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Background Climate change mitigation is a crucial objective of the Kyoto Convention, and is oriented towards reducing GHG emissions. By 2013, the EU reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 11%, a progress achieved through multidisciplinary strategic planning and applying measures in numerous EU policies. However, only forests’ capacity as carbon s ...
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...e risks of containment failure (less Hydrogen produced, no corium-concrete interaction), if it can be proved to be feasible.The strategy is already adopted for the VVER 440 type 213 based on thorough research work for the Finnish Loviisa NPP and Hungarian Paks NPP. It is also included in the design of some new Gen.III reactors like AP-1000, APR 1400 and Chinese CPR-1000. It has also been studied i ...
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The public 1st Vocational Senior High School of Veria (1st EPAL) is one of the largest schools of its category in our country with 10 different sectors. In this school 553 students attend lessons and 114 teachers teach several subjects. Students live in rural - suburban areas. They have no opportunities to travel abroad, let alone combined with professional orientation. At school they attend theor ...
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ENABLE STUDENTS IN AN ALTERNATING SYSTEM TO GET A PROFESSIONAL IMMERSION IN A EUROPEAN COUNTRYThe Regional Federation of MFR (FRMFR) in Brittany undertakes, in its mission of facilitating networks, 13 MFR located throughout the Breton territory. The 220 young people involved in the Erasmus + program will go to 15 different countries: Romania, Malta, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Portug ...
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Background Litter is a major problem for the marine environment, with plastic bags being one of the most common and persistent pollutants affecting coasts and waters. Each year, more than eight million plastic bags end up as litter in the EU. Current recycling rates are only 6.6%, which are difficult to increase because the thinness and lightness of plast ...
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Background Invasive species are defined as non-native species that have been introduced and established in new geographic regions and have the potential to have an adverse impact on the environment, economy and human health. Globalisation of trade and travel has facilitated the spread of such non-native species and climate change has enhanced their surviv ...
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Τhe sectors of Tourism and Health in Greece play the most important role in the Greek economy. That is our primary reason we chose Gastronomy and Physiotherapy. Also, another important reason that lead us to choose these two fields of study, is that people who choose these professions require constant evolution and adaptation to new methods, tools, materials and ideas. This program will help stude ...
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... was rapidly developed. Participants in this action will come into contact with newspapers, channels and journalists, both locally and across the island, and will have the opportunity to do their own research and reportage.Activity 3 - Cheese making: In recent years, the economic crisis in our country but also across Europe has socio-political impact on all social structures and groups.With the Er ...
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FACILITATE, FOR YOUNG PEOPLE, THE ACCESS TO NEW SKILLS THROUGH LEARNING MADE IN EUROPEAN ENTERPRISES The Regional Federation of MFR (FRMFR) in Brittany undertakes, in its mission of facilitating networks, 12 MFR located throughout the Breton territory. The 179 young people involved in the Erasmus + program will go to 15 different countries: Romania, Malta, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Sweden, Poland, ...
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The programme titled “Staff/Instructor and Trainee Education on Innovative Actions” is composed of three flows. In the first flow 16 participants (administrative staff and instructors of the Vocational Training Institute) will attend a 2-week educational visit to England at GEB LTD- London. This organization promotes innovative approaches within the framework of offered training and organizes prog ...
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The Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Pritzwalk was founded as an independent educational institution in 1991 and provides as an educational service and supporting organization of independent youth aid an accepted work in the Prignitz and Ostprignitz. This mobility project involved ever educational service providers from Germany and Cyprus and Italy respectively. A project contains a 3-week placement measu ...
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Seafood has been recognized as a high quality, healthy and safe food item. Yet, some seafood can accumulate environmental contaminants with potential impact on human health. Limited information is available for those without maximum limits set by authorities for seafood, like priority contaminants, biotoxins from harmful algal blooms and marine litter. In order to increase seafood safety to consum ...
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Advanced Safety Assessment : Extended PSA (ASAMPSA_E)

Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan resulted from the combination of two correlated extreme external events (earthquake and tsunami). The consequences (flooding in particular) went beyond what was considered in the initial NPP design. Such situations can be identified using PSA methodology that complements the deterministic approach for beyond design accidents. If the performance of a Level 1 ...
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The objective of the FIGARO project is to significantly reduce the use of fresh water on farm level through developing a cost-effective, precision irrigation management platform. The platform will be structured for data acquisition from monitoring devices and forecasting tools, data interpretation, system control, and evaluation mechanisms enabling full decision support for end users at farm scale ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON 2020The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installations in order to better ensure their safe long term operation, integrating private and public efforts, and initiating international collaboration that will create added value in its a ...
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-Background/ history of the project Although the trainers of the Public I.E.K. of Lamia were regularly trained and the trainees had the opportunity to do internships in local businesses, experience from another European country did not exist. This was the main reason why this mobility program was implemented. - The program objectives were: - the contact between the Public I.E.K. of Lamia with oth ...
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...ture the interactivity. Participants in this action will come into contact with newspapers, channels and journalists, both locally and across the island, and will have the opportunity to do their own research and reportage. Activity 2 - Administration and Economy: The economic crisis in recent years our country but also across Europe have sociopolitical impact on overall consequence of a change in ...
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Europe nowadays faces a deep crisis from which it must rise unscathed and reborn, by making decisive changes in its structures and function in order to manage to respond to the challenges of the time. In terms of finances and employment, the profile of the modern employee is to be created, according to the ever-changing working market conditions. It is, therefore, imperative that the future workf ...
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Within the framework of the opening of 1ο EPAL of Dafni to the Community of Knowledge, for the improvement of the knowledge it provides, the present proposal has been created. It is the starting point of a long term plan for gaining innovative teaching methods, experiences and good practices through international cooperations. The beginning is made with the proposal for practical and theoretical t ...
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The need of knowledge expansion in new, good practices, trends, techniques, business ideas and different working cultures was the main reason why a team of teachers was encouraged to suggest and organize this present plan. The trainees in this working plan will be specialized in the Art of Hairdressing and the Art of Bread/Pastry making. NEEDS COVERED: The main aim of the plan is to cover the need ...
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The general purpose of the proposed program is to give the opportunity to the trainees in all specialties of IEK NIKAIAS to implement and develop their professional skills and abilities of their specialty which have already been produced and the further extend through partnerships of this program so help them directly to vocational rehabilitation , especially in today's poor economic climate , giv ...
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Students' experience in the top hotel gastronomy in Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

One of the most promising sectors of Greek economy is tourism and one of its main sectors is gastronomy , which is considered very important from Greek and worldwide visitors . The main feature of this industry is the constant need for development and adaptation of new technics , tools, materials and flavors. So it is essential for professionals or trainees of this sector, to adopt in these new co ...
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Ο Τουρισμός παίρνει ιδέες.

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

Our school decided to submit this application of mobility due to the lack of experience from our students in practical training in the field of Tourism. Cyprus emerged as the best destination due to the high quality tourism services offered. The program will involve ... students from the Department of Tourism Studies , accompanied by .... teachers of our school . Through the project the participa ...
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...conomic Management and the internationalization of education into Hotel and other tourism businesses" under ERASMUS+, which looks forward to the cooperation between EPAL Xylokastrou (Greece) and the "Research & Consultancy Institute LTD" (Cypus). The main goal is the direct contact of our students with their future working environment and their practice into selected businesses. The 15 participant ...
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MATerials TEsting and Rules (MATTER)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

...rating temperature and higher irradiation damage of materials with respect to the present technologies. In this frame, the MATTER (MATerials TEsting and Rules) Project intends to start well targeted researches to perform careful studies of materials behaviors in GEN IV operational conditions and to find out criteria for the correct use of these materials in relevant reactor applications. Aim of ...
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The objective of PRACTICE project is to improve the preparedness and resilience of the EU member states and associated countries to an attack from a terrorist group using non conventional weapons such as CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and/or Nuclear agents) materials. The existing situation is characterized by a fragmented structure as regards technology, procedures, methods and organiza ...
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Saph Pani addresses the improvement of natural water treatment systems such as river bank filtration (RBF), managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and wetlands in India building on a combination of local and international expertise. The project aims at enhancing water resources and water supply particularly in water stressed urban and peri-urban areas in different parts of the sub-continent. The objective ...
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North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity (NSBWO)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Ships ballast water is a main source of acute and chronic pollution in the North Sea. The project aims to improve the North Sea environment and economy by facilitating the ratification of the Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC). The implementation of the BWMC creates a new market for innovative products; Ballast Water Opportunity aims to support the NSR industry to enter this market. It enc ...
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Severe Accident Research Network of Excellence 2 (SARNET2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

