Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Within the framework of the opening of 1ο EPAL of Dafni to the Community of Knowledge, for the improvement of the knowledge it provides, the present proposal has been created. It is the starting point of a long term plan for gaining innovative teaching methods, experiences and good practices through international cooperations. The beginning is made with the proposal for practical and theoretical training of 18 students in the Department of Management and Economy, in the specialty of tourism professions and 16 students of the Computer Science Department, specialty Technician Informatics Application in Cyprus, where the quality standards of the services provided are among the highest in Europe. The goals set by the project are concentrated in the practical experience that the students will gain in a perfect working environment and their theoretical training in subjects that are not taught in our school, but are considered to be necessary knowledge supplements for the ideal future professionals in the tourism industry( thematic tourism, route planning, electronic promotion etc.) and information technology (design and implementation of web pages). The methodology of the modern theoretical training in conjunction with the “on the job” training in real working conditions, the continuous monitoring and the evaluation of the learning outcomes, the contacting of the right agreements, the appointment of an experienced, consistent and “expert in the subject” Hosting Partner guarantee the achievement of the project’s goals. The students of our school will reinforce their personal and professional profiles, will enrich their knowledge and experience, supplies that are considered very important in the job finding process and their professional development. Through the implementation of the project, our school will gain experiences in organizing European projects and additional knowledge in practices that are used in Cyprus in the sector of Tourism. It will become more attractive through the promotion of the project in the teaching community of teachers, trainees and parents. A successful project-springboard like the one proposed is in position to release the interest, the initiative and the creativity of students and teachers, to dramatically change the image of the school and, at some degree, the reputation of Technical Vocational Education. Over time we expect the EPAL of Dafni to become a model and innovative Unit of Professional Vocational Education and an attraction for good students and pioneer teachers.

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