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The Age Friendly City

This project built on the outcomes, results and experiences from two recent ToI projects: TACTALL (2008-2010) and ViCaDIS (07-09) and brought together the TACTALL learning programme - its delivery methodology and learning resources promoting accessibility within tourist enterprises and the new learning technologies incorporating social and learning networking developed by ViCaDIS. ViCaDIS offered an open resource environment and tools allowing learners to learn and work together using tools such as Wiki; blog; forum; podcasting; instant messaging; conferencing; mobile learning and many more tools.The original TACTALL project built a training programme addressing the issues of Accessibility, whereby the future needs of the ever increasing numbers of people with various aspects of functional diversity might experience a better quality of service – the project target groups included business enterprises in the Tourism sectors. TACTALL concluded that existing networks such as the World Health Organisation supported ‘Age Friendly Cities´ offered a very practical opportunity to embed its learning programme - providing an excellent means of broadening the training to a wider audience, whilst VICaDIS had the potential with modification to meet the needs of Business enterprises, employees, adult learners and the unemployed and those in Vocational Training, including teachers. WP9 of TACTALL recommended that the learning product and any extension should form a natural part of the work and development of the Age Friendly Cities Network and that the long term sustainability of the product and outcomes could best be met through collaborating and linking the two initiatives.This project sought to bring public and private sector agencies and enterprises together to address the needs of an ageing population and improve the services and opportunities for social cohesion within the urban environment, bringing together public authorities/municipalities responsible for policy and planning and private enterprise together with the need to train enterprises and employees in new skills that met the needs of an ageing population. The course created is available in all partner countries and languages; training for all sectors and generations in the awareness and development of positive ageing strategies and provision of service for all. The partnership was made up of 6 experienced partners, 2 new (to Leonardo TOI) partners from 7 European countries; it was established in such a way that all the determined results could be achieved, sharing extensive knowledge on the different tasks, enabling the new partners to learn from the experience. The 6 VET partners were complimented by 3 informal support partners (municipalities) and one from a major accessibility organisation in Spain who provided expert advice and guidance to the project; two VET (UK and ES) partners transferred knowledge and products from TACTALL and the HU and RO partners from ViCaDIS.

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7 Partners Participants