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Over 40 European Projects Found

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"Arbeiten und Lernen in Europa"

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

English summary: With Europe becoming more and more of a cultural and economic unity and with globalisation making high demands on the international labour market, qualifications and job requirements changed significantly. Young people do not only need to have expert knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills, as well as proficiency in foreign languages and intercultural skills to be qualified fo ...
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With globalisation making high demands on the international labour market, qualifications and job requirements have changed significantly. Young people do not only need to have expert knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills, as well as proficiency in foreign languages and intercultural skills to be qualified for an international labour market. Many young Germans with a migrant background seek ...
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Gender Portrays through Media

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The project seeks to foster and encourage advocacy for gender equality by the use of media and by training youth workers on how they can better report, show case and promote gender equality through the biggest mediums and communication channels. Our project shall address gender as an equality issue, with positive approach to diminish the negative stereotypes and discrimination related to sex and/o ...
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Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio, FCT y titulados.

Start date: Jun 25, 2016, End date: Jun 24, 2017,

We are requesting 10 mobilities for students and graduates of IVT training degrees involved in the families of administration, and electricity of our institutions , they will complete their FCT period or they will do an internships as graduates in companies of UK, France,Italy and Malta.At the same time we are requesting for 6 mobilities for staff, five of them for teachers and the sixth for a ...
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"Arbeitswelten in Europa erleben"

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

English summary: With Europe becoming more and more of a cultural and economic unity and with globalisation making high demands on the international labour market, qualifications and job requirements changed significantly. Young people do not only need to have expert knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills, as well as proficiency in foreign languages and intercultural skills to be qualified f ...
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NEU Prospects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

All placements will take place within the 2015/17 academic years between Sept and Aug. 10 working days will provide enough time for a worthwhile experience and to work towards their qualification. All participants will undertake work placement opportunities within their chosen industry, relevant to their UK course together with educational/cultural trips within the local regions.The placements wil ...
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The Global Problems of Humanity!

Start date: Aug 22, 2016, End date: Feb 21, 2017,

Education development is closely linked to global education and focus in particular on third-generation rights - sustainable development, the right to a healthy environment and the right to peace. Also great importance in the interaction between different societies and methods of development, this being the reason is tied and intercultural education. Achieving sustainable development objectives ca ...
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Industrial cooperation across continents (GNSS.asia2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

GNSS.asia2 engages on pre-marketing activities and business development support for European Industry and EGNSS in the Asian region: GNSS.asia2 is building on (FP7) which has established the foundations for concrete COLLABORATION BETWEEN EUROPEAN AND ASIAN INDUSTRY with already significant results with India, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan: -Built an effective team by blending industrial ...
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From Antiquity to Modernity

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project "From antiquity to modernity" is addressed to 30 youngsters aged 18-30 from Poland and Romania interested in combining various photography techniques, that is analogue, non-lense photography with the image in 3D technology. It lies in performing physical objects based on 3D models, which are created in any system for spatial design. The youth conducted the survey questionnaire and diag ...
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Complementary Therapy (CT) is a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses health systems, modalities, and practices. When CT is used in nursing and integrated into patient care, it should be documented within the scope of professional nursing practice. Nurses who use CT at practice are required to have sufficient information and professional knowledge about CT. However, skills-based train ...
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B.R.A.N.D. : Build a Remarkable ANd Durable image of your organization!

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

B.R.A.N.D. : Build a Remarkable ANd Durable image of your organization! is a project coordinated by Mladiinfo Slovakia and includes 7 other partners from Erasmus+ Program countries and MEDA countries. The project is focused on implementation of a training course on the topics of Branding, PR management and Media communication with the aim to bring 25 young media makers from 8 different European ...
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European Mobility: Key Opportunity for a New Generation

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The goal of ADICE, and of this project, is to enable the social and professional development of learners and job seekers (including those with fewer opportunities) through a rewarding mobility experience, which is built according to their own ability and ambition. Indeed, ADICE considers the mobility experience as a tool which allows the development of technical, transverse and social skills, all ...
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English summary: With Europe becoming more and more of a cultural and economic unity and with globalisation making high demands on the international labour market, qualifications and job requirements changed significantly. Young people do not only need to have expert knowledge but also interdisciplinary skills, as well as proficiency in foreign languages and intercultural skills to be qualified f ...
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Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio, FCT y titulados.

