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Pan European Adult Training and Placements
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Pan European Adult Training and Placements Programme is an integral part of City College Plymouth’s European Development Plan: a three year strategic plan to professionally develop our staff & enhance our learners’ employability prospects in the European labour market. Each carefully planned European activity directly meets our College’s Strategic Priorities to address labour market requirements, targeting skills gaps & developing enterprising, innovative training.This has produced a diverse programme of learning mobilities & partnership activities in vocational sectors with skills gaps & growth opportunities. It will be delivered with partners from sixteen countries representing the VET training sector & enterprises.Key Objectives:• to deliver targeted staff mobilities in key areas that are growth sectors and/or face skills shortages• to broaden staff understanding & competence of European practices & training, whilst meeting professional development needs• to enable staff to gain best practice, undertake training & real-life work experience, raising their aspirations & improving their employment optionsThis project will facilitate staff mobilities for 25 College staff: 4 members of staff who currently work with adults who are unemployed:6 members of staff who are currently working with adults who have severe learning difficulties and disabilities 5 members of staff who are currently supporting adult apprentices5 members of staff who work with adult learners in priority sectors such as Engineering & STEM; Tourism & Hospitality; Creative Industries; each is a growth area &/or an area of skills shortages in our City.5 business support staff wanting to undertake professional development relating to the growth and improvement in quality for adult education. We expect the project to have the following results & impacts:• Better skilled Staff, who return from their mobilities enthused, motivated to continue into further training &/or work, & in some cases, with European contacts for future opportunities.• Staff integrating new practices & competences into their daily work, fostering innovation in their teaching & improving the quality of our training & learning provision. • A higher profile, both within the College & within external communications, showing the benefits & results of our European activities through a wider range of channels & social media, which should make a clear positive contribution towards attracting new participants in future activities.• Further projects and partnerships developedIn the longer term, we hope that all of the above will contribute to a broader understanding of & commitment to European project activities within our College demonstrated through an enhanced inter-cultural awareness & openness to new opportunities.

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5 Partners Participants