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36 European Projects Found

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European Master Programme in System Dynamics

Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2019,

Objective The main objective of the European Master Programme in System Dynamics is to teach students everything they need to start an international career in strategic modelling with system dynamics.Course duration Two years (120 ECTS)Brief Description The Master course provides students with two complementary sets of knowledge and skills: analytical modelling and group facilitation. Based on the ...
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Synergy in Learning & Cooperation

Start date: Sep 6, 2016, End date: May 5, 2019,

Demographical developments (lower birth rates and population aging) and migration (both within and from outside the EU) rapidly increases the generational and cultural diversity of the workforce. As a result, the strategies, measures and trainings tackling diversity, which have been so far of interest particular to the large international organisations, are now needed for Micro, Small and Medium ...
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According to current discussion within the community of stakeholders, there is in the Geographic Information (GI) sector a gap between the knowledge currently being offered by the European universities and the knowledge and skills requested by the enterprises and public authorities. This is partly due to a fast technological development but also due to recent societal changes, for instance the EU ...
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Eradicating all forms of exclusion, discrimination and marginalisation that result from disparities and/or inequalities, as well as reducing the student drop out rate remain key challenges for the higher education (HE) sector in Latin America. Through the design and testing of educational centers for support and development (CADEP), the ACACIA project aims to foster solidarity and cooperation amon ...
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SerIous Games pour la MAintenance des infrastructures ferroviaires

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

We are witnessing today the emergence of development and modernization projects planned for the railway sector. The strategic plan for development of the Maghreb countries Railways seeks to raise the rail productivity for both passenger and freight. A need to develop a predictive maintenance policy in the early phases of this plan must be accompanied by a high level of skills and human capital in ...
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The LEAD project is a capacity building joint project focusing on the strengthening and improvement of governance and academic leadership of universities in the context of innovation, modernization and internationalization of higher education institutions in China. The project aims to enhance capacities of academic leaders of HEIs on university governance and leadership, develop and implement trai ...
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Praxiserfahrungen in Laboren Europas

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Project backgroundLise-Meitner-Schule is a vocational school/technical college in Berlin, Germany. We are specialized in the training of laboratory technicians (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy, Micro Technology).Since more than 20 years the school is conducting EU projects (Leonardo da Vinci Mobilities, Pilot Projects and Innovation Transfer Projects as well as Comenius-Grundtvig training co ...
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Pratiques Créatives Inclusives

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Representing 4,6 % of the European GDP for 3,8 % of the working population, the cultural sector experiences a constant growth even in difficult economic times, and everywhere in Europe, the cultural industries make a significant contribution in terms of job creation and economic and social wealth in their ability to work in a cross-cutting approach, making the creative sector an essential tool in ...
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Empowerment through education- gender equality & political leadership

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project is focused on solving gender inequalities in the European society - the underrepresentation of women in politics.Women’s educational organizations from partners countries / Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Finland/ for years have been running education, but all of them understand the need to refresh the perspectives, improve the quality of the services cause there is still inadequacy i ...
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This project is a cooperative alliance between four European non formal adult learning organizations, who will cooperate on a series of creative actions that will impact on the partners and the partnerships capacity and capability to deliver high quality programmes within adult learning environments. The project aims to improve and extend the offer of high quality learning opportunities when worki ...
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Mersinli Eğiticiler Avrupa'da

Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2017,

The history of humanity began with education. Since the early days of human existence as a social being and share their knowledge and skills with the people around them wanted to pass on to the next generation. Knowledge and skills transfer process first, was recorded in a very simple format. Scientific and technological developments in world of science, has caused important changes in the social ...
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More Europe to overcome the crisis

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Euroskepticism rises, using false arguments. Academic knowledge on the EU should be used in the public debate, but universities do not reach out and EU teaching in high school is limited. MoreEU aims at filling this gap, targeting the 5 Euro-Plus capitals where the EU and the € are under euroskeptics attack. The activities revolve around the question "What Europe is needed and how to get it?" arti ...
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Pan European Vocational Mobility Programme

