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Youth Arts Engagement Best Practice.
Start date: Jun 8, 2015, End date: Sep 7, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of project: Across Europe the arts and cultural industries make valuable and significant contributions to the social and economic wellbeing of society as a whole. Through developing the skills and competences of our projects participant’s in arts engagement; practical project delivery; cultural sector initiatives; professional networking and funding diversification we build their capacities and capabilities to develop opportunities for employment for young people within the arts and cultural sector. Objectives: At the end of the training participants will have gained the knowledge and skills needed to engage young people in the process of developing future projects, using ‘the arts’ as a tool to explore the programme priority areas. The objectives: To provide quality international mobility opportunities for youth workers and volunteers from diverse backgrounds; To enable youth workers and volunteers to better understand enterprise initiatives within the cultural sector; To gain new competences and experiences of cultural sector business development; To deepen knowledge, skills and attitude in order to better organize international youth arts engagement projects; To capacity build the participants through practical workshops, networking, partnership building activities; To provide insight into employment development within the cultural sector; To explore best practice models of arts development and engagement that act as key tools and drivers for youth employment and wider community development; To develop organizational and sector related skills; To use non formal methodologies, drawing on the experience of the participants within youth arts and the cultural fields; This project seeks to increase opportunities for access to the arts and cultural sector for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, through training workers and volunteers to develop and implement projects and act as multipliers in the promotion of Erasmus+ activities. Secondly to develop new competences and experiences of cultural sector business, governance and financial development that assists in developing more resilient and sustainable youth offers. Number and profile of participants: 70 in total, professional youth workers/cultural operators and volunteers. Description of activities: Preparation: Meetings in each national context. Implementation: 11 days of workshops, presentations and training sessions. Evaluation: Digital and verbal. Follow up: Through our project will see the development of a strategic framework for sustainable cooperation, which will include: Network development brouhaha coordinates a global network of arts and cultural organizations with the aim to develop sustainable cooperation. An essential part of this project is to build partner organizations, through the sharing of skills, knowledge and experience, ensuring future international work. This area of activity will hopefully have a measured impact on the sustainability of our partnership. (Erasmus+Programme): Project partners will work together to maximize the potential for added value through engaging in Erasmus+. Already planned are applications under key action 1 (exchanges and mobility projects) and key action 2 (Strategic Partnership and Skills Knowledge Alliance). Methodology to be used in carrying out the project: Non-formal working methods for this project will include: Discussions; Peer group learning; Informal training sessions; Practical skills sessions; seminars; Group meetings; Evaluations; Networking and partnership building opportunities; A short description of the results and impact envisaged: Through this project our group of young people and workers will have: Developed a range of professional skills and competencies. Developed new projects within Erasmus+. Gained confidence in their abilities to produce new inter cultural projects. Developed their professional skills. Potential longer term benefits for this project will be: Develop the capacity of the partners to collaborate in future initiatives; Deepening knowledge, skills and attitude in order to better organize international projects; Provide insight into international best practice in relation to employment development within the cultural sector; Explore models of arts development that act as key tools and drivers for youth employment and wider community development. For the participants to further create and develop the possibility for new international mobility experiences that impact on their professional development and employability.

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9 Partners Participants