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33 European Projects Found

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LIFE+ISR-Innovative sludge reduction (Life+ISR)

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Background EU wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) produce 30 000 tons (dry matter) of sludge daily. This sludge is deposited, incinerated or used as fertiliser. Sludge disposal has large negative environmental impacts and is costly. As a result of the increasing number of households with sewerage connection, the problem is increasing rapidly. The main cha ...
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The EU population is ageing. Old age is still associated with infirmity, frailty, or the need for care. We can, however, profit greatly from the competence, creativity and innovative capacity of older people. Project aim is to create conditions for engaging seniors thretened by social exclusion in lifelong learning and their social activation through elaboration of educational offer for organizati ...
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Waste water treatment as energy and mineral recovery utility (OMZET)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Background Until now, the design and development of wastewater treatment plants (WTTPs) has been primarily aimed at optimising the efficiency of the treatment of wastewater, as measured by the quality of the effluent. However, recently, it has started to be recognised that municipal wastewater might be a valuable source of energy and minerals such as phos ...
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Don't be afraid! Nature is "Our Home"!

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The term “Ecophobia”, means a meaningless but well-conditioned reaction given against the natural forms. Also in Clinical Psychology this term means “the fear one has for his own home”. According to the data taken from European Commission database, in bigger cities, rising sound pollution increases the displeasure of the city residents. In cities with green spaces, pleasure rate is very high. This ...
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Sport Partnership Runs In Natural Trails.

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2017,

Sport is the biggest civil society movement in the European Union and collaborative partnerships and structures based on voluntary activities are a fundamental condition for the provision of sport in the majority of Member States. SPRINT is a 18 month long Erasmus Plus Sport project proposal aimed at promoting a collaborative partnership related to the European Week of Sport 2016 and to the partic ...
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Inclusion through Arts

Start date: Dec 5, 2016, End date: Oct 4, 2017,

„Inclusion through Arts" was born primarily out of the need of volunteers from organizations belonging to the consortium and of young people from local communities of them to understand the importance of involving in the fight against discrimination, marginalization and hate speech, but also to participate actively and creatively in promotion of the European principles of tolerance, solidarity, cu ...
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NEKED - Mission Is Possible

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

We are applying with NEKED - Mission is Possible o host 4 EVS volunteers, 2short time volunteers from Turkey and 2 long-term EVS volunteerss from Poland and Austria who will take part in the daily activities of the host organisation. The aim of the project is to give possibility to these volunteers to practica, to learn, to be creative, to learn how to use media tools, which can help them in their ...
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Find Your Way 3

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

First, the first two editions of this project was a success both in the local community through activities developed into the community and visibility of the project, but especially in terms of learning outcomes of participants. Together with partners, we identified the need to valorize on good practices developed during the first two editions through a new project with an improved program and div ...
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Background Waste water treatment focuses on the quality of the effluent as well as on the efficiency of the treatment process. The negative impacts of waste water treatment (energy use, CO2 and sludge production) are accepted as inevitable. Nevertheless, waste water treatment plants (WWTP) have considerable ecological footprints. In the Netherlands, for e ...
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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The main theme of the project is to exchange ideas and approaches about communication and inclusion concerning youngsters with a disability.The three project partners, Het Balanske (Belgium), Na Tak (Poland) and Soyad (Turkey) are three organizations that work with children and youngsters who have a disability and live at home. With this project we want to exchange knowledge, experiences and infor ...
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Non Formal Education in Action

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Considering the current refugees and immigrants crisis at international level, we identified a series of issues and needs at many levels, involving the local communities, young refugees and immigrants, but also at nongovernmental organizations and youth workers: The young refugees and immigrants need to be involved in educational and inclusion programmes, to develop their learning and the evaluati ...
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Brave Kids and the Secret Garden

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

EVS project "Brave Kids and The Secret Garden" will be implemented in two host organizations from Wroclaw in the period 01.01.2016-28.02.2017, it comprises two different activities located in different time frames. The coordinator is the Foundation for Social Integration Prom.The main objective of the project is to develop awareness and promote mutual understanding of different cultures and countr ...
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Environment and Inclusion through Junior Ranger Camp 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The first edition of the project was a success both at partner organizations, especially in terms of tangible results and learning outcomes for the participants. These, during the the follow up session identified the need for a new project, to continue the mission to promote biodiversity among young people, as a starting point for understanding cultural diversity. Together with partners, we decide ...
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Stand up for diversity

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Stand up for diversity“ is a youth exchange that will take place in the city of Žilina from September 1 till September 10 2016. 45 young participants with and without disability, with and without or fewer opportunities from Portugal, Germany, Slovenia, Great Britain, Greece, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic will come together in mixed ability groups, will meet, get to know each other, exchange ...
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Safe Link

Start date: Mar 14, 2016, End date: Nov 13, 2016,

Taking in account the general needs of socialization of young people, they expose themselves on the internet without knowing methods and measures through how to use the social networks in a conscientious, responsible and safe way. In the same time, Safe Link project it is the follow up of Connect yourself, an youth exchange with similar topic that was implemented in December 2014.At general level ...
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E-process in e-learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Project “E-process in e-learning” is an answer to the lack of e-learning courses which are based on rules of adult learning. The most important rule of adult learning is to give the adult person (participant of workshops or course) the opportunity to learn from his/hers experience and to share it with other participants. Our researches result is, that most of e-learning programs aims is only shari ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

