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Building Rapport to prevent early school leaving
Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

The project aims to combat in advance the school leavers in the passage from the 1° to 2° year and at the end of the first two years of upper secondary school grade. The project will help to face these problems by promoting a Virtual Reflective Learning linked to Self Directed learning where each actor of the process will be able to co-operate, thanks to open source tools of web 2: (a) a panel of video of parallel stories (using the methodology of storytelling), where in each video real players, former classmates, describe their divergent personal, social and professional destinies as a consequence of different paths of study. The methodologies of the storytelling - through the technique of parallel histories - focus on the break with the mental context of reference of the student and to its relativization, accompanying the learner toward a more general context of meta-learning.(b) a panel of docufilm, having as leading actors former “young” people who have stopped the training path but through a second opportunity have been able to fully develop their talents, to the benefit not only of themselves but also of the economy and society to which they belong. This product will have as objective the promotion of a new perception on the side of students at risk of early school leaving and their families with respect to the effectiveness of the training and to the possibility of interrupting the circuit of intergenerational transmission of social, cultural and economic marginalisation; (c) a panel of documentaries that explains, with contemporary language codes, suitable for young fragile people: the latter opportunities related to the apprenticeships. All products will be tested by Committee of national users which will be active involved in the process of definition, design and implementation and testing. Networking activities and the exploitation of web potentialities will support and strengthen the attention for project activities during all the project lifespan.

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