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37 European Projects Found

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Aerospace Engineering ECVET Resources Online

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Aerospace is a vital industry sector across the EU. Recognising and addressing skills gaps and enabling the personal development of well-trained and skilled employees to support growth will make a significant contribution to the advancement of the key Europe 2020 aims of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In particular, the AEERO project will contribute towards the objectives of the 'Agenda ...
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Mobilité innovante dans la voie professionnelle 2016

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The consortium « Innovative Mobility in the vocational field 2016 » (MOBinov 16) will boost European mobility in company abroad to the advantage of 255 learners from Nord Pas de Calais – Picardy: pupils from secondary schools for vocational training, apprentices and vocational trainees. The region Nord-Pas-de-Calais – Picardy has nearly 6 million inhabitants, which represents 9.4% of the populat ...
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The project “Images in Mind” – anti-discriminination in the apprenticeship of social care workers” is the logical continuation of the project´s topics in recent years.The terms “self-determination” and “inclusion” have dominated professional debates in the action fields of social care workers. They debated on “inclusion” on the background of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons ...
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„Doświadczenia zawodowe drogą do sukcesu”

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The project “Professional experiences the key to success” puts into practice European Internationalization Strategy of The Assembly of Electronic High Schools in Rzeszów (ZSE). The main aim of the project is maintaining and raising the level of professional education by continuing, consolidating and broadening international cooperation with European institutions for professional education and comp ...
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Vers un nouvel horizon européen pour les MFR

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The Fédération Régionale des MFR de Midi-Pyrénées is an association working the12 MFR in Midi-Pyrénées. It is applying for its 5th VET Erasmus + program 5. The FRMFR coordinates the regional network and supports each association in the developement of the "sandwich course"pedagogy, the associative life, their projects. The consortium is composed of the 12 MFR from the Midi-Pyrénées region together ...
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Boarders of European Union are quickly expanding and the development of skills for our European workers becomes essential nowadays. Indeed, crafts and companies are now dealing with international exchanges and facing a multinational competition. Qualifications and skills are therefore put into question. In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the ...
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The project TRIS 2016 is promoted by the Consortium VET represented by a Social Cooperative located in Campania, a VET Agency located in Piemonte and a network of technical and professional Secondary School located in Calabria.Direct beneficiaries of the project are 99 VET Learners.The intervention has been implements according to a specific sectorial approach.Thanks to the VET partners,it was ...
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Batavia Erasmus team 2016

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The Batavia Yard is a historic center for shipbuilding. On the yard as much as possible work according authentic and traditional construction methods, while also research into shipbuilding techniques especially the 17th century. The building of historic ships attracted much attention from the beginning of visitors. The yard was therefore also a tourist attraction. In addition, the construction of ...
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”Social inclusion: opportunity and support”

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The aim of project is: Develop up local society social inclusion, using active participation, social responsibility, non formal education tools, including EVS. The project is created by two hoisting organizations and five sending organizations, all of organizations are working in social inclusion field: Vaivari Primary school - school of inclusive education, hoisting four volunteers. The main acti ...
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Language United

Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2017,

Language United is an innovative project aiming at reducing youth unemployment. Its idea has been born following the consortium long experience with unemployed young people , especially young people not in education, employment or training. Equi-Vision Ltd from London together with Itineraire Internationale from Paris, Alianza por la Solidaridad from Madrid, Progetto Citta from Savona, and A.C.T.O ...
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Sulla cresta dell'onda...

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project aims at experimenting the educational and training process of a brand new professional profile, not available in the labour market yet, as a result of a mixture of different but complementary competencies drawn from operators from different professional fields: the sailing, waitering, cooking and touristic guidance. The peculiar training process, designed by the Scientific Committee of ...
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European mobility: from learning to employment

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The goal of ADICE, and of this project, is to ensure the social and professional development of the learners (including those with fewer opportunities), by participating in a valuable mobility experience. ADICE considers the mobility as a tool allowing the development of technical, transverse and social skills favoring the access to the labour market. Furthermore, the labor pool of the Lille metro ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

