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Empowerment through education- gender equality & political leadership
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on solving gender inequalities in the European society - the underrepresentation of women in politics.Women’s educational organizations from partners countries / Poland, Czech Republic, Ireland, Finland/ for years have been running education, but all of them understand the need to refresh the perspectives, improve the quality of the services cause there is still inadequacy in resources educational actions consume and unsatisfied results they bring in public life.Collaborative work of the partnership /Poland, US, Finland, Czech Rep., Ireland/ is designed to support planned educational programs, create new strategies and approaches as a result of collaborative learning and exchange of experiences.Implementation of the project will increase social capital, competencies and professional skills of the participating organizations’ staff which will positively influence the educational activities and therefore speed of changes in European societies.Objectives are the following:- to promote transnational partnership, to gain experience in international cooperation and strengthen the capacities of adult education staff- to enhance know-how and practice exchange among partners from European countries and a Partner Country- to develop new learning approaches and teaching strategies toward gender leadership education- to develop innovative training content and tools – GEPLE /Gender Equality Political Leadership Education/ program, introduce digital democracy tolls- to promote women political participation and European active citizenship - to develop competences of implementation and management of European Gender Projects by the means of ICTThe project activities include:3 Transnational Meetings of the staff, 3 Joint Staff Training events, Multiplier event – dissemination conference in Cracow and intellectual outputs: GEPLE Electronic Platform with the collection of innovative tools and materials, new training programme, e-learning platform and a mobile photo exhibition.Total number of participants: 302 / adult education staff, trainers, lecturers, learners, volunteers/. Innovation is the engagement of the American partner, who will bring to the project huge input and its own, very specific learning/training approach. The American partner will share its experience, know-how and ICT devices that have been supporting successfully development of digital democracy and female political leadership education over last years.Experienced partners will help less experienced partners to learn how to apply new approaches in their educational activities and to develop the capacity for innovation and change in the field of gender leadership education.Coordinator of the project: Active Women Association from Poland. Large dissemination campaignes will help to spread the results and outcomes in Europe. Intelectual outputs will be sustainable and accesible to public.

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