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We Love Europe (Dalla "Terra dei Fuochi" un nuovo approccio all' Europa)
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "We Love Europe " has the aim of increasing in young college students ' sense of belonging to the European Union , so that, given the period of generalized crisis that we face , may , opening and assimilating the values ​​of the other countries of the European Union , broaden your horizon human and professional.  The context where activities will take place is Aversa , a town of 50 thousand inhabitants, which is a few miles from Naples , the city has always been beset by many difficulties and distrust of institutions.In young people the lack of information on the rights of European citizens reaches high percentages. Aversa is part of the sadly famous "Land of fires" , that territory , between the province of Naples and Caserta , affected by crime , by continuous burning toxic hanged to illegal dumping of municipal and special waste , which proliferate in throughout the country, is among the most affected areas of Italy under the environmental profile . Today more than ever , the inhabitants of this land , the many decent people victims of abuse crime , are rebelling against violence and the desire for revenge is so great . Just from the Land of Fires was born a message of confidence to young Europeans. This is very important . The partners will provide young university students (unemployed) seeking a civil and professional identity. The participants will be divided as 39 (5 from each European partner + 4 young people with fewer opportunities). In the number included is a coordinator for each partner. Important to consider the inclusion of young people from Turkey who by their training Islamic definitely give new viewpoints and insights they receive for their innovative products. 4 partecipants will be immigrant young people (fewer opportunities)for a cultural integration. The activities will take place indoors and outdoors , will be managed dall'Applicant and the experience gained in non -formal education having acquired the Youth Pass Certificate. The activities will be marked from beginning to end in a non- formal methodology with workshops , games , role-playing , movies , theater, intercultural instruments, intercultural communication and will have the duty to integrate , recognize , create a new civic identity . Each day will be marked by milestones of the Charter of Fundamental Rights ( Dignity, Freedoms , Equality , Solidarity, Rights , Justice ), so that each day will be thematic (eg freedom day , Equality Day , etc ...) . The methodology also apply a "learning by doing" in which learning is not related only to ' experience, but also what we do with that particular experience . It needs to be translated into a learning experience and its value measured in different ways. The cycle moves from acting to reflect on what has happened , to generalize and to conceptualize the experience and apply the new knowledge to act again.We will use one of the models of intercultural communication method called lceberg: It aims to highlight the fact that "what you see" is just the tip of the iceberg. Going to try the tips below, shows a deeper level, to arrive at the base of the iceberg, where you will find the very foundations of culture: the ideas and values shared by the whole society, which shape the thinking and behavior of its members. The iceberg model shows the hidden aspects of culture and reminds us that the apparent similarities may be based on completely different assumptions.The impact will be on several levels : regional, national , European channels using privileged information , primarily the internet that will be the facilitator of the indicators of success of the project through publication of statistics before and after the project , data recorded on our sample of (young European university ) . In terms of numbers over 39 direct beneficiaries will have thousands of indirect beneficiaries through the channel that privileged information will be aware of the importance of having a European identity and will themselves participate through completion of forms and questionnaires (to assess their knowledge on the subject) and will also have their own space on the web site forum for suggestions, criticisms , suggestions and proposals. In the long term we expect to have formed young without fear, ready for comparison , secure a sense of belonging to the Union consolidated Europe , a European civic identity . Long-term result will definitely work placement or training or voluntary youth participating in one of the 27 Member States within 12 months of the project as well as inclusion in other youth mobility projects in the Key Action 1 of Erasmus plus. We promise to follow the time course of our youth.
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6 Partners Participants