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

This project was requested by the Vocational High School Alonso de Avellaneda , located in Alcala de Henares, is a secondary school, their studies include ACE classrooms, initial vocational training, "ciclos de grado medio" and "ciclos de grado superior". This is the last year that we have had secondary and bachelorship because our centre is becoming a specific centre for vocational education. We ...
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Culture of Democracy

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The project was aimed at promoting a culture of pluralism, active citizenship and young people’s participation in civic and political structures. The project consisted of two activities: Activity 1 was a 10-day training course in the Republic of Moldova offering 24 youth leaders tools to promote active citizenship and transform that into active participation in civic and political structures. The ...
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social media for youth Employability

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The current economic crisis is entailing an increase in unemployment rates across Europe, especially among young people. In such a context, greater attention is being paid to youth entrepreneurship as a tool with high potential for employment creation, as the “social entrepreneurship” model can appeal to young people and give them the chance to provide innovative responses to the current economic, ...
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Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio, FCT y titulados.

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

We are requesting 14 mobilities for students and graduates of IVT training degrees involved in the families of administration, electricity and IT of our institute , they will complete their FCT period or they will do an internships as graduates in companies of UK, France and Italy MOBILITIES QUALITY : Always there will be only one participant in each company except in the case of students in the ...
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“Megaphone 2: Speak Loud - Europe is Listening!

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Young people play an important role in building the image of the civil society in Europe. The main objectives of this project are to improve the level of key competences and skill in the field of public relations of this generation, including those with fewer opportunities, to increase the learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work about building of positive image of you ...
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NO to exclusion - exploring youth support system in Masovian region