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Our Pan-European Vocational Mobility Programme (PEP) is an integral part of City College Plymouth’s European Development Plan, a three year strategic plan to professionally develop our staff & enhance our learners’ employability prospects in the European labour market. Each carefully planned European activity directly meets our College’s Strategic Priorities to address labour market requirements, ...
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Flâneur - New urban narratives

Start date: Mar 16, 2015, End date: Mar 15, 2017,

Flâneur is a European art project that encourages photographers to work the urban territory with a new approach to enable a fresh look on the dynamics of European cities and their geographic and social landscapes. The project will explore the idea of the “flâneur”, in a European daily reality. More than “clichés”, the project seeks what is not obvious in the city, which is underneath the evidence, ...
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Our project aims to help 15 participants chosen by our institution in groups of three get required education and experience in European Union countries listed below. *Information and Communication Technologies in adult education *Student centred teaching methods, *Career guidance in adult ...
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Start date: Nov 15, 2015, End date: Nov 14, 2016,

In our country, the result of the work carried out by the National Agency for the many young people in Europe have opened the door and was able to adapt quickly to Europe. Akçakoyunlu Sports Club young people to go abroad admitted to the Association within the scope of the activities in question as the Association of live experience serious about mobility in Europe due to lack of financial means a ...
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European Learning for Youth in Social Entrepreneurship

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...tation of this project. The holistic sample of organisations used provides a diverse insight through cross cultural differences and varying economic realities. They are: Project Ahead from Italy, UnLtd UK from the United Kingdom, Youth Business Poland from Poland, Social Entrepreneurs Agency from Portugal, Social Entrepreneurship Akademie from Germany and CEDRA HR from Croatia. These organisation ...
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Ethical values for preschool children

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Education in ethical values should start already among preschool children but kindergarten curricula almost do not mention this topic. A comparative study of preschool activities shows that young children get involved in activities like construction games, playing with toys, reading books, playing in the sandpit, using playground equipment, language, communication, art/creativity, health and physi ...
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Sustainable development is needed in order to overcome the economic crisis and to preserve the environment in Latvian countryside, villages and cities. It is of the utmost importance to enable the transfer of specific knowledge and the best praxis in Latvian countryside regions, where many low-income residents are living because of the emigration of economically more active residents. They often p ...
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European internship - adventure abroad

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The participants of this mobility project were 42 students of the HBLA West, a vocational college. They have to do an internship between the 3rd and 4th form. They do their internship in hotels and restaurants. The aim is to gain experience and to improve their language skills. At the HBLA offers a focus on modern languages, to guarantee the students´ employability on the common market. The stude ...
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Sacré Coeur Riedenburg - Welcome to Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Sacred Heart College of Management and Service Industries at Riedenburg, Bregenz is currently attended by 154 students. At our school students get both a comprehensive general education and a sound vocational training in management and service industries over 5 years. Students do not only develop theoretical knowledge but also practical skills which they can apply and put into practice direc ...
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Auszubildende Biologielaboranten lernen in Europa

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Fourteen trainees to become biological assistants worked in small groups for 4 weeks in Sweden, Portugal, Denmark or Italy. The duties of the trainees were to attend practical works in the lab and to get an overview of the theoretical background of the topics. All trainees were full age and in the third year of apprenticeship. The working areas and the methods performed in the foreign groups were ...
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As famous Roman poet said ‘healhty mind in a healthy body’ and healthy young people build up the healthy European society. Titled as ‘Healthy Living Young People of Europe’, our youth exchange Project gathers 35 participants together from seven different European Countries ; İtaly, Spain, Polonya, Latvia, Portugal, UK and Turkey to work on healthy life styles. The Project will last 7 days betw ...
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Pan European Vocational Development Programme

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015, and work-shadowing. This project will focus on the following vocational sectors: - Marine Engineering and Boat Building at Kuressaare Ametikool in Estonia - Tourism and Hospitality at Antalya Olgunlasma Enstitusu in Turkey - Sport and Leisure Services at Liceul Tehnologic PETROL in Romania. Each chosen project partner has strong links with employers and expertise in these specific sector ...
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Lyseon lukion kansainvälistymisprojekti

