European Projects
Managing for @ School of Success
Managing for @ School of Success
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
The decentralization of Public School Systems in Portugal, which was approved by the following legal document: Dec. Lei nº 30/2015, focuses on transferring decision-making authority into local communities and empowers school responsibility and autonomy, in that matter, it is expected to empower high-quality educational levels.
The Pedagogical Commission, which holds 6 local school establishments (Agrupamentos de Escolas), in 5 regions, within the EduFor Teacher Centre, located at Mangualde Secondary School, applies to Erasmus+ project, in order to share new regulations and guidance for the performance, knowledge and management of school staff. Our purpose is to obtain a clear view in what concerns the following educational challenges: additional responsibilities to schools and local communities, as a way to empower educational level; empowering autonomy through performance management; reinforce school leadership and teachers' professional performance; professional development programme to enhance pedagogical skills and deepen content knowledge; development of new approaches of teacher practice and student learning; strategic assessment plan to drive improvements in student learning and avoid school abandonment and retentions.
The participants are: head teachers; EduFor director and consultant, administrative staff.
Porto University will act as a partner to formally collaborate in conceiving, monitoring and assessing the project development.
Goals: School management experience and knowledge sharing, in different European context, actors and types of responsibilities; identify experiments in different school management levels, which may hold a successful school management practice; promote school management innovation though sharing reflection upon collaborative experiments (developed locally), among European and International partners; present and disseminate knowledge upon local, municipal and national policies, capable of changing stakeholders perceptions.
The schools, the Town Hall, School associations and our partners assure the 5 clusters typologies: centralized systems with limited school autonomy - Portugal; predominantly centralized systems with local certification - Italy; federal systems with regional importance - Spain; collaborative systems working side by side with national and local government - Poland; decentralized systems with great autonomy - U.K., Netherlands.
The Project Partners are: Italy; Poland; England; the Netherlands; and Spain. Each one is representative of the clusters and with large experience in European Projects.
Outcomes: For each event of the project process (6) a video shall be recorded (2/3 minutes length) to accomplish the dissemination goals at a European and International level. A Best Practice Guide for a Documental Management in a Successful School to acknowledge efficient practices. Project Website: Managing for @School of Success, containing information and documents for public use; e-Book Managing for @School of Success, holding the experiences and learning achievements. One chapter/essay will be held by each partner /entity - Porto University presents a Scientific Paper on the matter. Best practice acknowledgement transfer developed by one of the schools within the EduFor Centre. Document and experiment sharing among the project partners will take place, not only during the meetings, but using Web tools and Media channels.
Dissemination: International Seminar "Managing for @ School of Success" - hold by the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde (EduFor) and Porto University. EduFor will also be responsible for crediting the seminar through CCPFC and Europass Mobility.
Impact: as a result of the multidimensional partnership, it will be possible to enhance the knowledge on school management; develop associative technical and top management skills with improvements in areas such as: relationship with colleagues; communication; administrative; curriculum management; assessment. Collaborative lidership projects skills are reinforced by EduFor and CECE in an international level.
The target audience given the project be constituted as a trial balloon of some educational decentralization policies in other European countries, and their knowledge is of great importance for decisions they take in the future.