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Βελτίωση των ικανοτήτων διαχείρισης διαπολιτισμικών προγραμμάτων, ευρωπαϊκή ανάπτυξη του σχολείου
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project context/background : With the change from the regional labour markets into a common European labour market, the requirements at our school have changed. We consider that our school staff is obliged and willing to prepare European students(citizens) able to equally compete with other young citizens of Europe and to be sufficiently qualified for the European labour market. A necessary prerequisite towards this goal is that the teachers' intercultural and project management skills have to be significantly improved. Intercultural skills are a multidisciplinary competence and an essential qualification for a European school open to society. We believe that the teachers of our school can acquire these skills through intercultural training courses and project management training courses . It is important for us that our teachers attend the courses together with teachers from other countries , so that the cross-cultural learning can not only take place during the training course period, but also during the whole seminar time . At the same time our teachers have the opportunity to intensively meet potential project partners and plan school exchanges , e- twinning projects or job shadowing with them. For the above reasons, we have decided to participate in an educational seminar in Portugal "Improvement of intercultural and project management skills, European development of the school" organized by the institute IfeL. Objectives -The improvement of the participants' skills in the understanding, the planning, the development, the execution and management of European intercultural projects. -The future implementation of European intercultural projects with the active participation of our students, who are the future European citizens, towards building attitudes of accepting diversity and promoting unity. -The change in attitudes, points of view and teaching methods of the teachers in the classroom -The enrichment of the school curriculum and the teaching process with new methods of group study, dialectic intercourse, cooperation and experiential learning instead of the previous practice of accumulation of academic knowledge. Number and profile of participants The 2 participating teachers : - are already in the process of working on innovative projects at local and national level - are willing to attend training courses abroad. - have sufficient foreign language skills. - are willing to spread the European idea to colleagues and students. - are willing to integrate the European idea in their teaching methodological practices. Description of action Participation in intercultural project management training courses Methodology for project implementation: The training course includes theoretical and practical parts, brainstorming and setting questions by the participants, study groups and experiential workshops, exchange of cultural characteristics from the countries of the participants. After the participants have acquired the theoretical and practical background on the topic , they can transfer the new methods in the classroom The attendance of the training course will help the implementation of intercultural competence in our school curriculum. The project management skills our teachers will acquire, can turn our school into an institution oriented towards European intercultural partnership. Description of the expected results, effects and potential long-term benefits: The seminar experience will boost the motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation. The work concerning European projects implemented in our school,will be more effectively planned, organized and developed. The training will enable the participant teachers to inspire all the members of the teaching staff even more towards European projects and to use the project work as a means to expand the students‘ intercultural, language and social skills. By expanding these skills our students will be better prepared in the future for the demands of the European and international labour market.
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