Most of the actors involved in severe accident research in Europe, plus Canada, Korea and the United States (41 partners), will network in SARNET2 (Severe Accident Research NETwork of Excellence - Phase 2) their capacities of research in order to resolve important pending issues on postulated severe accidents of existing and future Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). The project has been defined in order ...
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Integrating Nanomaterials in Formulations (InForm)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

A coordination action is proposed to reinforce the international dimension of EU research on nanomaterials in formulations in the Asia-Pasific region. Three mechanism will be implemented to reach the widest possible audience in the appropriate formats that are convenient to the different stakeholders: (1) yearly major events, that will introduce a new concept to scientific gatherings and a departu ...
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...el and allowing a meaningful and practical uncertainty evaluation in a Level-2 PSA. Speficic relationships with community in charge of nuclear reactor safety (utilities, safety authorities, vendors, research or services companies) will be established in order to define the current needs in terms of guidelines for level 2 PSA development and applications. A technical group of level 2 PSA experts f ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

The first objective of Join-MED is to create a sustainable network of ICT research organisations in the Medi-terranean Partner Countries (MPC) and Europe, reinforcing the Research Cooperation between these two regions on a wider scale. To achieve this, Join-MED will organise a series of networking events in the MPC that will bring researchers from different MPC and EU together. Furthermore, it wil ...
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Sustainable smart eco-buildings in the EU (SMART-ECO)

Start date: Oct 15, 2007, End date: Apr 14, 2010,

Smart-Eco creates a community for eco-buildings by bringing together experienced organizations that span the full range of stakeholder views. These include universities, R&D organizations, companies that supply and use innovative technologies, consultants, users and governmental driver bodies. Smart-Eco uses this community to focus on the global issues of sustainable building so that added value c ...
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...aking processes at a local level. The final goal of the project was to demonstrate a tool for urban planning in the EU. To that end, the eCommunity project aimed to combine European companies and research institutions from different areas of technology, economy and science to create a geographical system for real-time e-democracy. Results ...
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QuestCity -Edutainment for Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Das Projekt "QuestCity - Edutainment for Europe" fördert die Verbreitung des transnationalen und interdisziplinären non-formalen Voneinander-Lernens und Miteinander-Kooperierens von Jugendlichen im Alter von 10-16 Jahren in gesellschaftsrelevanten Bereichen der Selbsthilfe und Katastrophen- und Notfallhilfe über das Serious Game "QuestCity" QC. Das Lernspiel wirkt als Katalysator für die Aufklärun ...
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Naturkatastrophen europaweit führten zur Gestaltung einer gemeinsamen professionellen europäischen Katastrophenhilfestrategie. Die Bürger Europas sind aber noch unzureichend informiert und motiviert zur Entwicklung und Stärkung ihrer Selbsthilfefähigkeit. Das Thema betrifft alle Altersgruppen und Bildungsschichten. Deshalb ist formales und nicht formales Lehren und Lernen so zu verbinden, das es d ...
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The W.E.E.S. project aims to research existing skills and learning levels, with a focus upon informal and non-formal learning, specific to the environment sector. The project will further develop innovative approaches with regard to the quality of training in the sector and will adapt both the content and the supply of VET to meet sectoral skills needs. An initial survey will be undertaken with re ...
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The W.E.E.S. project aims to research existing skills and learning levels, with a focus upon informal and non-formal learning, specific to the environment sector. The project will further develop innovative approaches with regard to the quality of training in the sector and will adapt both the content and the supply of VET to meet sectoral skills needs. An initial survey will be undertaken with re ...
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The project aims at developing a methodology for the production, assessment, validation of learning objects easily downloadable, structured for didactic purposes, and usable by different target groups, duly supported with directions for use. A small laboratory for testing the learning objects will be created, where a wide range of platforms will be assessed too, in terms of strengths and weaknesse ...
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EU Skills Panorama Analytical Highlight (December 2012) finds five crucial key skills, Entrepreneurial initiative is one of which. It is defined as capacity to identify opportunities in the market and create new business. In 2011 30,7 million people were self employed among EU-27 working age population (15-64), an increase of 6% since 2002. However, in global comparisons, Europeans are below the g ...
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