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Education in the globalised world: threats and chances the 5 european school student convention
Start date: Dec 2, 2009,

In a globalised world, where every issue must be considered in a global perspective, Education must become a fundamental vector to address issues such as sustainable development, climate change and democracy. The role of young people, and particularly students in addressing global issues must be recognised. They have a key role to play in the future of this world, not only because they are the adults and leaders of tomorrow, but also because they have the possibility to think "out of the box", to invent new solutions. School has the responsibility to enable innovative approaches to the global issues and it should provide possibilities for students to become critically thinking individuals. It is also the role of school student organisations to foster individual students to take their share of responsibility in the world they live in. Every student can be a global actor, and as OBESSU we want to encourage actions at grassroot level in order to develop global conscience amongst european school students.Therefore, OBESSU will organise an event where school student representatives from over 15European countries will discuss the threats and chances for Education in a globalised world.OBESSU also wants to use this space for a discussion on fundamental issues having a directincidence on school students and institutions such as Global Education or the growing use ofInformation and Communication Technologies. The European School Students Convention is theprivileged frame in which we work together with school student representatives Europe-wide onthe development of a culture of participation and responsibility.
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