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Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to current discussion within the community of stakeholders, there is in the Geographic Information (GI) sector a gap between the knowledge currently being offered by the European universities and the knowledge and skills requested by the enterprises and public authorities. This is partly due to a fast technological development but also due to recent societal changes, for instance the EU INSPIRE directive and the e-government action plans within the member states.The giCASES project will develop new methods for co-creation of knowledge, where industrial partners and universities will jointly develop new case based learning material based. The project specifically address the Geographic Information sector. The case studies will be developed using a collaborative platform, where enterprises, universities and sometimes also students will collaborate. The new learning material and collaborative teaching will also be tested in university settings.The project results will be provided under open licenses. In order to optimize the spread and usage of the project results, dissemination actions will specifically address external universities adhering to the open learning paradigm. In addition, the project results will also improve the knowledge management within the participating organisations. Questions related to processes for creation of knowledge and knowledge repositories will be placed at a strategic level, also within the enterprises. Cooperation in educational activities in the GI sector between universities is currently quite limited. In addition, SMEs are mainly acting on a domestic, or close to domestic, market. Innovations at one university or enterprise are not easily spread to the wider European community. One result of the giCASES project is the creation of a pan-European University-Enterprise alliance. This alliance will promote a wider spread of innovations.

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