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Greek - Bulgarian network for education and training in entrepreneurship: Models, programmes and virtual enterprise infrastructures (ENTRE+BG)
Start date: Mar 29, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of this project is to achieve constructive collaboration and develop structured and long-lasting relationships between the partnering academic institutions and business organizations with the purpose to develop synergies among science, education and entrepreneurship and better meet the challenges of entrepreneurship for regional and cross-regional development. The idea was initiated by TEI Serres and AUBG, which already have educational collaboration. The partnership was supplemented by DUTH, CCI Serres and BI-GD. Thus, the partnership consists of 3 academic partners that provide business education and have business and economic expertise and 2 business organizations that are chamber and business incubator respectively and promote entrepreneurship in their regions. Expected Results: Primary result of the project is the creation of a network of experts in entrepreneurship, innovation and entrepreneurial education for the transfer of knowledge between the partnering institutions. Note that there is no such formal or informal network currently. We expect to create a stable network of collaboration that will last after the end of the project and to enlarge it with other stakeholders from education, business and the local communitiesThe project will contribute in merging education with business practice and the economic needs of the regions, to serve better the objectives of regional development. The project will support the exchange of know-how and the creation of cross-border joint ventures and business networks. It will also promote the required common policy for the development of cross border entrepreneurship.

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  • 85%   476 632,17
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants