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Lyseon lukion kansainvälistymisprojekti
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Finnish upper secondary schools are facing new challenges. The contents of school subjects as well as the teachers? knowledge about teaching methods need to be constantly updated. In our school there are also a lot of students with immigrant backgrounds and students with special needs. The teachers must have the ability to deal with multiculturalism and great differences both in the learning skills and abilities of the students. One of the challenges is to give all the students the best possible support in their studies and minimize the risks of students dropping out of school. Due to the fact that teachers are facing similar challenges there is a growing need for international co-operation. The aim of the project is to find out about the latest teaching practices and methods. In our upper secondary school ICT is considered as an integral part of up-to-date teaching. By learning from the existing practices we are able to attain valuable information and share experiences. All the teachers participating aim at familiarizing themselves with the latest in the ICT and creating a network of international contacts. There are four teachers participating in this project. Two teachers (a teacher of psychology and religion and a teacher of PE) will take a course in Gothenburg, Sweden, one teacher (Spanish and French) a course in Spain and one teacher( English) a course in England. It is also vital for the teachers to update their linguistic skills in an authentic environment. Participation in this Erasmus-program will benefit both the teachers and students. It will enable the participating teachers to educate their colleagues and improve their own teaching methods. Nowadays lifelong learning , improving and creating new teaching practices is a necessity.

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