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Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio, FCT y titulados.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are requesting 14 mobilities for students and graduates of IVT training degrees involved in the families of administration, electricity and IT of our institute , they will complete their FCT period or they will do an internships as graduates in companies of UK, France and Italy MOBILITIES QUALITY : Always there will be only one participant in each company except in the case of students in the electricity companies, they have enough workload and the tutor 's ability to accommodate two students. We have enough partners host to ensure maximum utilization and improve the integration of the participant in the company and the destination city and to deal with any unforeseen change that may arise. We have the experience and infrastructure necessary based on experience from previous years in different European programs to carry out this project , facing any unforeseen problems that might arise during his development. Applicant Organization : Public IES Alonso de Avellaneda of Alcalá de Henares will manage all aspects of project completely autonomously . Host partners in the UK ( 7) , France (2 ) and Italy ( 1). NEEDS : - Improving training for IVT trainees with the completion of the FCT in European companies. - Increase the employability of these students and graduates of these degrees. - To enable participants to learn to work in a European business environment. - Expand their business horizons , self-sufficiency and ability to work in an international team . - Improve their professional and linguistic skills. OBJECTIVES : - Increase the possibility of mobility of IVT students. - Raising the quality of the FCT . - Improving the employability of these students and recent graduates . - Learn new techniques used by European companies in each of the specialties. - To facilitate this learning experience to people who otherwise would have no chance , promoting equal opportunities for different types of students. - Increasing the prestige of the IVT and interest of the general population in order to follow these studies. - Promote the use of IT's in IVT and teaching "on line" - Encourage the use of our virtual platform through internet based Moodle "Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio FCT y titulados" - Expand our network of companies and partners RESULTS : Increasing interest in studying an IVT degree ,learning languages in order to do FCT's in another country, or doing an internship as graduates, increasing their motivation , improving the social image of the IVT WHERE : Participants will do the internship in companies in the UK, France and Italy WHEN: - 11 weeks during the regular period of the FCT's : From March to June 2015 for the trainees of Administration, Electricity and IT degrees. - To graduates will also be 11 weeks , the dates between January and April 2015. We ask two training mobilities of staff, one for UK and one for France, will be prepared and planned carefully with the help of our partners to make them as profitable as possible, for IVT teachers into the IT, electrical and administration degrees. We expect that these training visits allow to the teachers learn about processes and activities carried out in European companies and that can be incorporated into teaching for our students, this will improve their acquired knowledge and skills. The diffusion of personal mobility activities will contribute further to give our most prestigious institution and attractive to students interested in studying IVT in our school. The staff mobilities will be carried out one of the October weeks of 2014.
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10 Partners Participants