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VirtuOrientation - Virtual Vocational Orientation Package

The VirtuOrientation project will create a virtual environment in vocational guidance for use by young people, with a particular focus on the disaffected and those outside of traditional educational & training systems.The project will develop an interactive, multi-media (internet based) package allowing young people to further explore their interests and to compare these to the world of work before making any decisions on their potential career area. Users will be able to self-explore the site and will have access to databases of jobs & training courses and information on the local and national labour market. There will also be the additional opportunity for users to develop writing & application skills.The package will be published both in EN and all partner languages (SI, IT, EL, DE & CZ) via the project website (and where need dictates, in printed format).Each partner will pilot the course in conjunction with a nominated service currently working with the target group and the results of both the development activity and the pilot will be presented to national authorities across the partner countries for review and potential inclusion in existing employment and vocational training strategies.

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7 Partners Participants