„Arts Included" was born primarily out of the need of volunteers from organizations belonging to the consortium and of young people from local communities of them to understand the importance of involving in the fight against discrimination, marginalization and hate speech, but also to participate actively and creatively in promotion of the European principles of tolerance, solidarity, cultural di ...
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STOP na arenie międzynarodowej i w świecie wirtualnym

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

Within the project took place 14 educational mobilities in which attended trainers from NGO's Trainer Association, board members, employees, volunteers 12 coaches and trainers took part in five 5-day training (3 in Greece, 1 in Cyprus and 1 in Italy), 2 trainers participated in the 3-day international conference in the UK. As a result, the Association has established contacts with the organizers o ...
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Environment and Inclusion through Junior Ranger Camp

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Mar 3, 2016,

The project ”Environment and inclusion through Junior Ranger Camp” aimed to develop best practices at european level, developing a sustainable system for the promotion of the biodiversity, the european consciousnees upon environmental issues and green attitudes among young people. Project objectives: - To involve youth workers in the process of identifying and solving environmental issues at loca ...
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East West EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

In this project we hosted 4 volunteers in 2 Hosting Organisations for 9 months from October 2014 till the end of June 2015. All volunteers will worked with children and youth. The methods volunteers used in their working place support and promote non-formal and informal learning: thanks to them volunteers can learn by working and also living in different culture. Volunteer also had a possibility ...
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Mobile games in youth work

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Context of the project: Rapidly, last few years, smart mobile phones and tablets invaded the market and especially the world of the youngsters. The youngsters are more and more addicted to their smart phones or tablets. Every day they spend considerable time with their mobile devices playing games or using different social networks. But also, Smartphones and tablets are radically transforming how ...
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Jugend, Vielfalt, Umweltweltschutz und Zukunft als Unionsbürger

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

We have dealt with 59 adolescents aged 15-26 years in a multilateral project (D, F, PL, H, LT) on the theme "Youth, diversity, environmental protection and future of the Union's citizens". The accommodation was in a hostel. As project location we have picked us Stralsund with its European protected areas, renewable energy, coastal and water protection. Young people have the situation of the enviro ...
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Skills in Action

Start date: Apr 6, 2015, End date: Dec 12, 2015,

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES The project aims to train youth workers on the use of methodologies for the surfacing and validation of learning experiences of young people related to volunteering and social engagement. Volunteering and social engagement, in fact, have usually a strong impact in terms of learnings on young people; it is a heritage of values skills, knowledge, which often remains unexplore ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Dec 1, 2015,

The project titled “happiness” has been an international youth exchange in which participants from five European countries were brought together to work on the theme happiness. During the eight days of the projects, the participants worked together as a team and had the opportunity to take a look at the happiness in a fellow European Union country. The project was organized by “Go Foundation”, an ...
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Art, Culture and dance as a tool education

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The project "Art, Culture and dance as a tool for education" will be attended by 35 people from 5 countries: Poland, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania. Project create Possibility meetings for Youth with Different countries, get to know better other cultures , exchange experiences , get to know cultural diversity , breaking down stereotypes, get experience with working in an international team , g ...
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Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Aug 4, 2015,

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Background In hospitals, organic waste comes from various sources, including food waste, human faeces and urine. Human faeces collected at the bed of a patient presents risks of contagion, so the faeces are collected in metal pans, taken to a central collection unit and disinfected by thermal treatment. Since the used and clean bed pans are handled in the ...
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Wastewater & Effluent Treatmen (WET)

Start date: Dec 1, 2005, End date: Jun 30, 2009,

Background The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) provides guidelines for the protection of surface water, coastal water and groundwater and will be mandatory from the year 2015. For the sustainable management of groundwater and surface water, the WFD has identified priority substances, which are considered hazardous enough to necessitate a systematic red ...
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Background Approximately 20% of the surface water in the EU is severely threatened by pollution from nitrates and phosphates caused mainly by agricultural activities. These cause redundant algae growth, harming fish and sometimes humans. One solution developed to clean polluted surface water is the vertical flow reed bed. The vertical flow reed bed co ...
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Membrane bioreactor WWTP Varsseveld (MEMBRANE BIOREACTOR)

Start date: Oct 1, 2002, End date: Jun 30, 2006,

Background The criteria normally used for discharging effluents are defined on the basis of standard techniques such as activated sludge and secondary clarification. However, it has become clear that in some cases specific effluent requirements are necessary. This applies in particular to water with a recreational function, ecologically sensitive waters o ...
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The AMiCo project addressed four main objectives:1. Testing of the implementation and usage of ECVET (the European system for accumulation and transfer of credit points in Vocational Education and Training) in the field of Elderly Care in the countries involved2. Transfer to Germany of the results of the DOI project “IQEA-Improving Qualification for Elderly Assistants” (Project Nr. 510449-LLP-20 ...
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Agros youth Group hosted in Cyprus a multilateral youth exchange titled "Grossing Borders for a Better Europe". The project was organised in Agros village between 02-13 of June 2011. Our partner countries are Austria, Poland, Spain, Hungary, Malta, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Slovenia. Main objectives of this project were to raise awareness of one's own identity and culture and to cross borde ...
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Nie badz @ w internecie!

Start date: Jan 2, 2014,

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