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MiGreat! Supporting Migrants into CVET

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018, the best prospects to develop.Many migrants arrive in Europe from third countries or travel from country to country within Europe with complete, partial or initial levels of Vocational Education Training including professionals and trades people often with skills in demand in the host country. The final goal of this project is to train the trainiers (VETPROS) of migrants. We will develop a seri ...
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Understanding and developing business models

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

An important element of business launch is a business model, which particularly in the modern times of fast paced technological, economic, market and social changes is a prerequisite for the success of an enterprise. Unfortunately, not many entrepreneurs-to-be realise the power of business models and seem not to pay enough attention to this stage of company creation. It is estimated that the perce ...
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Design thinking for digital innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...c. The idea behind DigiThink is to apply design thinking methodology for digital innovative business creation. The project has four key intellectual outputs: Course syllabus and learning methodology; training and learning materials, open educational resources. it is based on three concepts: design thinking, social and digital innovation. Design thinking incorporates constituent or consumer insight ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

... young people, as a result of innovation in different sectors internationally.To help boost the economy of the province, the Provincial Government has formed a consortium with 29 Vocational Education Training schools, which will offer 116 newly qualified young people in a middle level cycle of one of these centres, and those aged above 18, the possibility of working practices for 6 months in a Eur ...
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Background: In the participating partner countries (IT and ES) the options for young people are limited to take part in initial vocational training or to gain work experience. Even though youth unemployment is low in Germany, problems exist in the transition from school to work (transition system) or occur later on (drop-outs in initial vocational training). Preventive approaches, which are settle ...
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Communication for Professionals - Nursing

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Nursing is a mobile profession. Recruitment by developed countries to address domestic shortages intensifies the need for focused communication training for nurses and other medical care staff (MoM needs analysis, 2012). In a globalised world both linguistic and intercultural challenges have become part of professional life. Even though language-discordant medical professionals are on the increase ...
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...ivities to the current legislative, normative and regulatory developments and the adoption of good environmental practices. Traditional methods are currently predominant in the sector with respect to training in this field, including for waste management. Traditional training in this sense is understood as attending physically a training course, where a trainer transfers theory, and best practices ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Supporting Training Skills for Empowerment and Employability - is an activity which will bring together 30 participants from 6 European countries. The training will be held 21th- 28th November 2016 in Madrid, Spain. Participants will be Youth workers, project managers, activists and volunteers who are engaged and active in each partner organization. Also, is important they have some experience in ...
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...her staff are in need of being uptodate and to be forerunners in providing citizens with future skills required by the competitive economy, the european/global labour market and the society at large. Training 2000 plays a key role in it's territory together with other stakeholders in making innovative educational and training offers for the general public and specifically also for the local labour ...
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"European Meeting of Sport for Tolerance”

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2016,

"European Meeting of Sport for Tolerance '' is an international youth exchange that will include the participation of 62 young people from 12 European countries, 5 youngs (1 leader + 4 participants). We want to awaken the young participants in the square important project, where sport has the promotion of equality, tolerance and integration into society of gender citizens, race, different culture ...
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Mobile and Gaming for Long Distance Drivers

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

... bus drivers are constantly challenged with new rules and regulations and rapidly changing work conditions, including technological innovations. For these reasons initial qualification and periodic training of drivers (defined in Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council) plays a major role in White Paper objectives. There is a considerable and unmet need to develop situat ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

...fficial language of the project) -strong motivated to take part in each stage of the project -availability about involvement in all phases of the project THE MAIN ACTIVITIES consist of three mobility trainings courses hosted in Dolj county. [mobility no.1]: 1-13 September 2015 (total of 24 trainees, by 2 per organization) -partners from : RO, TR, GR, BG, EE, PL, SK, CZ, HR, IT, ES, PT [Mobility ...
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 FINISHED learning periods -more defective activities for the benefit of the local communities -more modern dynamic and professional environment in the organization itself. The mobility took part at Training 2000 Mondavio Italy from 25th March to 7th April 2015
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European Youth Labour Mobility Week

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Jan 14, 2015,

“European Youth Labour Mobility Week” – it will be 8-day training course for people working with youth. High youth unemployment rate in south, lack of work forces in north, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities… This is just top of iceberg of issues that European Labour Market faces today. European youth labour mobility of ...
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Active Youth for Active Europe

