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“Megaphone 2: Speak Loud - Europe is Listening!
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people play an important role in building the image of the civil society in Europe. The main objectives of this project are to improve the level of key competences and skill in the field of public relations of this generation, including those with fewer opportunities, to increase the learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work about building of positive image of youth organizations in their society, as well as to enhance the cooperation between stakeholders from Programme and Partner Countries in regard to the Erasmus+ projects' visibility. “The Megaphone 2: Speak Loud, Europe is Listening!” training course targets NGOs working along the lines, values and spirit of the Erasmus+ programme and empowers them with relevant competencies and practical tools in the area of public relations, communication with the media and journalists and promotion of their work. The programme is designed to facilitate the work of the youth organizations in EU and non-EU countries (including the MEDA region) and to achieve the best possible results in its activities. Megaphone 2 comes as follow-up of the successful Megaphone project organized in Macedonia, last year, but now expended to other partner organizations, including the ones from the MEDA region. The fields of training include: communication in cross-cultural environments, building public relations campaigns and actions building strong relations with media and journalists, social media, blogging, web 2.0. The participants will approach the training presenting their current PR strategies, and during the whole course will learn how to improve them in order to increase the visibility of the work activities of their organization. As a result of the TC they will produce improved, upgraded and tangible PR plans that they should follow after the end of the course. There will be three project phases (preparation, implementation and evaluation), where different methods would be applied: research of the existing PR organizational activities and policies, research on current trends in PR industry, individual and team work, reflection groups, simulation, role play, as well as dissemination, observation and reflection of the planned activities foreseen in their upgraded PR strategies. The Megaphone 2 training course aims to empower youth workers and their youth organizations to gain better access to the media, more publicity, and work more effectively and rationally. Preparing a strategic approach in PR, will allow youth organizations to increase the Erasmus+ projects' publicity and to create an all-encompassing improved position for their organizations in their home-countries. The training will also provide youth workers and their partner organizations with a profound opportunity not only to learn and practice PR, but also to create an informal partnership network of both programme and partner countries that in future could cooperate together and in that process will approach with already prepared well prepared media strategies. The training course hosted by Mladiinfo Slovensko will gather 26 youth workers, youth leaders and young people from 9 countries (from Central Europe, South-East Europe and MEDA countries), in Bratislava Slovakia, from 10-17 November 2014.

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