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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school decided to submit this application of mobility due to the lack of experience from our students in practical training in the field of Tourism. Cyprus emerged as the best destination due to the high quality tourism services offered. The program will involve ... students from the Department of Tourism Studies , accompanied by .... teachers of our school . Through the project the participants will gain : - Theoretical and practical exercise - training - Know-how and experience in their studying subject. - Strength and development of their professional skills and competencies . - New ideas and innovative practices in tourism services - Business - awareness . - Experiences from the lifestyle of another country in the European Union . - Experiences in another European culture . - Experiences and views exchange between other people . - Increace in team spirit - A boost in their confidence and sense of security . During the program students will be placed in Tourism Enterprises in the city of Limassol where they will work from 8 to 2 , Monday to Friday. In the afternoons there will be theoretical lessons from instructors from ERCI in topics such as: 1 . New and innovative practices in the field of Tourism Management 2 . Structure and operation of tourism enterprises 3 . Trends and variations in the tourist market The trainees of our school will enhance their personal and professional profiles with the Europass certificate and with knowledge skills that are considered very important in finding a job and their professional development . Our school through the implementation of thiw project will gain experience in organizing European programs and additional knowledge on practices used in Cyprus in the field of tourism. Also we will achieve a better momentum in attracting new students through the diffusion of the project in the media.

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