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W.E.E.S. - Working in the European Environmental System

The W.E.E.S. project aims to research existing skills and learning levels, with a focus upon informal and non-formal learning, specific to the environment sector. The project will further develop innovative approaches with regard to the quality of training in the sector and will adapt both the content and the supply of VET to meet sectoral skills needs. An initial survey will be undertaken with regard to the role of informal and non-formal learning in the environment sector across the partner countries. Project partners will further develop an outline methodology for the recognition of informal and non-formal learning. Primary project outcomes will comprise a comparative analysis of professional profiles and skills, a system for skills assessment and a series of guidelines to encourage increased mobility within the environment sector. Target groups include public authorities, companies, education & training bodies, training experts and recent graduates considering entry to the sector. Dissemination will focus upon the establishment of a dedicated project website, the hosting of a series of project seminars and the release of the project results on CD-Rom and will rely upon existing partner networks to promote the end project results.

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