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Technics Handicraft Exchange Around The European Regions

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019,

The THEATER -Technics Handicraft Exchange Around The European Regions-project aims at developing an innovative panel of non-formal training opportunities for youngsters interested in finding in Theatre an attractive "place" for living and working, most of all in the filed of costumes design and sets constructions. Some traditional and very knowledge-based professions are at risks of desappearing, ...
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Environmental learning innovation for more knowledge and better jobs

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

At the global level it is already known our dependence on a healthy environment and the fact that environmental problems go over national and regional borders. To achieve this aim we need adequate training and access to higher and actual skills through better education and training systems. Mutual learning in field of environmental engineering between important and experimented actors in European ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Project context/background : With the change from the regional labour markets into a common European labour market, the requirements at our school have changed. We consider that our school staff is obliged and willing to prepare European students(citizens) able to equally compete with other young citizens of Europe and to be sufficiently qualified for the European labour market. A necessary pr ...
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Empowering Youth Innovators

Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Mar 14, 2017,

The project “Empowering Youth Innovators” is targeted at youth workers and youth leaders who are active in youth initiatives and wish to maximize their impact in their local communities. The main activity includes the conduction of training to youth workers and youth leaders in order to help them increase their skills in designing and delivering a youth project, as well as on properly disseminatin ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Using Tablets for Interactive Learning In Schools across Europe

Start date: Aug 31, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2016,

...ogical studies courses and a significant liason with industry and universities; Kaitaan lukio, Finland is an upper secondary school with an extended visual arts oriented programme and Olivier de Serres, at which there is some focus on agricultural education. The main subject areas which will be covered are Modern Languages, Science, English and Music although it is believed that most subjects wi ...
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General: The 3rd High School of Serres, Greece, took part in Erasmus + Teacher Mobility KA1 action, which was implemented in Hamburg (1-5/12/2014) and Porto (7-14/03/2015). This program was funded by the European Commission. The National Management Agency was the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) and the implementation agency was the Ifel Institut. The theme was “Project management for cross- ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The 5 agricultural training centres of the Aquitaine territory finished their third 24-month project with the latest mobilities in May 2016. These vocational training centers involved in a same program called "Medaa" (Mobilité Européenne de l'Apprentissage Aquitain) have respected the specifications of the CFA holder. However, the number of trainees is lower than our objective (a contract amendmen ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

This Erasmus+ Mobility FPI project is presented by the EPLEFPA(Public Agricultural Vocational School )of Bordeaux Gironde together with 6 other partner schools in the Aquitaine Region : the EPLEFPA of Dordogne, Terres de Gascogne, Landes, Lot et Garonne and Pyrénées Atlantiques and the DRAF ( Agriculture and Forestry Regional Department ) ; Each VET entity is composed of 1 to 3 vocational scho ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Ensaama is a showcase of French higher education programs in the field of design and arts & crafts. International relations contribute to maintaining excellence at an international level, and thus promoting French design and arts & crafts abroad. The development of courses in the field of design and the association of prestigious academic and professional partners with these programs has led to un ...
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The overall objective of the project in to achieve a strong regional partnership and cooperation by the Development of a Scientific Network for the establishment a scientific consensus, in order to setup common strategies and natural hazard prevention methods. The Scientific Network members will work together sharing competencies and resources to address earthquake, landslide and floor hazards whi ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

According to our contract No. 2014-1-EL01-KA103-000065 signed by the legal representative of our institution and the National Agency / National Agency Erasmus +, the project includes: 1) Student mobility for studies (SMS) and 2 ) Staff mobility for teaching and training (STA, STT). About student mobility for placements (SMP), the ?nstitution is a member of the Playsement Consortium TEI of Athens a ...
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The objectives of the project are to enhance the educational process of interaction between formal and informal learning, develop skills in formal training, promote an effective access to continuing vocational training for adults, employees or applicants, equip young people with basic skills, promote initiatives towards employees for their access and settlement to the labour market and improve the ...
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New Bridges For Youth Inclusion

