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Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing sector

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

The Digital Agenda for Europe estimates that the publishing industries employ around 750,000 jobs in more than 64,000 companies in EU. Technology has had an unusual impact and a massive economic change on publishing: it’s changing the traditional business model and it’s giving a key role to new distribution channels such as aggregation platforms. The technological evolutions affect the consumptio ...
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Financial Literacy: a Key Tool to Improve People's Life Cycle

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Economic financial literacy is a key skill to achieve an active citizenship and to improve financial wellbeing, in a challenging environment. Financially-literate people budget, save, control spending better; handle mortgage, participate in financial markets, moving from basic financial skills to a more complex wealth management know how. The latter is thus vital for low income groups to prevent t ...
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Managing for @ School of Success

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The decentralization of Public School Systems in Portugal, which was approved by the following legal document: Dec. Lei nº 30/2015, focuses on transferring decision-making authority into local communities and empowers school responsibility and autonomy, in that matter, it is expected to empower high-quality educational levels. The Pedagogical Commission, which holds 6 local school establishments ...
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Go&Learn - network enhancement

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

> CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT - RATIONALE The G&L initiative ( has proved to be of great interest for participants as well as hosting companies and public bodies sponsoring them. In Italy G&L agencies and workgroups have been set up in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Metropolitan area of Bologna, Umbria, Marche; in the EU, agencies have been set up in Belgium (East Flanders), Germa ...
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Careers Advice and Pathways to Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Since 2008, the EU economy has experienced the deepest, longest and most broad-based recession in its history since the 1930s (European Commission 2009).The average youth unemployment rate in most Member States is more than twice as high as the rate for adults. Almost 5.4 million young people under 25 are unemployed in the EU-28 (EC May 2014), representing an unemployment rate of 22.8% i.e. more ...
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European Experiential Learning Lab on Soil Science

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project at a glance: 2015 is the International Year of the Soils (IYS). On this occasion the project EELLSS offers a “European Experiential Learning Lab on Soil Science” which aims at: o interlinking natural sciences with “soils” as a practical, concrete and “living” lab and innovative learning field o combining scientific knowledge and skills with state of the art learning technology o creati ...
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Reading with Ease and Fun

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Over the last 25 years, many researchers have made a concerted effort to find out why so many children struggle with learning to read, and we now know much more about how to identify children at risk and how to intervene effectively. Research shows that the problems associated with learning difficulties (LD) can be considerably decreased if there is early intervention that helps develop the founda ...
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Enhancing Inter-cultural Learning in European Enterprises

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

EU is making significant effort to eliminate the barriers to labour mobility, both by integrating the legislative basis and upgrading systems to allow more jobseekers to be aware of vacancies in other EU countries and to make it easier for employers to find people with the right qualifications and experience to fill their vacancies. However, most of the enterprises in European countries do not ne ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Early school leaving is the result of a mix of individual, educational and socio-economic factors. Many triggering effects make ESL a complex multisector phenomenon: school failure (disengagement, low achievement, transition between schools and school levels), pull effects from labour market, social and family situation. If it differs from country to country and from region to region, there are s ...
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Master model to gain time in your classroom

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The challenge of this proposal is to identify, elaborate and experiment with a pedagogic process to improve teachers' competences for their professional initial and continuous development. The project aims at: A) developing tools for the professional development of teachers using ICT tools, very effective for the management of Creative Classroom, B) developing, testing and implementing an innovat ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The iRemember project intends to share, adapt and experiment at the European level the "Laboratory of memory", a laboratory model of intergenerational activities (involving teachers/tutors , students and seniors), aimed at updating the skills of teachers/trainers and improving alternative and informal learning of history in schools. Each "Laboratory of memory" will focus on the theme of "conflict" ...
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TAP-Razem przeciw ubóstwu

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The main objective of the project is to develop educational tools aimed at combating poverty in relation to two target groups: 1) those most vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion [i.e. unemployed, low-skill or education, single-parent families or families with many children] and 2) the politicians and decision-makers in the field of social policy. The project is a result of diagnosed of lack ...
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Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a strategic matter and EC gives significant importance to vocational education and its curriculum. Vocational Education systems have being shaped by European countries with the aims such as especially joining work life of qualified persons who are needed by labor market and decreasing unemployment. Several countries in Europe has identified approaches for ...
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All the ways we…create - inclusion and exclusion dynamics!

