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Καινοτόμες δράσεις κατάρτισης σε σύγχρονο Ευρωπαϊκό πολυπολιτισμικό περιβάλλον.
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Τhe sectors of Tourism and Health in Greece play the most important role in the Greek economy. That is our primary reason we chose Gastronomy and Physiotherapy. Also, another important reason that lead us to choose these two fields of study, is that people who choose these professions require constant evolution and adaptation to new methods, tools, materials and ideas. This program will help students' behavior to adapt and acclimatize to the process of constant renewal of knowledge and experiences. In this context we believe that this project will be a major asset that will provide students correct guidance, knowledge, skills, ideas exchanges and entrepreneurship experiences and performances, in a modern European country like Cyprus that simultaneously combines many elements related to the corresponding Greek.Participants will attend seminars, will have the opportunity to be trained in high-quality hotels for gastronomy students and modern rehabilitation units for students of Physiotherapy.The program will involve 15 students of the Gastronomy sector of IEK Lagkada who study at the 3rd semester and 15 students of Physiotherapy, so they can cope effectively and successfully to the demands in view of their graduation and entry into the labor market competition. The program will cover, in the best way possible, gaps that exist in the Greek vocational education system.Key Objectives of the PlanOur most important goal is to give students a complete picture of the profession they have chosen from within the program. We want to familiarize themselves with the working environment and the actual working conditions to experience the future professional path.Additionally, students through this program will adopt a modern way of thinking, attitudes and mindsets that will enable them to cope with the particularities of such a demanding job. They will cultivate their skills and also will develop the team spirit and cooperation.At the same time they will be given the opportunity to develop their professional profile in order to substantially strengthen their employment prospects.It will give the opportunity to escort teachers to improve good practice in linking education and the labor marketAs a host country we have chosen Cyprus, because it is a country whose economy is based on Tourism and Health. It has numerous tourists and high quality host units because of its geographical position. As well as a numerous private rehabilitation units. A successful project - as this- is able to release the interest, initiative, creativity in students and their professors for new programs and to radically change the image of the vocational training institute of Lagadas.
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