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MiGreat! Supporting Migrants into CVET
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the last decades, migration flows increased in most EU Member States. Migrants from third countries account for around four percent of the total EU population, according to the European Commission. Europe is confronted with an ageing population and a shrinking workforce – which will lead to labour and skills shortages that will challenge economic growth prospects. Consequently countries that make the best use of their migrant population have the best prospects to develop.Many migrants arrive in Europe from third countries or travel from country to country within Europe with complete, partial or initial levels of Vocational Education Training including professionals and trades people often with skills in demand in the host country. The final goal of this project is to train the trainiers (VETPROS) of migrants. We will develop a series of online educational material and mobile technology apps aimed at empowering Migrants to make best use of their previous knowledge, skills and competences and thus more quickly move into the job market or C-VET of their hosting country.Once known for large-scale emigration both Italy and Greece are now countries of destination or transit for hundreds of thousands of immigrants from third countries. Central and Eastern European immigrants are also at the forefront of migration. The challenge of managing the migration phenomenon in all its aspects is a key priority for European society in which citizens have equal rights and opportunities in health, employment, personal growth and development and unhindered access to public goods and services with a view to ensuring social cohesion, social inclusion, multicultural coexistence and economic development of the country of residence and from outside. The project MiGreat! builds upon the experience of partners from Italy , Greece, Sweden, Austria and the UK. The Swedish learning methododoly "Cicero" will be used as a starting point. It has proven to be successful in introducing immigrants and refugees into the labour market by helping them qualify in skills necessary to enter the. The aim is to make this immersive method available free of charge for formal and informal learning via an app with associated eLearning and training for VETPROS.Outcomes include:1. A self-help App focusing on introducing real work situations, skills and dialogues. Particular focus on areas of immediate employment for immigrants and refugees, upon ‘coaching principles’ and social networking where users are set a series of practical challenges and activities relating to continued vocational training or education (CVET) in a new country. 2. An OER eLearning platform for training VETPROS based upon a scenario based method, on integration and demands of working life on such subjects; Employers perspectives, analysing their own skills, job interviews, social and cultural skills and self-motivation. Focus entering CVET and on employment in Health, Construction, Textiles, Agriculture Care work and Services3. A set of 11 modules to be used by VETROS training immigrants on subjects such as; Labour market, employment laws, discrimination, social partners, salaries/taxes/pensions, finding work, writing CVs, starting your own business, networking and lifelong learning via CVET and APL.4. A training course (based on ECVET principles) for VETPROS on how to use the created outputs in training of migrants for a faster inclusion in the labour market.
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