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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to our contract No. 2014-1-EL01-KA103-000065 signed by the legal representative of our institution and the National Agency / National Agency Erasmus +, the project includes: 1) Student mobility for studies (SMS) and 2 ) Staff mobility for teaching and training (STA, STT). About student mobility for placements (SMP), the ?nstitution is a member of the Playsement Consortium TEI of Athens and our students move through the Consortium. 1) Student mobility for studies (SMS) Applications of students submitted twice a year after the notice which posted in the main site of our Institution, the site Erasmus + and the Brances. The call for applicants shall include: a) the eligibility, b) the essential selection criteria, c) the documentation required, d) relevant information in accordance with the Guide Program Erasmus +. The notice attached: a) Complete List of University Partnerships per School and per Department (University site, e-mail communication, language), b) Background document for the student grant funding and staff, c) Instructions for online language courses (OLS ) d) Application form of interest. For the winter semester 2014-2015 were six (6) applications and six (6) applications for the spring, a total 12.Applications submitted by students were accepted in their entirety, because they met the criteria. One (1) student canceled the application for personal reasons, so our outgoing students for study are eleven (11). For Playsement was one (1) application and the installation was carried out by the TEI of Athens. The outgoing students supported by the Public and International Relations Department and Erasmus Coordinators from the time of filing of the first application, documents in the host university and throughout their studies abroad. All procedures followed are lawful in the Guide Erasmus +, the terms of the Contract by the State Scholarships Foundation/ IKY and the directions we take as appropriate. Our students are supported in their return to the recognition of their courses. Their courses are recognized by the Departments as a whole, according to the request of the student. 2) Staff mobility for teaching and training (STA, STT) For teachers and staff members the dates for submission of applications is open throughout the year. From teachers and staff has not interest, only by one for training, but was not carried out.Instead, we welcomed six (6) staff members from our universities partners for Teaching mobility and three (3) for Trainning .We believe that the exchange of knowledge and best practice are a major axis of the educational process and for this reason we are very positive in this part. About incoming students Erasmus + we accepted in total twenty (21) students. We offer the accommodation for free, meals for free and all privileges enjoyed our students. On incoming Erasmus students hostels in the Campus of our Institution, could stay and the incoming staff for teaching or training for free. This action is part of strengthening the Erasmus mobility and good cooperation with our partners. ??? Incoming students were fully integrated in our student potential and supported by the Public and International Relations Department and Erasmus Coordinators throughout their studies. In April 2015 were two Erasmus+ information meetings for Studies and Playsement and one via Skype for our students in the Brance of Katerini . Was publicized through the local media on the actions of the program Erasmus + TEI / CM with press releases as appropriate and as the occasion of the participation of our incoming students to sports events in our city, was the press and dissemination of information interview through IKY's facebook . Generally dissemination achieved through informative meetings, press releases to local newspapers, media interviews, posts on our website, e-mails to our collaborators and partners, through IKY's facebook .In particular, the emphasis is on long-term benefits of student participation in the Erasmus + program, the skills who acquired , in broadening their knowledge, the benefits of language preparation and multilingualism, the advantages for the future professional activity and their training, as well as the positive impact and long-term benefits that have Erasmus+ mobilities for our institution .Our target is the quality of mobilities , the transparency, their increase, the maintaining good cooperation with our partners, the sharing of knowledge, the new Inter-Institutioanal agreements, the dissemination and exploitation of results Erasmus + Programe.
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