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Νέες μέθοδοι προσέγγισης της επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης & κατάρτισης σε ένα διαρκώς μεταβαλλόμενο ευρωπαϊκό περιβάλλον ( New methods of Vocational Education & Training approach in a changing European environment )
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe nowadays faces a deep crisis from which it must rise unscathed and reborn, by making decisive changes in its structures and function in order to manage to respond to the challenges of the time. In terms of finances and employment, the profile of the modern employee is to be created, according to the ever-changing working market conditions. It is, therefore, imperative that the future workforce is trained and specialized so as to obtain all the necessary qualities that the current working field commands: adaptability, responsibility, taking initiative, tolerance, teamwork, innovation, crisis-management skills and extroversion. Exactly that is the primary aim of the mobility programme. Its objectives are for people to acquire knowledge and skills related to specific specializations, to familiarize them with foreign languages, to bring them into contact with peoples of different cultures, lifestyles and historical backgrounds; in other words, to minimize differences. Another objective is the creative transference and absorption of good teaching practices and innovative teaching and training methods into the Greek educational system. The participating school in this programme is the 1st Vocational High School of Lehaina, which accommodates the specializations of Economy and Business Administration Clerks and Refrigeration-Heating-Ventilation Enginneers. The visits of the 22 participating students and 4 accompanying teachers to the hosting countries will take place from March 2016 to July 2016. Realizing the particular programme is of paramount importance if we consider the fact that the resulting consequences do not only affect the participating teachers and students, but also transgress into the wider social realm. This can be achieved through various means, such as, organizing one-day seminars to present the programme outcomes, as well as its publication to the press and the school website. After the completion of the mobility programme, students are expected to have acquired invaluable skills: familiarization with specialization jargon, update in latest developments in the area of professional interest, working experience through practice, autonomy and responsibility, realization of common ties with European counterparts, familiarization with peoples and cultures of various countries, socialization and a first glance at the operation of the work field. On the other hand, the institutions involved will also benefit from the programme: experience in realizing programmes, improvement of teaching and training quality, extroversion and establishing good co-operation conditions with other European counterparts. The immediate expected results of the mobility programme are upgrading local curricula, to eliminate the difficulty of implementing apprenticeship in Greece, to exchange good practices among European countries, to increase student exchange programmes and to directly connect teaching with training within an actual working environment. The long term effects of realizing the mobility programme is: to cultivate a sense of extroversion, the idea that every country is an equal partner of the European Union and that its members can co-operate on the same terms, the reclamation of European expertise by local business and empowering of the Greek market and the creation of a workforce capable to respond to the increased demands of the modern working market.

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