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The activity of "New Bridges For Youth Inclusion" project will take place on 14-20 December 2014 in Gaziantep /Turkey.The main themes of the project are European awareness and cooperation between the organisations which works in Youth field and inclusion of the young persons with fewer opportunities in European projects.. The general aim of the project is to create an enviroment to establish new ...
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The White Paper on Sport 2007, laying down the EU approach to sport, underlines the societal role of sport. The two Municipalities, Petrich in Bulgaria and Serres in Greece have long tradition in grassroots sports hence they have numerous sports organizations, activities and school teams. Their sports facilities are developed but inadequate in terms of type, quantity and condition to meet growing ...
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Start date: Feb 16, 2012, End date: Feb 15, 2014,

The main objective of the EASYTRIP project is to provide adequate mobility and accessibility services to the passengers, in order to make their trips easier and safer at the level of national road networks, but more importantly at the level of regional and local roads at trip ends. In addition, the proposed project aims to support the sustainable development of the cross border areas, upgrade the ...
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The main objective of the proposed project is the improvement of the police services in Bulgaria and Greece through a series of joint actions.The aim of the project partners is the transfer of know-how and the creation of supportive tools for the promotion of cooperation between the Greek and Bulgarian police officers.Another important objective of the project is the enhancement of public confiden ...
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The TEP/Traffic Education Park in Serres (one of the 150 similar TEPs in Greece) includes a network of vehicle/bicycle roads & pedestrian paths with all necessarysigns, a parking space, a lecture amphitheatre (open), a light-structured storage place of driving equipment (e.g. small cars/bikes). As 2 TEPs will be developed (the existingone in Serres will be upgraded & the one in Petrich will be dev ...
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Local Authorities Alliance for Forest Fire Prevention (Forest Cities)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Background Forest fires are a common annual problem in the Mediterranean region. Most are directly or indirectly caused by human activities. The resulting loss and degradation of forested land can be devastating to human communities and forest ecosystems alike. Fires can alter the structure and composition of forests, opening up areas to invasion by fast- ...
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...urpose to develop synergies among science, education and entrepreneurship and better meet the challenges of entrepreneurship for regional and cross-regional development. The idea was initiated by TEI Serres and AUBG, which already have educational collaboration. The partnership was supplemented by DUTH, CCI Serres and BI-GD. Thus, the partnership consists of 3 academic partners that provide busine ...
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The basic goal of the project is the implementation of a series of dynamic interlinked actions for the establishment of a network to support the mobility and a learning community network to develop the human resources in the cross border area, according to the existing and future needs.Depicting the existing trends in labour market, changes in employment, existing cross border mobility, sectoral ...
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Start date: Mar 29, 2011, End date: Mar 28, 2013,