Start date: Mar 30, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

A team of 31 social workers, youth workers, trainers, facilitators of learning, leaders, teachers, coordinators of volunteering projects or mentors, from Rep. Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Spain, Slovenia, Romania, Malta, Hungary and Italy was been involved in the training course of this project from the 17th till the 23rd of June 2015 in Lecce, Italy. All the participants dealt directly with the ...
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The framework of EUCLIDES proposal is the promotion and the enhancement of thedialogue between science and society - a good number of scientific studies concern thequality of life of the European citizens. The objective is from the one side to get aknowledge society where democracy is guaranteed, from the other side to set up areserve of professionals, which will be able to contribute to the knowl ...
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Europa 2020 agenda ambitions focus that policies shall contribute to reduce early leavers from education and training up to 10% in order to assure the conditions for the desirable economic development (economic growth in Europe and higher levels of competitiveness’ of European companies). The actual average rate stills at 13,5% and there is an urgent need of promoting effective strategies enabling ...
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The project addresses the special needs of teachers, trainers, lecturers and other staffworking in education. Especially for this group of professionals, it is extremely importantto have access to LLL, to learn to teach and to keep themselves up to date with modernlearning methods.The aim of the project is to design and offer to the target group a product – an onlinecourse on EU topics which is ea ...
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As Europe's demographic profile is aging and more elderly people are being looked after in care institutions, the project partners have identified the need for accessible and comprehensive training for those taking care of the elderly. The partners intend to develop computer-based training material that allows potential and existing employees in this sector to self-train in order to meet national ...
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Based upon the results of the previously funded Leonardo project EMMT1, the EMMT2 project will develop a larger network of partners to promote the training of middle managers in the European VET sector. Traditionally, middle managers in the VET sector are recruited amongst teachers without any professional management qualifications. The project will build upon the outcomes of EMMT1 to improve the ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Teachers and trainers who are confronted with intercultural classes due to the presence of students from different nationalities need further teaching skills to deal with difficulties they come across in such situations. The purpose of this project is to identify specific methodologies and training plans for teachers and trainers who work with multi-ethnic classes including a high proportion of fo ...
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The AVANT-Tour project seeks to enhance skills in the field of tourism marketing and management. It will make training more accessible in the partner countries by developing and piloting innovative learning models, based upon the concept of blended-learning and using state-of-the art technology, with a view to eventual commercialisation. Several aspects of the new models will piloted and introduce ...
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The CIVIL SERVICE APPRENTISHIP project focuses on non-formal learning acquired during voluntary and/or substituting civil service. The project aims at developing a prototype, to enable operators to identify, monitor and quantify the skills deriving from non-formal learning within voluntary service, with the overall project objective being that of increasing the employability of those within the ta ...
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Students with proven entrepreneurial characteristics should be stimulated to continue after graduation. There are difficulties for this group of starters in fact: colleges take care for students and not for entrepreneurs (after graduating) and support organisations (mainly) support entrepreneurs (registered at the Chamber of Commerce) and not students. The project aims to bridge this gap in suppor ...
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This partnership of training providers, each with different levels of expertise, will develop and pilot a low-key approach to motivating SME's in the implementation of e-business methods, based upon informal study groups and coaching. The E-business in SME project will test the effectiveness of such an approach and will investigate whether training in e-business could be a potential growth area fo ...
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The SIGNALL project is a transnational language competency and training project that aims to increase awareness of Deaf culture and sign languages amongst organisations, employers and citizens in general. Overall, the project aims to cultivate behavioural change and commitment from a range of organisations with respect to how deaf people are perceived and treated. The project's broad remit will in ...
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The ConCert project will develop and introduce a framework for the definition of professional profiles corresponding to new skills and for the certification of formal, informal and non-formal training paths. Project partners will initially undergo three surveys relating to different aspects of skills certification and will further test a range of procedures relating to quality skills certification ...
