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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ERASMUSCORES project is promoted by the society of regional development "Alcores Development, sl" which is an instrumental body of the municipalities of Carmona, Viso del Alcor and Mairena del Alcor, which from 1993 decided to join forces to apply for programs and projects related to the improvement of living and working conditions of their towns. Throughout this report we will try to reflect upon how improving the mobility of young graduates is consistent with the strategy which they are seeking to establish in the region. In fact, it will become an unmet need of the population which increasingly requires the use of the necessary language skills in order to do their job, for which we consider the ERASMUS + program more than effective, raising the question to the category of "CORE VALUE ", hence the name "ERASMUSCORES". Specifically, the project will be coordinated by the office of Carmona Alcores Development (consortium coordinator), since it is in this town where the headquarters of the Institutes with professional training certificate cycles which are capable of granting professional certificates to students once they attend the appropriate training cycles, are located. Specifically, the Institutes participating in the project are: IES Arrabal de Carmona, IES Maese Rodrigo, xxx. Another partner organisation of the Consortium will be the Local Autonomous Municipal Centre Organisation of Comprehensive Training of the town of Carmona, which awards professional certificates for Training Courses by the official approval of the Town Council of Andalusia which awards certificates for the training which it gives: Public Health service to people dependent on social institutions and Public Health service to people living at home, as well the Tourism Module of the Employment Workshop. Taking into account the sending partners that make up the consortium, the project areas are as follows: the primary sector, the food and agriculture industry, the hotel and tourism sector, handicrafts and services to the community and home sector. ERASMUSCORES is aimed at 45 young people between 10 and 30 years old who are attending any of the training programs offered by these training centers. To determine the number of participants, Juan Jose Saucedo, director of the Foundation and the signatory of this proposal, has organized meetings with the management team and students of different schools to find out the number of people interested in the mobility experience. These 45 young people will have the opportunity to have a 9 month long mobility experience in quality companies in one of the countries selected. This will not only be a professional experience, but it will be a life experience which will enable young people to develop competencies and new social skills. To support the project consortium in the organization and monitoring of placements in the destination countries, they will collaborate with intermediary members, who have extensive experience in working with these types of participants: EUROYOUTH, Lisbon (Portugal) , PARTNERSHIP EUROPE, Cork (Ireland), AEF, Florence (Italy), AMADEUS, Vienna (Austria), VUSTE, Prague (Czech Republic), BONUM, Krakow (Poland), Foyle, Derry (United Kingdom). Furthermore, both the coordinator (Training) and the OAL are going to make available to the participants the industrial estates which are located in Carmona, El Viso del Alcor and Mairena del Alcor: the Pilero Industrial Park and Industrial Estate Brenes and Logistics Park in Carmona, Poliviso and Santa Isabel in the second municipality and Gandúl and Trocha in Mairena del Alcor. ERASMUSCORES will use a comprehensive method of monitoring all activities of the project in all its phases, and it will evaluate all interested parties as detailed throughout the report. As for the duration, desirably the project will last the maximum amount of time permitted by the limitations of the call. In order for participants to return before the full 12 months away from their degrees, the mobility experience will not be able to last longer than 9 months. We consider this the optimal duration for a true professional experience in which the participant can acquire all the professional and personal skills which enable the achievement of the fundamental objective of the project: improving the employability and quality of life of young people.

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