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Creating a collaborative learning environment in a multicultural setting:Talking to people in Ireland - Η δημιουργία ενός συνεργατικού περιβάλλοντος μάθησης σε έναν πολυπολιτισμικό χώρο: Μιλώντας με ανθρώπους στην Ιρλανδία
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The particular program makes proper use of the potentials offered by the European Committee for collaboration among people from different countries and different socioeconomic backgrounds enabling the participating institutions to handle the particular plan according to the needs of their teachers and according to the principles of internalization and modernization in education. The title of the program that we would like to work on " "Creating a collaborative learning environment in a multicultural setting:Talking to people in Ireland", describes perfectly the objectives that we pose as teachers, the most important of which being the development of our professional skills as we will be given the opportunity to come into contact with new, innovating methodologies in education as well as understanding the different cultural characteristics of our students. This will surely have an impact on our practice and on our attempt to incorporate our students in the broad sense of the European family moving them from the restricted space of their school and region.The two teachers that have expressed an interest in participating in the program, are committed to collaborate for its design and realization. These are: the Physical Education teacher of the school, and the English teachers and Deputy Head Teacher, who will be responsible for the realization of the program because of her previous experience on a European project. This teacher will be responsible for any contacts of the school with the inviting institution. During the program, they will try to do their best in order to fulfill their commitments and especially for the dissemination of the outcomes of the program to the school and to the local community. The students will have an active part in the whole process as the teachers will have to prepare power point presentations about their schools and towns and present some activities held at school. Moreover, the students will benefit from the knowledge their teachers will acquire and from future collaboration with other European schools. The participation inthe program will foster the teachers' linguistic and communicative abilities and will be the driving force for better knowledge in the use of foreign language and ICT systems, fostering their collaborative spirit. Moreover, it will enrich the school curriculum with topics that promote multiculturalism and the European dimension in education something that belongs to our students' needs. The teachers will come into contact with an educational reality beyond theirs and collaboration between teachers and students will be promoted. The realization of the program in another country will give the teachers the opportunity to come into contact with the local habits and everyday life of the people. This will be achieved with the activities of the program that include interviews with local people on cultural and educative topics as well as with seminars about how they could incorporate their experiences and acquired knowledge to their practice at school. We expect that our participation in the program will not only benefit us personally but will also be a chance for us to make the way we work known to our European colleagues, we will make comparisons between our educational systems and will collaborate with them for a better and more effective education, bringing into class new, authentic and innovative materials and a lot of experiences from our contact with the local people. After the realization of the program we are committed not to restrict our knowledge and experiences to the confines of our school but we would like to make them known to other teachers in our area, through our school counselors, so as to be encouraged to participate in similar programs. We will also make the outcomes of the program and our experience known to the local community through the print and digital press.

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