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

Finnish upper secondary schools are facing new challenges. The contents of school subjects as well as the teachers? knowledge about teaching methods need to be constantly updated. In our school there are also a lot of students with immigrant backgrounds and students with special needs. The teachers must have the ability to deal with multiculturalism and great differences both in the learning skill ...
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This Project prepared in the coordinatorship of Nazilli 50.Y?l Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (VTAHS) was participated by AYDIN-Horsunlu Multi Program Anatolian High School(MPAHS), AYDIN-Osmangazi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, MAN?SA-Kula Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, BURSA-Keles Multi Program Anatolian High School and KOCAEL?-Gebze Fatih Vocatio ...
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I Want to Ride My Bicycle

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

El proyecto I Want to Ride My Bicycle consistío en dos actividades: un curso de formación y una vista de estudios. IWTRMB tiene como origen el trabajo realizado durante los últimos años por la Asociación Columbares sobre movilidad sostenible y el convencimiento de todos los socios de que la movilidad es uno de los sectores que generan mayores problemas ambientales en todas las regiones y al mismo ...
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Youth Arts Engagement Best Practice.

Start date: Jun 8, 2015, End date: Sep 7, 2015,

Context/background of project: Across Europe the arts and cultural industries make valuable and significant contributions to the social and economic wellbeing of society as a whole. Through developing the skills and competences of our projects participant’s in arts engagement; practical project delivery; cultural sector initiatives; professional networking and funding diversification we build th ...
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Sacré Coeur Riedenburg - Bienvenue en Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The Sacred Heart College of Management and Service Industries at Riedenburg, Bregenz is currently attended by 166 students. At our school students get both a comprehensive general education and a sound vocational training in management and service industries over 5 years. Students do not only develop theoretical knowledge but also practical skills which they can apply and put into practice directl ...
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Vegetable oil initiative for a cleaner environment (VOICE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2006, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

Background Unlike biodiesel, which is a fuel processed with methanol through esterification mainly used in transport by low blending (B5), pure vegetable oil (also known as Straight Vegetable Oil - SVO, or Pure Plant Oil - PPO) cannot be readily used in most diesel engines without it undergoing technological changes. The use of SVO promotes the developmen ...
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Electrodialytic remediation of CCA-treated waste wood (CCA wood)

Start date: Aug 1, 2001, End date: Jul 1, 2003,

Background The project addressed the problem of disposing of CCA (Chromate Copper arsenate) impregnated wood. CCA is to date the most widely used wood preservative worldwide, and the amount of treated wood is expected to increase in the years to come, both in Denmark and in the Community as a whole. The waste wood generated often still contains high conce ...
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The FELLOW-MUNDUS project aims to strengthen the cooperation between European Union Higher Education Institutions and Latin-American Universities, enabling the mobility of students, researchers and academic staff through a scholarship scheme, developing individuals’ curriculum, enhancing the transfer of know-how and the sharing of experiences and good practices. It will provide the Latin-American ...
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The theme of the 2nd European Summer School "One World, One Care" is Human Rights and, in particular, Youth Rights as Global Challenges.OBESSU believes that is important to raise awareness of global issues among European school students who should take those issues into consideration to become active and responsible citizens. The 2nd European Summer School wants to be a place to learn about the st ...
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In a globalised world, where every issue must be considered in a global perspective, Education must become a fundamental vector to address issues such as sustainable development, climate change and democracy. The role of young people, and particularly students in addressing global issues must be recognised. They have a key role to play in the future of this world, not only because they are the adu ...
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The project aims at creating a transnational network in the domain of virtual and remote experiments for e-learning based on integration and optimization of existing products (some of them created in the framework of the pilot project “Virtual-Electro-Lab”, RO/01/B/F/PP141024) with the multilateral use of the transnational network capacities. The main target groups are trainers in the field of tec ...
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The most suitable learning system for them is self education. By using e-learning, they will have a chance to study at a time and a place that suits them. These people can work at their home, gain money so they can become economically free. All in all, they can overcome their barriers and they can have a chance to start a new life. Therefore, such as the content of education, the way of the traini ...
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