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The project "NO to exclusion - exploring youth support system in Masovian region" is a study visit , the purpose of which is to review the support of various organizations and institutions working with youth and for youth in Warsaw and Mazowsze and a better understanding of the profile of the partner organizations and their representatives. The project was initiated by the Mazowsze Provincial Head ...
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The REVITAMIN project, the revitalisation of mining regions, is aimed at upgrading and developing landscapes after mining activities have ceased. The first priority of the project is transnational co-operation and extensive knowledge and experience transfer as the structural and landscape changes provide many challenges, particularly for mining regions. Regardless of individual issues concerning m ...
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Better access to modern information and communication technology and services is a prerequisite for an integrated development of the smaller, rural-dominated regions of Burgenlandkreis (DE), Burgenland (AT), Hajdu-Bihar (HU) and South Moravia (CZ), and for linking into the global economy. In the framework of the established trans-European network of partner regions with similar profiles, the TRANs ...
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Aim of the project is the development of a qualification programme consisting of two curricula: A) a training curriculum for accessibility experts and B) a training curriculum for usability testers. Target group for A) are persons who want to get further qualification as accessibility experts (e.g. architects, industrial designers, civil servants of public administrations, facility-, quality- and ...
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This project built on the outcomes, results and experiences from two recent ToI projects: TACTALL (2008-2010) and ViCaDIS (07-09) and brought together the TACTALL learning programme - its delivery methodology and learning resources promoting accessibility within tourist enterprises and the new learning technologies incorporating social and learning networking developed by ViCaDIS. ViCaDIS offere ...
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The Seminar “Youth Policy Development - Challenges and Achievements” will be organized for 24 youth workers from Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Germany, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, and Georgia.Th seminar aim to reviews the EU’s European Youth Strategy in view to its relevance for youth policy development in EECA region. Based on experiences made in EU members states ...
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We developed and adapted innovative practice, Fish in a Box into a written and visual training product for use in other countries and with other groups at risk of exclusion. Our aim was to develop Fish in a Box by sharing experiences amongst partners who support different groups at risk of exclusion, by adding material appropriate to that group and by ensuring that the curriculum, learning materi ...
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This ToI proposal addresses the needs of people with functional diversity (those with temporary or permanent mobility, sensorial, intelectual or organical difficulties) in order to promote the universal accessibility. EU policy focuses on the needs of all citizens to participate in all aspects of life – cultural, social, economic and leisure-. A key emphasis is providing equality of opportunity ...
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The project aims at tackling several major issues of Hungarian vocational education. One of them has arisen due to the growing number of at-risk youth, including a large proportion of Roma young people, in VET for the past decades. This fact demands several specific pedagogical tools and more personalized approach with vulnerable target groups. Regarding the significant number of Romanies, multicu ...
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The V.I.D.E.O. Project aims to transfer experiences realized by Municipality of Rome Italy), Polidynamo (Gr) and Arge PLON (De)within professional orientation centres, related to the adoption and the use of the Video cv as a tool as a tool functional to the show of one’s own competences by the side of adults seeking for occupational re-integration. The main goal is to develop a paltform for the Vi ...
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We professionalize competenciesIn the era of life-long learning, the assessment of professional competencies has become increasingly important not only for individuals but also for organizations. The ESO-CRS software has been created on the basis of practical experience and is strictly outcome-oriented. It combines the certification of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes, thus profes ...
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Materials from the lead partners' existing social entrepreneurship programme, Ignite, were adapted and developed by the partners. The partners ensured that the new learning materials reflected the situation in each of their countries and that they met the needs of specific student groups. The original Ignite Europe comprised materials for the delivery of motivational and enterprise skill modules. ...
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The objective of this project is to transfer the DIPS Project that has created an innovative education-concept aimed at learning the skills and knowledge requested to manage IPR in enterprises. The course, specifically designed for preparing persons to assess intangible assets and to manage IPR in companies, gives an identity to the IPR-management function in enterprises. Outcomes of the Project: ...
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For a long time, demands on European welfare states could be kept within manageable limits because work and family functioned as prime sources of welfare production. However, the situation has changed and care services sector is a new employment source for unemployed and workers employed in sectors affected by the financial crisis.Care for Work aimed at elaborating a Web 2.0 learning environment w ...
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Community Integration and Cohesion is high on the EU agenda and on national government priority lists. We live in a society where the arbitrary barriers of race, faith, gender, class, disability, age and sexual orientation can affect opportunities, income, civil rights and health of an individual. Integration is about responding to differences within our local and national mix – making spaces an ...
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The VirtuOrientation project will create a virtual environment in vocational guidance for use by young people, with a particular focus on the disaffected and those outside of traditional educational & training systems.The project will develop an interactive, multi-media (internet based) package allowing young people to further explore their interests and to compare these to the world of work befor ...
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The project is based on four previous national and international projects’ results, which are mainly training needs analysis and training material in various forms. Target groups are theatre technical professionals and training organisations in the professional area. The project aims at developing an industry-based competence analysis tool for locating professional profiles in EU –level. The aim i ...
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To achieve ET2020 benchmark of 15% for adult participation in lifelong learning, one of the strategies should be improving the skills of those who can influence participation: adult education leaders.The aim of Lead-In project was to improve the skills of adult education leaders to lead in more people into the world of non-formal learning, i.e., to increase participation, especially, participation ...
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Dyslexia is often thought of as a problem of childhood. In fact it is a lifelong condition. Dyslexia affects 1 in 10 of the population. Experts estimated that up to 25 million workers in Europe are affected by dyslexia. Dyslexia in the adulthood means a lifetime of underachievement, frustration and often unemployment.Many adults with learning disabilities are underemployed, often stuck in dead-end ...
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The project aims the improvement of the fishery training system through the development of a training curriculum for fishery development agents (FDA) and related trainers training and materials. The partnership, 9 partners in 6 countries, have detected based on several studies about the sector, that, on one side the current profiles of the FDA does not meet the needs of the industry due to a defic ...
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This proposal aims to develop a training frame for potential own business start-ups that come from socially deprived and disadvantaged groups. Such groups include, for instance, women, youths, ethnic minorities, disabled and people from rural areas, which do not have a good record in relation to creating their own businesses; these form the primary target group. This framework, and the specific mo ...
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