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Buddy2Buddy NEXT
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Buddy2Buddy, at the moment, is not just a project born in Youth in Action programme. After six years of implementation it's becoming something like a "brand" that is trying to be better everytime, improving quality of the intervention and raising the quality of wellbeing of participants. Buddy2Buddy NEXT intends to continue this innovative idea systematizing the knowledge to foster sustainability of the project and continuing with the richness of the youngsters that participate to the exchange. For this reason this project consists of two activities: one is the "usual" international exchange, with the participation of 32 youngsters, half with disabilities, half with less opportunities, having eight days of activities in Tirrenia, near Pisa, in october 2015. The group will be composed by youngsters coming from Italy, Spain, Portugal and Nederlands and during the exchange youngsters wil be fostered to take care each other (Buddy to buddy), promoting and enhancing cooperation and social inclusion; the other is a ten days of meeting among youth workers with experience in B2B project, to evaluate past youth exchange, to individuate and share good practices and build a manual of B2B project. The main objectives of this project will be: To give opportunities to disadvantaged and disabled youngsters by including them in the overall process of preparing, implementing and evaluating through active participation, to foster mutual understanding, to develop personal and social competences, to broaden horizons and increase open-mindedness, to improve solidarity and cooperation among youngsters, to allow people to participate in an international experience, to increase awareness about personal future through social experiences, and to achieve a better understanding between different cultures. Individuate and share good practices; foster the sustainability of B2B project involving new partners and go in deep with the theory and methodology of B2B developed in all these years. To meet the objectives we have chosen different and creative non formal learning methods and techniques: Group-building, energisers and Ice-breaking games; meeting the environmental context; inter cultural moments; sharing experiences; physical and sportive games; expression and inter cultural communication by theater and music workshops; reflection and sharing moments; follow up preparation and challenges, etc. Results, Impact and the potential long term benefits: The expected impact on the participants will be very big. Nearly everything will be new as the majority of the participants never took part in a multi cultural event. They will learn in a non formal way about other cultures, countries, different approaches and similarities that will broaden the horizons of the participants involved. At internatonal level, the impact will be the sharing of good practices and to write a manual of B2B that can be useful for other partners in Europe.
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