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Mobility in Building Construction Sector through ECVET

Building construction sector is the one of the key sector in the European economy and labour market. In recent years the construction industry has been highly concentrated in Polish economy. Around one quarter of all persons employed in the Polish non-financial business economy were employed within construction activities in 2007. Competition in this sector is global and skills of the workforce in this sector have to be continuously updated and cross border acquisition of skilled employers is the reality. Regarding both, the labour market as well as the competitiveness of European building construction sector, comparability of qualifications and competencies and mobility of workers is required. ECVET is the useful tool for facilitating transparency, transfer and recognition of skills across EU member states and European VET system. The ECVET-BUD consortium was formed as multi actors partnership, involving social partners and training and research organizations. The partnership had established a Steering Committee in Poland (stakeholders, certification and validation bodies, social partners, representatives of VET institutions in building construction). The involvement of all key actors - among them institutional authorities and the end users - in the project's activities was not only crucial for the success of the implementation of the ECVET process but ensured the impact beyond the lifetime of the project. This impact was promoted by creation of a network "ECVET in building construction" and by project's tangible results. ECVET-BUD contributed to implementation of ECVET not only for building sector but also have an impact on the progress of European VET systems.
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