The project aims at promoting a human resources management model in the regions of Serres and Blagoevgrad. The idea of the project is inspired by the interregional needs of the two Countries. It is a fact that the main reason of the mobility of human resources bettwen Greece and Bulgaria is issued by the need of job finding. Much more productive and creative persons show an interrest for working a ...
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The aim of the project is to protect and promote the rich and diverse natural resources of the area of intervention as a vehicle for balanced and economic development.The project will develop new alternative forms of tourism of environmental interest in order to provide a new mechanism for improving quality of life in the region. The actions that the project will undertake include the development ...
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The project aims to invest in human resources skills development with focus on environmentally-friendly, extroverted entrepreneurship skills which can significantly contribute to a balance and sustainable territorial development and mitigate regional disparities.The entrepreneurship skills development will be achieved through lifelong modular training. To this aim a lifelong learning Centre offe ...
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Tackling transport problems by promoting walking and cycling in small and medium sized cities Achievements: Documents/reports:Mobility Management17/02/2015Cycling Embassy of Denmark17/02/2015Cycling in Odense (Denmark)17/02/2015Copenhagen, the worlds best city for cycli ...
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TheraEDGE is an industry-driven effort to accelerate the adoption of theranostics applications in Primary Care by pushing Point of Care Test (POCT) technology far beyond its current state-of-the-art and by delivering clinical, analytical and operational breakthroughs.TheraEDGE is built around the high-incidence clinical case of early-diagnosing lower respiratory tract infections in Primary Care. S ...
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SEE HYDROPOWER is based on the European Directive on the promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (RES-e) respect to the Kyoto protocol targets, that aims to establish an overall binding target of 20% share of renewable energy sources in energy consumption and a 10% binding minimum target for biofuels in transport to be achieved by each Member State, as well as binding national targe ...
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...olved than originally expected. So far 20 study visits have occurred.Most recently,in period 3 of the project, 7 visits took place,undertook by Klaipeda to Almada,Maribor to Graz,Larnaca to Treviso & Serres,Gdansk to Almada & Treviso,Sofia to London. A successful mentoring workshop was held in Klaipeda in Dec09,on public transport organisation & parking management policy,with support from Frankfur ...
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The project "EMBRACE" aims to design, develop and implement specific spatial development policies, initiatives and actions for the benefit of SMEs located in rural and undeveloped urban areas. Their access to Knowledge and the Information Society should be increased. "EMBRACE" intends to establish a pilot virtual network, available both online and offline, where SMEs can have access to a wide rang ...
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Cultural thematic route development in rural areas (HERITOUR)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The project's main objective is the protection, thematic organisation and promotion of local cultural heritage in remote/rural/montanious/border areas in forms of regional and transnational cultural routes. This objective is intended to be reached by carrying out the following main activities: Assessment of local cultural heritage Elaboration of feasibility studies and marketing strategies on poss ...
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PIMMS aims to create more effective mobility management policies which can be absorbed into regional transport and sustainability policies. The project aims to create stronger regional transportation strategies that take into account environmental and social concerns. Experience from successful initiatives will be transferred to other regions. ...
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Problems addressed• Lack of knowledge of the organisational structures and scope of competence of the various European regions. • The need for a database that specifies the various organisations with responsibilities in the area of co-operation. • The difficulties involved in establishing contacts with a view to the presentation of joint projects, with particular reference to the new Member Stat ...
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Networking with EMAS for Sustainable Development (NEST)

Start date: Oct 15, 2004, End date: Oct 15, 2007,

Background The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is one of the key tools highlighted for enabling application of the 6th Environmental Action Programme. Increasing its application internationally and developing an internationally accepted and understood approach for effective implementation of EMAS in the public sector therefore seems essential. ...
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Illegal logging and the cross-border trade in illegally logged timber is currently a major concern among all countries worldwide. Moreover, illegal logging and trade has a multi-dimensional impact, ranging from environmental damage to foregone governmental revenues and crime.In AITOLOS, project partners conduct a forest market and timber trade analysis in both countries. Next, they develop specif ...
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The Programme focuses on promoting sustainable economic and social development in the border areas and assisting co-operation for addressing common challenges in fields such as the environment, natural and cultural heritage and public health.
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...ated that at least 2.000 children will benefit from the introduction of the mobile Early Childhood Delivery services.The area covered by the project refers to the geographical region of Thessaloniki, Serres and Bitola and its surroundings.
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Cross – Border Wheels (CBW)

Start date: Apr 5, 2012,

CBW project involves the development of motorsport activities in the cross-border area between Serres and the Southeast region of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The overall objective of the project is to promote motorsport tourism. Main outputs of the project include the organization of an international Trail Ride race in Serres and an Enduro race around Gevgeli. Moreover, a research s ...
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La globalización de la economía y de la información ha potenciado la necesidad de la formación permanente y la actualización de conocimientos de las personas adultas, lo que ha facilitado la aparición de numerosas instituciones que actúan en la educación permanente desde múltiples enfoques y dirigidos a alumnos con muy diversos perfiles sociales y profesionales. En el caso de los alumnos que asist ...
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