods, algorithms and tools are available for different tasks su ...
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Educate and Train emerging Challenges: Internet of Things

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...jectives by covering all major areas of strategic partnership between different organizations. The partners and their main responsibilities are:Bochum UAS: Coordination, IoT MOOC, IoT broker systemit:matters: Assisting with coordination and IoT broker development, open educationITT Group: IoT hardware development and interfacingTallinn UT: VET training curriculum module, Web Application Developmen ...
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Young migrants and refugees have entered European countries but they haven’t entered the public sphere. When they do, it is as characters in other people’s stories - desperate faces, surging hoards and floating bodies - something ‘other’. We rarely hear from young refugees as experts or legitimate voices - even when the news agenda concerns their country of origin. Migrants, it seems are only allo ...
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Start date: Sep 19, 2016, End date: Sep 18, 2018,

CONTEXT:The Carmen Hernandez Guarch School is a member of the MECD-British Council bilingual program. We develop several projects such as: 1) "Methodological Innovation through iPads; 2) "Emotional Education and Cooperative Learning"; 3) "MECD-British Council Project".Number and profile of PARTICIPANTS:- 6 teachers will be going within the framework of the project (4 for job shadowing at the Holy ...
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EQUITAM - Enhancing QUality In Teaching for Adult Migrants

Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2018,

Established in 2012, the Popular School Ziqqurat has become a reality in the city of Rome, representing a melting pot of cultures and a laboratory for testing forms of language teaching that try to meet the specific needs of learners and their possible learning difficulties. Through its Popular School for language teaching, the association Ziqqurat actively contributes to achieving the goals of th ...
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Vers l'ouverture à l'international

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

One of the five missions of Agricultural Education in France is to develop an international cooperation strategy. It is mainly aimed at contributing to the exercice of citizenship, broadening the cultural and linguistic horizons, providing a wider personal and professional scope thanks to the mobility approach, training professionals who will be aware of international stakes and building an op ...
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...he mobility project will bring us. The French and English teachers have a solid language training but structured study visits to schools in Ireland, Iceland and France offered by our partners English Matters and CIEP will allow delve into new contexts and create future partnerships between different European schools.The targets focus on the previously mentioned European dimension of our school, by ...
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Euroconecta2: la mejora de la calidad educativa a través de las TIC's

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Carlos Ruiz Primary and Infants School is one of four state primary schools situated in a town of 20,000 inhabitants, 30 kilometres Southwest of Madrid. The school has a high level of immigration and students come from a low-middle class cachement area. The town has a strong agricultural tradition but now also serves as a satellite town to families who work in the capital city. Although some famil ...
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Volunteering for the future: A strategic partnership for innovative learning of European volunteers The project focuses on developing high quality learning opportunities that are tailored to individual adult learners, utilising innovative ways of outreach and delivery. This will include the development and roll-out of a series of courses and resources for returned international volunteers that wi ...
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The project TIICEE (Information Technology for Innovation Cooperation and Exchange in Europe) takes place in the Institution Sainte Marie in Ribeauvillé in Alsace, member of la Fondation Providence de Ribeauvillé. The school is composed of a primary school, a lower secondary school and a boarding school for girls and boys. We have 320 pupils. The project TIICEE aims at renovating the pedagogy in o ...
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Volunteering Matters 2016 EVS Exchange and Change Project

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The Volunteering Matters 2016 Exchange and Change Project will bring together 9 organisations from the UK, Albania, France, Italy, Austria and Germany with many years experience of EVS projects. The organisations will work together through strong partnerships to devise high quality, meaningful, volunteering opportunities which, through international exchanges, will address real social needs in soc ...
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Cooperation and Inclusion

Start date: Jul 15, 2016, End date: Jul 14, 2018,

The purpose of the project "The school for everybody" is to promote the educational success for our students living in a disadvantaged socio cultural and economic context. The aim is to reinforce their, rather low, basic skills, through the use of a more inclusive educational method that is able to increase the motivation and involve them in their learning process.To do this we need to train ...
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Educ-@ction without borders

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The “I.C.S. A. Gemelli” including Nursery, Primary and Lower-Secondary grade is currently committed to curricular improvement through projects and didactical experimentation and it is determined to make a significant improvement as to methodological innovation, and to give impetus to the process of internationalization of the school. The project "EDUC-@CTION WITHOUT BORDES" aims at providing teach ...
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Mobilities for Apprentices and Teaching Staff in Europe

