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Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio, FCT y titulados.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project was requested by the Vocational High School Alonso de Avellaneda , located in Alcala de Henares, is a secondary school, their studies include ACE classrooms, initial vocational training, "ciclos de grado medio" and "ciclos de grado superior". This is the last year that we have had secondary and bachelorship because our centre is becoming a specific centre for vocational education. We have managed this project in an autonomous way with the support of some intermediaries and final partners that are usually working with us. The mobilities were carried out between july and september of 2015 (one administrative graduated trainee) and the rest of mobilities between march and may of 2016. We have worked with 11 companies in Italy, one of them is an intermediary, 4 companies in UK, one of them as intermediary, and final company in Ireland and a company in Malta. We requested 14 mobilities for students and graduates of IVT training degrees involved in the families of administration, electricity and IT in our institute , in order to complete their FCTs or complete a traineeship as graduated in companies in UK, France and Italy. We have managed all of them for trainees who have studied administration or electricity because our IT degree has changed his modality to "ampliada" and this system includes a sort of traineeships that are not compatible with the type of mobilities requested in this project. Thirteen trainees carried out their fcts using these mobilities and one of the mobilities has been used for a graduated's traineeship. In addition we requested 5 mobilities for staff, we have managed four of them for teachers belonging to the professional departments: Administration (1), Professional training and guidance (1) and IT(2), we have not used one mobility, the reason is explained more ahead in this report. Because we pretended to manage quality mobilities we have tried to send only one participant to every company, two electrical companies have received two trainees and also an company have received two administrative trainees , the reason is that these companies have enough workload for them and moreover the right management for coordinate two trainees. Regarding the teachers mobilities we have send every one to a different company. We have had enough number of partners to ensure maximum utilization and improve the integration of the participant in the company and the area and to deal with any unforeseen change that may arise. We have worked according to our experience and infrastructures , both are result of the previous European programmes managed, we have face every prooblem or unexpected trouble, but this project has been carried out without great problems due to a good previous planing and the good communication with our partners. We have detected the next needs in order to be supported by this project: - Improving training for IVT trainees with the completion of the FCT in European companies - Increase the employability of these students and graduates of these degrees. - To enable participants to learn to work in a European business environment. - Expand their business horizons , self-sufficiency and ability to work in an international team . - Improve their professional and linguistic skills. And the next objetives: - Increase the possibility of mobility of IVT students and raising the quality of the FCT . - Improving the employability of these students and recent graduates . - Learn new techniques used by European companies in each of the specialties. - To facilitate this learning experience to people who otherwise would have no chance , promoting equal opportunities for different types of students. - Increasing the prestige of the IVT and interest of the general population in order to follow these studies. - Promote the use of IT's in IVT and teaching "on line" - Encourage the use of our virtual platform through internet based Moodle "Prácticas en Europa Erasmus +, fp grado medio FCT y titulados" - Expand our network of companies and partners -Encourage to the staff to participate in mobilities for teachers, "job shadowing" type.

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