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Training to the future
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Background of the projectThe trilingüista trend of education in the Balearic Islands involves the teaching of non-language subjects in English, showing the training needs of our teachers in linguistic and methodology . Moreover, in some VET subjects, we are teaching currently in English. Nowadays we have to employ English teachers to teach with the responsible subject teacher due the fact that this teacher has not the competences in English.2. Number and profile of participantsWe propose 16 participants, distinguishing the following profiles:a) Teachers who want to improve their language skills in Englishb) Teachers of non-linguistic subjects who want to start or deepen in CLIL methodologyc) Teachers who want to improve the skills of managing a school3. Description of activities:We propose 3 types of activities: a) Linguistic and cultural training: improvement of language skillsb) Training in CLIL methodology: improving the methodological tools that are available to teach non-language subjects in Englishc) Job shadowing: visit a school for observation of management tasks4. Methodology used to carry out the project:We offered the participation to all the teachers of the school. We fixed selection criteria established to the most suitable candidates so as to maximize the impact of the training on our school.Participants were coordinated through social networks and email list.5. Results, impact and benefits:We aim to Integrate the skills and experiences in the strategic development of the school. This action will impact in the participants and in the school. a) Impact on participants: - Increase self-confidence and improve fluency when expressed in foreign language - Acquire new tools to cope with greater guarantees the teaching of non-language subjects - Establish bonds with European teachers and schools to create conditions to develop common projects, enriching the teaching-learning process and encouraging participation. b) Impact on the school: - Improving the teaching-learning process in non-language subjects taught in English, as well as the language and communicative skills of students. - Enhancing the internationalization of the school, boosting its European dimension
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6 Partners Participants