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SME Competence Development (SMECODE)

The aim of the project is to transfer, adjust, adapt and implement the training programme for HR responsible in SME´s, developed in the social fund project ”SME competence Development”. Furthermore, it is the aim of the project to integrate this programme as a permanent training opportunity in vocational and adult education institutions. Speeding up economic growth and creating more and better jobs is one of the EU´s goals. As 99% of the companies in Europe are SME´s they will play the biggest role in achieving this goal. In a more and more knowledge-based world, it is essential to bring into focus the necessity for competence and skills development. This is why, it is important that HR gets a more strategically role in the organisations. The project SMECODE will directly contribute to the development of vocational skills considering the SME´s needs and implicitly the labour market needs. Furthermore, the project will contribute to the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of VET systems and practice and to a closer co-operation between companies and VET institutions, by offering a tailored training course for SME´s and innovative learning methods.
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