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Opening doors to training : This project aims to increase the employability, especially of school leavers, the unemployed and workers in SMEs, by providing easier access to training in the areas of business administration, ICT, the environment and communciations. Its key components are the evaluation of training needs and the design and implementation of training materials supported by the appropr ...
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The project focuses on innovation and transfer of products of the pilot project "Improvement of the Quality, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Healthcare Services" (SK/03/B/F/PP-177014). The primary actions foreseen by the new projects are: - Collaborative Quality Function Deployment of the Virtual HealthCare Quality Centre; - utilisation of new software for the existing content management portal; - ...
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Partners in the QUAVETS developed a project whose aim was to support improvements in quality in vocational education and training and build bridges between providers of education. The main objectives of the partnership, in accordance with the EU policies for EQF and NQFs, were to investigate and compare competencies and qualification required, as well as the concept of quality of education and tr ...
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The aim of the project is to transfer, adjust, adapt and implement the training programme for HR responsible in SME´s, developed in the social fund project ”SME competence Development”. Furthermore, it is the aim of the project to integrate this programme as a permanent training opportunity in vocational and adult education institutions. Speeding up economic growth and creating more and better j ...
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The post secondary not tertiary education focused on vocational programmes (HTE - Higher Technical Education) is an education field very heterogeneous in Europe, composed by several kinds of institution and different training aims. In the HTE European system, at the moment, few quality standards exist. In this context, ExPerO (LdV 2005-2007), was created to develop a theoretical model and a set of ...
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The objective of the project “It’s time. European vocational training workplace tutor for company training supervisors“ was to transfer the elements of the innovative “workplace tutoring“ further training approach developed in Germany to European partner countries and to develop the training in Germany further by incorporating new ideas from the partner countries. Useful learning arrangements thro ...
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Mathematical competence has been identified as being key for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability in the knowledge society of the 21st century. However, low achievement in Maths remains a major challenge for the European Union and has significant implications in the context of the current economic crisis and particularly applies to those with low levels of fo ...
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The project builds on the universal significance of toys as semiotic objects and, therefore, as poweful learning tools (Van Leeuwen 2006) and on the intuition of the benefits that a pedagogic practices based on Automata construction could have. Automata shape up within their structure an interaction between fantasy and reality. The lower part, their base, is in fact constituted by a set of mecha ...
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As for today, only a minimum part of the ICT potential for supporting innovative pedagogical developments and acquisition of key competences has been implemented in the lifelong learning sector. The STARTUP project aims at developing and analysing an innovative pedagogy and assessment approach, based on Open Educational Resources (OER), to support the diverse individual learning pathways and to be ...
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DigiSkills aims to bring together and further develop content, services, pedagogies and practices for LL in school/university/adult population, formulating specific scenarios of use of learning tools and platforms which will be tested with real users from 8 countries and evaluated in terms of their impact, with a particular attention to institutional as well as pedagogical innovation and change. D ...
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The project aims to combat in advance the school leavers in the passage from the 1° to 2° year and at the end of the first two years of upper secondary school grade. The project will help to face these problems by promoting a Virtual Reflective Learning linked to Self Directed learning where each actor of the process will be able to co-operate, thanks to open source tools of web 2: (a) a panel of ...
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Chemistry Is All Around Network

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

CONTEXTThe project idea relies on the evidence of common needs in Europe related to the insufficient diffusion of scientific culture and awareness, that starting from the school level (primary and secondary education) affects all levels of educational systems.The Chemistry Is All Around Us project n° N° 167126-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-KA1-KA1ECETB aiming to develop common European strategies to promote Lif ...
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The StartUp_EU project is designed to motivate secondary school students by replicating the excitement and creative innovation of a new startup company. The project will create an educational game to develop entrepreneurial skills on a Web2.0 technology platform. Secondary school students will learn about entrepreneurship through inspiring and thought-provoking videos, online workbooks covering bu ...
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