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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 5 agricultural training centres of the Aquitaine territory finished their third 24-month project with the latest mobilities in May 2016. These vocational training centers involved in a same program called "Medaa" (Mobilité Européenne de l'Apprentissage Aquitain) have respected the specifications of the CFA holder. However, the number of trainees is lower than our objective (a contract amendment was requested in the first year) which is the stumbling block of our project. In the end, 138 students have interned from 2 to 3 weeks, 12 staff members (teachers, secretaries and school life assistants) have benefited from this opportunity for placements from 3 to 12 days. Actually, "Medaa 3" had the particularity to include the personnel of the CFA. It is important to say that the mobilitiy of 8 apprentices and two supervisers to Belgium was canceled twice whereas their financial and training agreements had been signed : the first departure was planned a week after the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13rd November 2015 and the second should have taken place in May. But the families of the 8 apprentices eventually opposed to that new departure because of the Brussels attacks of 22 March. We reach 80% of our demand for staff, supervisers and students alike. These latters are apprentice farmers taking vocational certificates or A' levels in all the agricultural sectors to be found on the Aquitaine territory. They plan to work as skilled workers, managers and technicians. Our other goals however have been achieved in accordance with our expectations, since the work experiences have enabled to improve practices (development of technical knowledge for all and pedagogy skills for trainers) and staff development : students are more independent ; their employers find them better organized, more rigorous and more talkative. Apprentices and staff members report they feel more confident and more motivated for their work. Some of them have rediscovered a foreign language. The meeting and sharing with people from a different culture have raised many prejudices and promoted the questioning of all. We were greatly surprised by how enthusiastic our colleagues were. All, without exception, want to live another European mobility, whether professional or not, and easily talk about their experience to their peers to motivate them. The internships were preceded by an information phase (although the dissemination of our activities was provided throughout the project by different media), the selection of beneficiaries and their preparation. Trainees (staff and students) were accompanied individually or in groups for the organisation of their journey and stay. During their training period, students were monitored daily or on their arrival / departure by supervisers from their CFA or tutors from intermediary organisations. In all cases, regular contacts between the resource person of the CFA, the intern and the host company was provided by telephone and / or Skype at least. When back to school, all the trainees were able to assess and enhance their experience with different tools (Europass Mobility, Language Passport, employer and trainee satisfactory surveys, the Portfolio Trans'Europe Centre, etc.). The outcomes are encouraging in each CFA as shown by a growing number of students and staff interested in our project. The "spirit" of mobility in the 5 CFA is strengthened by a great number of new and tangible actions (facebook liked pages, more whole class projects, partnerships resulting in increasing inword mobilities and an expanding network of European companies). The guideline of our fourth "Medaa" was a strategic development tool based on the integration of our local professional partners' mobilities in order to tie-up French and European professionals from all agricultural fields, schools and students for a better training and for the sharing of technical expertise. This project on the reserve list will be reintroduced in 2017.

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