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The Käthe-Kollwitz-Berufskolleg in Hagen has developed the project "Mastery" to build on the sound foundation of successful LdV and ongoing Erasmus+ KA1 projects that have so far focused on the areas of Hospitality and Catering and Childcare. The growing importance of Diversity Education has led the college to expand its range of work placements to students and trainees to include a two-week work ...
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Colegio JABY is a semiprivate, mixed and secular school of Torrejón de Ardoz , Madrid. It has Early Childhood Education , Elementary-Primary Education , Secondary Education, Basic Vocational Training and Intermediate Vocational Training. It has about 550 students.The European Development Plan is linked to the School Innovation Plan, which is held in turn on four projects: the Bilingual Project, Te ...
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Pan European Adult Training and Placements

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Our Pan European Adult Training and Placements Programme is an integral part of City College Plymouth’s European Development Plan: a three year strategic plan to professionally develop our staff & enhance our learners’ employability prospects in the European labour market. Each carefully planned European activity directly meets our College’s Strategic Priorities to address labour market requiremen ...
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„Through modern teaching to modern school” - "Poprzez nowoczesną edukację do nowoczesnej szkoły" project main objective is to prove that knowledge of English language is a very powerful tool in developing one's professional competence and enables international cooperation with various schools or centers in Europe. Participating school becomes acquainted with other, similar institutions and gains ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Our school incorporates all the state schools in our valley under one management; 6 primary schools, 2 lower secondary schools and a higher secondary school for a total of about 900 pupils. There are four courses offered at high school; technical, economy, tourism and scientific.The schools are in Primiero (population 10,000), in the Autonomous Province of Trento in North-east Italy. Set under the ...
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Izzivi sodobnih učiteljev

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Stična Primary School is one of the largest primary schools in Slovenia, with 1,128 students and 120 teachers. The use of new technologies and the improvement of our students’ knowledge of the English language are two of our greatest academic concerns. In order to achieve our goals we have done a thorough analysis of our strengths and weaknesses, and we have determined that we need to gain knowled ...
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...ATIVE COMPETENCE and TO GET A DEEPER INSIGHT OF THE CLIL APPROACH by attending an international ten-day CLIL METHODOLOGY course offered by the partner organization we have selected, English Matters (Dublin, July-August 2016/2017). The team will finally spend a brief period of JOB ASSIGNMENT at the partner school, after DEVELOPING A CLIL DIDACTIC UNIT IN EACH SUBJECT, TO SHARE both with the forei ...
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Objetivo 2026: Hacia un modelo bilingüe, innovador y cooperativo

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The project "Objetivo 2026: Towards a bilingual, innovative and cooperative model" finds its source in the necessity to promote a plan of bilingualism in our school to adapt to the needs demanded by society in the world today. But it is more than a plan to improve the language skills of teachers and therefore of the students; It is a also project to promote a change in the daily life of the centre ...
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Mejora de resultados académicos del alumnado del IES La Fuensanta

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...he commitment by the receiving facility shall be taken into account that we agree on the period of stay in the partner activity center (about one week). In this case we must take into account matters such as school holidays of both countries, the general program of activities in both centers, the best time of year to make it more effective and fruitful activity, etc.The teachers of this center alr ...
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Training to the future

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

1. Background of the projectThe trilingüista trend of education in the Balearic Islands involves the teaching of non-language subjects in English, showing the training needs of our teachers in linguistic and methodology . Moreover, in some VET subjects, we are teaching currently in English. Nowadays we have to employ English teachers to teach with the responsible subject teacher due the fact that ...
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Por la movilidad de adultos en la provincia de Huelva

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This application is sent by a consortium made out of four education centres: two High Schools and two further education centres and their correspondent sections where Secondary Education for adults in their blended learning model (level I and II) and A-Levels for adults are taught. The requesting organisation is the Fuentepiña High School and its partners are: Lazareto CCE (which shares students w ...
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European Volunteer Inclusion Program

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: May 1, 2018,

...tool, the cooperation and the exchange of good practices between all the implicated actors. To effectively perform this project, 5 partners (FACE, Pour la Solidarité, VOLUM, Wisamar and Volunteering Matters) from 5 different countries (France, Belgium, Romania, Germany and England) shared the implementation of the following activities: - The adaptation of the ProfilPASS : the portfolio for the rec ...
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Edukacja przyszłości - technologia, wiedza, doświadczenie

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Teacher’s profession is the one requiring constant development, being aware of changes in educational system but most of all our students’ current needs. “Education of the future – technology, know-how, and experience” project as part of Erasmus+ will improve vocational qualifications of our school (Zespół Szkół Inżynierii Środowiska i Usług in Elbląg) teachers, it will also fulfil our students’ e ...
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...and durability of the system will be achieved in 3000 hours demonstration together with 10000 hours stack validation runs.The project is based on the products of industrial partners (Convion, EnergyMatters, Elcogen, and ElringKlinger) and motivated by their interest to further improve their products and consolidate an efficient value chain by collaboration. Industrial partners are operating at dif ...
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Introduction of CLIL instruction in Grobiņa Municipality Schools

