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Auszubildende Biologielaboranten lernen in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Fourteen trainees to become biological assistants worked in small groups for 4 weeks in Sweden, Portugal, Denmark or Italy. The duties of the trainees were to attend practical works in the lab and to get an overview of the theoretical background of the topics. All trainees were full age and in the third year of apprenticeship. The working areas and the methods performed in the foreign groups were in principle known to the trainees. Their levels of knowledge proved to be good. Thus, a quick on-job-training was sufficient. Since the profession ‘biological assistant’ is not known in foreign countries, we advised our foreign partners about the trainees’ knowledge and their practical skills before the visits. The trainees were advised, how to reply in case of uncertainty and ambiguity. At all four destinations the trainees switched between different subgroups and worked there for several days. The supervisors of all laboratories managed to respond all upcoming questions. To become aware of the different practical methods, each group of trainees had to prepare a report of their stay. The main goal to attend this Erasmus project was the willingness to work in a foreign country, to be faced with multiple duties and to add the personal potential. Improvements of these skills were reached in each case. Communication in the labs was performed in English. However, in Palermo not all the staff members spoke English. Therefore, the linguistic skill was less compared to the trainees in the other countries. Nevertheless, the trainees had many opportunities to prove their English. Unfortunately, it was not possible for them to learn the basics of the national language in advance. Several trainees regret not to have learned the national language and were sorry not to feel more confident. All trainees were cordially invited by their hosts and hospitality was extraordinary. The actual situation of Europe and the Euro were subjects of debate. Especially the international debt crisis, financial shortage in laboratory equipment and the standing of the Germans and of the chancellor Mrs. Merkel were intensely discussed. On the whole, Germans are envied and eminently respected. Furthermore, the trainees became aware of the advantages of our social insurance system. All groups, especially the trainees in Italy, were interested in cultural belongings and each weekend they made trips and learned more about of the history. These experiences strengthened the self-confidence, improved the self-reliance and resulted in new professional goals, e.g. to start university studies or to finish secondary school examination. Furthermore, the trainees improved their flexibility upon unexpected situations and their accessibility to foreign people. The participation at the 4 week lab visits was certified by the Europass and an operational certificate.

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4 Partners Participants