Start date: Jul 8, 2014, End date: Jan 7, 2015,

Active Youth for Active Europe is an 8-day training course dedicated to people working with youth. The course will be held on 28.08. - 04.09 . 2014, in the village of Kopaniec , near Jelenia Gora. The project will be attended by 30 participants from ten Programme countries, such as: Malta , Italy , the Netherlands, Lithuania , Croatia , Macedonia, United Kingdom, Slovenia , Romania and Poland . Th ...
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The language of Shakespeare and the language of success : The project has produced a set of modules in CD-ROM format which provide English language training for twelve occupational areas. These modules are accompanied by glossaries and guides for both teachers and learners. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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This project seeks todevelop sectoral Workplace Learning Partnerships (WLPs) − networks of specialised enterprises with shared sectoralHRD interests, which offer a broad range of informal learning provision. Target sectors are− automotive supply chains− and machininig industry.The project will develop tools for VET teachers, trainers and managers with which sectoral informal learningopportunities ...
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The project will advance the understanding of the major issues in the use of ICT for learning in vocational training environments and in-service training within SMEs.It will identify and analyse innovative practice, as a basis for policy development and will provide models and guidelines for practitioners.Activities will include a survey of enterprises, literature reviews, case studies (to be publ ...
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Business culture crossing borders : This project forms a conceptual model and methodology of European business' cultural values for the purposes of vocational training. This project demonstrates the cultural differences in business in 5 EU countries and the future cultural integration that European businesses can instigate. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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By introducing the ECOPROFIT Assistant training course to the European market we intend to raise awareness of ecological and environmental issues that are affecting people’s personal as well as professional environment. Furthermore, participants shall understand why it is so important that we look after our environment and most of all how we can do that. As a result we want them to enhance their c ...
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The proposal aims to develop a contextualised language training programme for medical professionals in a technologically mobile environment, i.e. on PDA/smartphone/BlackBerry devices, but which is also accessible through workstations. For this purpose e-learning content will be developed. A multi-layered training package will provide the professionals with contextualised language training with ref ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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Getting to grips with a European model : The project has developed a training model which will form the basis for the development of courses for visually impaired masseurs throughout Europe and will hopefully contribute to the creation of Europe-wide accreditation. This project started in 2001 and lasted 39 months.
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...tion, guidelines. Valorisation shall mainly consist in organising seminars for sector organisations as key structures. A web portal will be done. The project results shall be integrated in vocational trainingsystems. The impact is on SMEs and networks of SMEs who will collaborate and learn in virtual communities and then help sector organisations. This relies in a first instance on motivated parti ...
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... water as well as the application of new systems in the design of drinking water network distribution system preventing loss of water by leakages. More specifically, the project will develop a set of training modules and software tool that can be used to enhance the capacities of employees in the sector as well as in the training at Vocational and training organisations, Technical Universities and ...
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The project will develop specific training tools in the field of Waste Management which will be based on the new principles of European Environmental Policy and European Waste Management Policy. The project will target groups involved with the disposal of solid waste including decision makers at the strategic levels, strategic and operational managers working in public, governmental and municipali ...
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The project will deliver a comprehensive, ICT-based, online training programme for the development of rural tourism in five partner countries. The programme is targeted at a range of users including: students undertaking initial vocational training in tourism; adults from rural communities and the unemployed who are interested in entering the tourism trade and small businesses already working in t ...
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This ITP dealt with a possibility to recognize informal and non-formal learning outcomes. This method was the only one that was currently actually applicable. Other methods or possibilities, such as external examinations at the chambers of commerce, had not achieved acceptance. The reason for this is the great complexity of the examinations and the barriers that result from it. The new system enab ...
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...European Union funds absorption in infrastructure construction projects in European Union Members Countries and countries entering the Union. Expected outcomes:- increase participation in vocational trainings due to MOODLE system- increase employees knowledge concerning procedures in risk management, claims and dispute management - improvement in communication in infrastructure construction proj ...
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... Civil Service experiences. In particular, CISESK aimed to build and mainstream a tool to be used within the European Voluntary Service (EVS) field. EVS is actually considered as an opportunity for training and professional mobility: through non formal/informal (NF/I) learning experiences thousands of volunteers all over Europe improve and/or acquire useful competencies for their own personal, edu ...
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In the era of life-long learning, the recognition of informal and non-formal learning is crucial. The competence profile of a person is shaped by different forms of learning and should be assessed as a whole. The European Standard on Personnel Certification (EN ISO 17024) controls this process but it is difficult to apply it to all the EQF-levels because there are not enough offers which apply thi ...
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...e promotion of intercultural dialogue in enterprises. It is predictable that the employers consider more and more the diversity as an element to manage in their companies, and that they need specific training to qualify them in order to integrate the differences of the workers, include cultural, in the culture of the organization.The main goal of this project has been giving to the labour market m ...
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...tating transparency, transfer and recognition of skills across EU member states and European VET system. The ECVET-BUD consortium was formed as multi actors partnership, involving social partners and training and research organizations. The partnership had established a Steering Committee in Poland (stakeholders, certification and validation bodies, social partners, representatives of VET institut ...
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..., after an accident or illnesssuffer from physical deficiencies which threaten their employability and participation insociety. EduCoRe will provide educational and vocational counselling services andtraining in (inter-)personal skills for patients in medical rehabilitation centres.This counselling and training will support them:• to make thoroughly-reflected career decisions• to identify the type ...
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Hey Girl, Hey Boy!

Start date: Sep 7, 2009, participant living in Antalya and the other participants were replaced by Maltese and Albanian Members of TDM 2000 MALTA (Host organisation). These changes happened within the last week before the Training Course and so our options were limited.These changes were made with the approval of the EUPA and did not affect any of the final costs of the project as approved in the contract!
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...n mountains communities; find how to use mountain specificity as learning resource (raising people interest for education, using non-formal tools)- share experiences in order to offer further training for people who can influence mountain area (authorities, multiplicators – including tourism Clubs). This will help people in disadvantaged area to better use their resources, new technologies etc., p ...
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The LL-MoM project builds further on the Medics-on-the-Move concept, but it aims to broaden the original target audience. It takes the MoM project a step further by including absolute beginners, introducing materials for learners who can be situated at the A1 language level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. In other words, the LL-MoM project will offer language materials for la ...
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Organisations in the disability sector are more and more frequently facing a group ofpeople who are double discriminated against: people with disabilities with a migrantbackground and their families. The project aims to develop an interculturally barrier-freemodel, which would secure migrants with disabilities and their families access toservices for people with disabilities and thus counteract so ...
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