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The more skilful the staff is the more positive results can learners get. There is a direct link between a teacher’s professional competence and students’ performance and achievement. Therefore teachers need to get some input in their professional knowledge and skills time after time. Teachers also need to share experience of assessment and teaching methods and tools as the traditional ‘chalk and ...
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Szkoła sukcesu - czyli innowacyjny i kreatywny nauczyciel

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

This project is a response to identified needs of our institution – junior high school ”Keglik”. A survey which was conducted among the teachers, parents of our students and parents of our prospective students revealed that there is a large interest in the change of teaching quality and the prospect of being open to the world. We have asked our respondents to indicate specific goals for a good mod ...
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Volunteering Matters 2015 EVS Intercultural Development Project

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The Volunteering Matters 2015 EVS Intercultural Development Project will bring together 9 organisations from the UK, Austria and Germany with many years experience of EVS projects. The organisations will work together through strong partnerships to devise a range of high quality, meaningful, face to face volunteering opportunities which will aid intercultural development while addressing real soci ...
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Prin Creativitate si Inovare, catre Performanta

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

To fulfill their vital role in developing and modeling new generations, teachers of all disciplines should constantly and consistently improve their knowledge and skills, in order to efficiently improve and diversify their teaching methods, to act as enablers in the learning process. The new, progress-oriented mentality of the young generation, the perpetual development of technology, the major im ...
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Res, no verba- czyny, nie słowa tworzą młodzieży przyszłość.

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

...very first time. Within the two-year project of Erasmus + K1 action, we have planned twelve foreign country mobilities as well as our teachers’ trips to the courses organized by English Matters: 1. English language courses for teachers. 2. ICT for Teaching Courses. 3. English and methodology courses. Competences gained by the teachers during the courses, acquired information, skills and experienc ...
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This project is devoted to the mobility of the staff of our school: Gimnazjum 164 with Oddzialami Integracyjnymi and Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Polskich Olimpijczykow in Warsaw. The project assumes taking part in mobilities: teachers, psychologists and pedagogues, and school administration staff. The mobilities involve countries such as: Finland, Great Britain (England), Portugal, Spain and Ma ...
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Project ˝The development of digitally mature schools - strengthening CARNet’s capacity for research and ICT implementation in the classroom˝ will significantly contribute to reaching strategic goals of CARNet. We are an institution that contributes to the development of digitally mature society by ensuring advanced and highly accessible e-infrastructure, the progression of e-services and e-content ...
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Abriéndonos a Europa: creando un centro bilingüe de calidad.

Start date: Dec 23, 2015, End date: Dec 22, 2017, and innovative methodologies to connect with reality and other European communities. Students with special educational needs will be an important part in which our actions will be focused. English Matters offers a wide variety of training activities that can meet our training needs programme; they will monitor, supervise and evaluate the participation and involvement of teachers during the trai ...
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By consulting all decision makers from CTGA, the strategy to increase the profile of our college in our community was identified: personal and professional development of human resources in the context of existing opportunities in the European educational environment. On the recommendation of the Quality Commission, after the discussions from the School Board, considering the support expressed ...
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The particular program makes proper use of the potentials offered by the European Committee for collaboration among people from different countries and different socioeconomic backgrounds enabling the participating institutions to handle the particular plan according to the needs of their teachers and according to the principles of internalization and modernization in education. The title of the p ...
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Hľadáme nové skúsenosti /Searching for new experience

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The project with its context follows the objectives of the European School Development Plan and the strategy of its internationalisation. It includes mobilities of the school management and teachers searching for new experience, skills and competences to be used in school managing and also in teaching process. The school manager, her deputy and 2 teachers will do jobshadowing activities in the ...
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Vocational Centrum Király Endre Technical Vocational School Vác decided to support three participants to apply for grant in Erasmus + project courses abroad. The courses are selected according to the internationalization strategy of the school and the developing demands of the staff.Two participants will enlarge the leadership, organizational and language competences during the courses of "Structu ...
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1. ICT FOR TEACHING: 11/07/2016 το 22/07/2016 . A practical course to incorporate Information Technology into Teaching (literacy, numeracy, science, etc.) Country of Destination: IRELAND Training venue: Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Dublin Duration (days): 10 training days Number of participants 3. ICT for teaching courses. Description: A structured course which provides participants ...
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