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La mobilité européenne pour tous au Cèdre : Malte, Italie, Pologne
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational training center « le Cèdre » wishes to widen its European scope by developing Erasmus + European mobility projects for its three initial trainings. Thus, 15 students in their final year of technical Baccalaureate STAV (Sciences, technology, agronomics, environment and territories) specializing in services in rural areas, will go to Malta to carry out Erasmus+ internships in touristic or cultural organisations for 3 weeks in August and September. 60 students in their last year of the Vocational High School Diploma SAPAT specializing in the service and assistance to people and territories will go to Italy in April 2017 with the Erasmus+ program. They will work 2 weeks as trainees in various organizations such as childcare centres, nursery schools, nursing homes, or any centres for handicapped people… And 19 students in their final year of CAPA SAPVER, (equivalent to an Agricultural Certificate of professional Competence specializing in services to people and sales in rural areas) will go to Poland for 2 weeks in May 2017 to be interns in childcare centres and in nursing homes.The MFR Le Cèdre is to set up the European project for the Vocational Baccalaureate SAPAT training, for the first time, in Italy but as for the Technical Baccalaureate STAV training that will be the second time in Malta. Besides, the training CAPA SAPVER has been transferred from the former MFR La Saillerie (vocational center located in Angers as well) to Le Cèdre on the first of September 2015 but it had been setting up European Mobility with Poland with the Leonardo programme first and then with the Erasmus+ programme since 2006.All the students who will benefit from the Erasmus programme do not travel a lot, they are not , as a result , very open minded and have little interest in the European Union. However,as they will take care of people in need, they will require, as future professionals, to be tolerant, respectful, self-reliant, and able to adapt and travel. We also wish to train future European citizens. The goals of our project are: For the MFR Le Cèdre :• To offer professional hands-on trainings on a European scale • To allow the students to know more about different cultures and professional practices in Europe• To be recognised locally as an institution turned towards the European UnionFor the students :Common objectives to the three training sectors :• To get geographical mobility • To become more self-reliant both in their everyday life and at work • To know more about the European Union, its member states, its cultures and to share as well as to fight prejudices• To understand the issues of the European citizenship• To improve new professional practices • To awaken their curiosity, to develop their motivation and their ability to question themselves• To be valued Specific objectives STAV Technical Baccalaureate • To master verbal and written communication skills• To acknowledge the importance of the services in rural areas in promoting the area’s development.SAPAT Professional Baccalaureate and SAPVER CAPA• To work with a range of different people• To aim at setting up activities for various peopleAll the students will get language, practical and cultural preparation through common events, especially a huge meeting dedicated to Europe planned for Februray 2017 as well as moments for each host country and professional sectors of the trainings.While they are abroad, the students will be interns in various companies. They will also do educational and cultural visits which will allow them to discover the patrimony of the host country. The project will be subject to ongoing evaluation. We have assessed our previous projects to implement the new one. We are willing to assess this one-year project with regular meetings for the three trainings headed by the headmaster of the school and with specific meetings for each of them. Some assessment tools (such as skills assessment grid) and impact surveys (for students, teachers and European partners) will also be carried out. The common features of these three trainings are the service to people adapted to its territory.This European Mobility will enable not only every young participant but also the entire staff and volunteers from the MFR, as well as every people corresponding to our targeted audience (Local inhabitants, local politicians, European partners and our networks) to have various overviews of the service sector in Europe.In this way, the communication of the results will focus on the cultural and professional differences or similarities between France, Malta, Poland and Italy. One of the highlights will be the Annual General Meeting of the Association which will be dedicated to European Mobility. Le Cèdre is expecting to open its new premises in September 2017.This will be the opportunity to raise the flags of each of the 4 countries united around a single project and to plant a tree, symbolising our opening to Europe.

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