TUPRÁCTICA project, promoted by a consortium comprised of Youth and Culture Foundation, which acts as a coordinator based on their experience and expertise in the field of European projects related to education, culture, employment and local development, along with 7 VET organisations based in the provinces of Huelva and Seville, has the overall objective of completing and complementing the offer ...
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Partir et ouvrir son regard sur les autres avec Erasmus+

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Since many years, « Maisons Familiales Rurales” of Franche-Comté have been working on setting internships for our students and apprentices via the previous Leonardo program. It seems obvious for us to work on the new Erasmus+ project entitled “leave and open up your mind and look to the others”. We will focus on several objectives: - The acquisition of new professional practices, both technical an ...
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LEACHE – Europa más cerca

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The Department for Education of the Government of Navarra is responsible for establishing the general conditions and developing general aspects of education in this Spanish autonomous region. In this context, a new structure has been created in the Vocational Training Service in order to provide assistance for the internationalization of VET institutions. These measures try to reach the following ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Setting up a competitive, dynamic and healty social environment for EU citizens has become an important European issue in the recent years. Pursuing the main objectives of the Strategy EU 2020, for smart sustainable and inclusive growth, we advocate for improving employment opportunities and reduction of the share of early school leavers. Dealing with young dropouts and unemployment especially amo ...
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La mobilité européenne pour tous au Cèdre : Malte, Italie, Pologne

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The vocational training center « le Cèdre » wishes to widen its European scope by developing Erasmus + European mobility projects for its three initial trainings. Thus, 15 students in their final year of technical Baccalaureate STAV (Sciences, technology, agronomics, environment and territories) specializing in services in rural areas, will go to Malta to carry out Erasmus+ internships in touristi ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project GIOVANI A 360° arises from the sharing of objectives between Rete Europa Piemonte (a network represented by the Cooperative O.R.So.) and the Piedmont Region. The common interest is to promote active participation and direct meetings between decision-makers and young adults to address issues relevant to the youth population, making a path whose results will be used to revise the regiona ...
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Staże zawodowe-szansa na sukces zawodowy

Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016,

The project is addressed to the group of 20 graduates of vocational schools ( basic and technicians ) who have completed the school no earlier than one year prior to the project , and the direction of education were: cooks or waiters or similar . These are persons resident in districts Pleszew , Krotoszyn , Ostrów and Jarocin . By participating in the project graduates take the first form of econo ...
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Domo-meccanica come nuova frontiera della conoscenza

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project aims to develop professional figures with highly specialized skills able to run control systems highly concerned into building automation, particularly in the field of home automation assistance, a discipline that designs and manufactures systems whose purpose is the improvement of the living environments for the old people and people with special needs. The transnational training comp ...
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The Project „ECC – a way to implement the UN-convention on the rights of persons with disabilities“ originates on the setting of changing requirements in professional care for persons with disabilities. Having ratified the convention the countries are obliged to fulfill the rights of persons with disabilities under the guiding idea of inclusion. The European Care Certificate ( ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

"Ung Kultur i Stubbekøbing" was founded in August 2012 as a result of the exchange VIBES held by cultural community CultHus, but implemented on Stubbekobing school. We saw how important this project was for our young people and our city and we therefore started UKS for the following purposes: "Its aim is to organize local and international cultural projects in Stubbekoebing and involve young peo ...
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Europäisch Lernen für Auszubildende und Bildungspersonal

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Project “Eule” has been implemented by the Akademie Überlingen Osnabrueck Administrative GmbH Wernigerode and in collaboration with national consortiums and international partners. As a pool envisaged project for apprentices from all over Germany it support progress in the realm of internationalisation strategy within our educational institution. Apprentices and vocational personal had been invite ...
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Partir et revenir autrement

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Since many years, « Maisons Familiales Rurales” of Franche-Comté have been working on setting internships for our students and apprentices via the Leonardo program. It seems obvious for us to work on the Erasmus+ project entitled “leave and return differently”. We will focus on several objectives: - The acquisition of new professional practices, both technical and educational. - Open-mindedness to ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The ERASMUSCORES project is promoted by the society of regional development "Alcores Development, sl" which is an instrumental body of the municipalities of Carmona, Viso del Alcor and Mairena del Alcor, which from 1993 decided to join forces to apply for programs and projects related to the improvement of living and working conditions of their towns. Throughout this report we will try to reflect ...
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Let's play inclusion again !

