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EduCoRe : Educational Counselling during Rehabilitation

EduCoRe addresses the educational needs of adults who, after an accident or illnesssuffer from physical deficiencies which threaten their employability and participation insociety. EduCoRe will provide educational and vocational counselling services andtraining in (inter-)personal skills for patients in medical rehabilitation centres.This counselling and training will support them:• to make thoroughly-reflected career decisions• to identify the types of further education they need in this specific situation to improvetheir employability• to develop and socialise the personal competences necessary to put their professionaland educational decisions into practice.Therefore, they will be able to reintegrate more easily into the labour market and toparticipate actively in society after the period of medical rehabilitation. Elements of ecounsellingand e-learning will be integral parts of the service, as ICT has a significantpotential to help people who are restricted in their mobility or who change their locationseveral times in the process of rehabilitation (hospital-home-rehabilitation-centre-home).The main products developed by EduCoRe will be:• a kit for rehab counselling and training consisting of counselling guidelines (includingrole descriptions, tasks, ethics, as well as methods and procedures. The Kit for rehabcounselling and training will be produced as a DVD and presented together with theGood practice brochure in an attractive box.)• a training curriculum (rehab patients need to develop and strengthen personal andsocial skills which will help them to cope with difficult life situations).• a booklet (materials for face-to-face training).• e-Learning objects (to be used and combined very flexibly in the e-learning part of thetraining in response to diverse needs).• a trainer’s manual (a short trainer’s manual will contain a training curriculum anddidactic and methodological advice on how to use the printed materials and the learningobjects).• an Internet platform• a project website and e-counselling and e-learning platform• a pilot of the counselling guidelines and the blended learning materials (tested in theparticipating countries over a period of six months).• A good practice brochure (the pilots and their evaluation results will be documentedand published in a brochure).• Dissemination conference
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