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Διαχείριση Κομμωτηρίου, Χρήση Πολυψαλιδιών για Νεες Τεχνικές στην Κόμμωση και Εκπαίδευση στο Tribal Tattoo και Βαφές σε Πολυδιάστατα Χρώματα. - Επαγγελματική Πρακτική Ζαχαροπλαστικής και Αρτοποιίας σε Ειδικές Μονάδες στην Κύπρο.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The need of knowledge expansion in new, good practices, trends, techniques, business ideas and different working cultures was the main reason why a team of teachers was encouraged to suggest and organize this present plan. The trainees in this working plan will be specialized in the Art of Hairdressing and the Art of Bread/Pastry making. NEEDS COVERED: The main aim of the plan is to cover the need of the development of the trainees' skills in order to meet the modern societies' demands with success, taking into account the best educational and training decision. ART OF HAIRDRESSING KEY OBJECTIVES: -The expansion of the working specificities and skills in the hairdressing field -The development of professional and mainly business interests of the trainees -The communication and cooperation with a teacher of career guidance -The nurture of stereotype withdrawal regarding the position of each sex in the hairdressing field -The improvement of professional qualifications -The development of their self-image, the potential of initiatives and the experience of autonomous living away from their families and simultaneous possibility of cooperation in the framework of a team are desirable aims which contribute to the personal development of the beneficiary. ART OF BREAD/PASTRY MAKING KEY OBJECTIVES: -Acquisition and use of knowledge ,linking them with practical experience in order to facilitate personal development and employability of students. -Training in physical work environment is more attractive by making vocational education and training of students -Development and improvement of professional skills of participants through practice. -Broadening the business horizon as regards the land subject of the shipping companies. -To learn about different cultures to practice English language which is useful for their professional activity. -Strengthening the European consciousness of students, development of intercultural dialogue. The team participating consists of 30 students in level of Initial Vocational Training from both the specialities: 15 Pastry/Bakery Technician trainees and 15 Hairdressing Technician trainees of the 2nd semester. The plan seeks to extend the professional and social horizon of participants. It constitutes a chance in order for them to acquire initial labour experience, to work in real labour environment and to realize the obligations towards this. The implementation of the plan could contribute in the long-term to good working prospects in Cyprus for the trainees taking into account the high employment and underemployment rates in Greece.

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