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Concordia Normandie Maine welcome, since 17 years, youth people with less opportunities on various volunteering projects and especially on work-camp. Indeed, we want that everybody can get involved on work-camp, that’s why we offer a special management for to youth concerned by geographical, social and economic difficulties followed-up by specialized organization, social worker and educator. It’s ...
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Buddy2Buddy NEXT

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Buddy2Buddy, at the moment, is not just a project born in Youth in Action programme. After six years of implementation it's becoming something like a "brand" that is trying to be better everytime, improving quality of the intervention and raising the quality of wellbeing of participants. Buddy2Buddy NEXT intends to continue this innovative idea systematizing the knowledge to foster sustainability ...
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Youth mobility pro2

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015,

In this application we involve 5 volunteers from Italy, Spain, Germany and Lithuania and give them the possibility to join projects in Greece. The volunteers will support the everyday activities of the organizations and take part in activities in the themes like art and culture, activities with children, youth information office, helping elderly people.. etc. These activities for the volunteers in ...
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Start date: Jan 5, 2015, End date: Jun 5, 2015,

Youth exchange project E-POSS will be held in Liepaja during 15.03.2015.- 21.03.2015. Project main aim is to promote young people's active participation, through non-formal education methods, learning from each other, get to know diversity of European cultures, to develop the ability to see the unifying elements of cultural diversity. Project involves such countries as Portugal, Romania, Italy a ...
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Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

The 8-days TC: " Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers " is directed to youth workers, leaders, teachers including youth. The project responds to the needs of 9 partner organizations. It was designed for 40 participants who are focused on developing their competences to strengthen effectiveness of working with youth. The main objective is to develop and improve the quality o ...
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Chance to Change

Start date: Oct 12, 2014, End date: Feb 12, 2015,

CHANCE TO CHANGE is Multilateral Youth Exchange in the community of Madrid; It included 42 young people from 5 countries: Italy, Estonia, Portugal, Greece and Spain. Main theme youth unemployment; collateral subject: sporting activities in the nature. The Exchange will have as resources the following activities: group dynamics, presentation sessions, creation of vidoclips, simulation games, worksh ...
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The project "We Love Europe " has the aim of increasing in young college students ' sense of belonging to the European Union , so that, given the period of generalized crisis that we face , may , opening and assimilating the values ​​of the other countries of the European Union , broaden your horizon human and professional.  The context where activities will take place is Aversa , a town of 50 tho ...
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Growing up together

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

"Growing up together" (GUT) is an EVS project coordinated by InCo, where international volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in the activities of 5 different HO: 3 in Italy- “Villaggio SOS di Roma” (in the city of Rome), “Villaggio SOS di Saronno” (Saronno), “Villaggio SOS di Vicenza” (Vicenza); besides 1 in Brazil (“Associação São Francisco de Assis Gewo-Haus”, in the city of Ribeir ...
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Growing up together

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

"Growing up together" is an EVS initiative coordinated by INGO Association, where international volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in the activities of 5 different Host Organizations (HO): "Villaggio SOS di Romã" (iri the city of Rome), "Villaggio SOS di Saranno" (Saranno), "Villaggio SOS di Vicenza" (Vicenza), "SOS Villaggio di Mörösölb" (Morosolo) and VKE (Bolzano), all of them ...
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The seminar aims to help all the participants to prepare and develop youth exchanges projects with young people from 13 to 17 years old, in particular by providing assistance in the development of the Action 1.1 of the Youth in Action Programme, support for partner-finding, a platform for discussion around child safety and protection.The activities will be focused on the prevention approach in par ...
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Fashion plays an extremely important role in the lives of most juveniles and young adults. Peer groups create an intrinsic net of open or hidden requirements for the individual, and only persons with a high self-esteem and self-conscience dare to negate the dictate of fashion. For low income persons, the inability to equip oneself with all the “must have” very often leads to frustration and to a f ...
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The project aims to:- train teachers and trainers, concerned in integrated paths for education and vocational training of young people the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board and its integration with on-line learning objects as well as with virtual collaborative learning environments;- test the use of the Interactive Multimedia Board in learning environments as an innovative didactic tool;- cr ...
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