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34 European Projects Found

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Citizen Laboratory

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

This Strategic Partnership project brings together organisations active in the field of non-formal education in 4 European countries. The consortium consists of a diverse range of educational providers with various level of experience, international involvement, target groups and history. All the participating organisations identified European citizenship and entrepreneurship education as a priori...
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Be Yourself

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

The "Be yourself" involves the participation of 40 people from different parts of Europe and is organized in cooperation with organizations from Estonia, Poland, Turkey and Romania.Together realized many activities and "Be Yourself" is a different project, where we'll make an exchange or through diverse activities as targeted to help to young people to raise their self-esteem. "BE YOURSELF" opens ...
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True Youth Fairy Tale

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

The youth exchange "True Youth Fairy Tale" will bring together young people from various European countries to explore roots of their cultures through national and international fairy tales. Fairy tale is the exact example of cultural heritage, which is unique for every country or region and is important to understand cultural roots. Through expressing fairy tales by various types of art, particip...
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Migration: Europe’s Crisis or Opportunity?

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

"Every day, all over the world, ordinary people must flee their homes for fear of death or persecution. Many leave without notice, taking only what they can carry. Many will never return. They cross oceans and minefields, they risk their lives and their futures. When they cross international borders they are called refugees."- United Nations "The Refugee Project"( With "...
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European Fairy Tale

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The youth exchange "European Fairy Tale" will bring together young people from various European countries to explore roots of their cultures through national and international fairy tales. Fairy tale is the exact example of cultural heritage, which is unique for every country or region and is important to understand cultural roots. Through expressing fairy tales by various types of art, participan...
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The Third Power

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The theme of the youth exchange was proposed by two young people who participated previously in our projects and decided they would like to organise their own project. We believe that the topic of media and critical thinking about the information we get from media is extremely important for young people nowadays. It is important that young people are able to shape their own opinions independently ...
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Safe Drive

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Safe Drive" is a youth exchange that elaborates rather interesting, innovative and new topic which relates to road violence prevention and response. The youth exchange will take place in Metz, France and it is an international initiative, in which the organization "Together France" will involve 5 countries: France, Czech Republic, Estonia, Romania and Italy. This project aims to educate 40 young ...
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Our Europe - Our Future! (or ?)

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The "Our Europe - Our Future! (or ?)" project aims to react to a recent wave of Eurosceptic attitudes in many European countries, including the Turkey. The last elections to the European Parliament meant a significant victory for various Eurosceptic or anti-European political parties. The global economic crisis and structural problems within the Eurozone left many people in precarious situations. ...
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Theatre for Youth

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

The youth exchange "Theatre for Youth" will bring together young people from various European countries to explore their personality and European culture through theatre and acting. Theatre is a tool which can awake creativity of young people, who can talk about serious topics. Young people can show their cultural identity through artistic way. They will process topics like European citizenship, x...
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NGO Management Lab: better competences for a better job

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Many NGOs all over Europe have begun to understand that a wide range of knowledge, skills, and strategies in the context of European projects are extremely necessary to achieve concrete results, develop a greater local impact, and continue to be competitive in order to contribute to the overall development of a local community. So currently, the management of NGOs requires increasingly complex and...
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Let's Connect Adult Learners

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

"Let's Connect Adult Learners" was a project providing learning mobility to adult education staff in organisation društvo Connect. Since its establishment, društvo Connect has been very active in the field of non-formal education. We have implemented various projects for both young people and adult learners, valorising our experience with non-formal education. Connect has been actively in touch wi...
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New Focus on Adult Education

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

"New Focus on Adult Education" was a project providing learning mobility to adult education staff in EFM organisation. Since its establishment, EFM has been very active in the field of non-formal education. We have been active in the field of non-formal learning for many years. However, it has been focusing on adult learners only in the last few years. This two-years project helped to train our wo...
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Wireless for Adult Education

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The project "Wireless for Adult Education" aims to increase the capacity of Wireless asbl in the field of adult education. Wireless is a new and dynamic organisation working in the field of non-formal education. We have implemented several projects for adult learners on the local level and have established partnerships with NGOs from other countries. However, the organisation would need further su...
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Media 4 YOUth

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The idea of the youth exchange "Media 4 YOUth" came from young people, participating in the previously organised project of Together Estonia in summer 2014 with the similar topic. This project was born as a follow-up and this time young people want to reflect on the way we are influenced by media and how we react to information from media. The youth exchange took place in Sulbi village in Estonia...
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Citizens of Tomorrow

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The project “Citizens of Tomorrow” engaged 60 young people from 12 European countries (France, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Estonia, Italy, Poland, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia), who discussed with experts and decision makers about how to promote youth participation and how we can find innovative ways to overcome barriers of youth participation and to achieve inclusion. ...
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Fairy tale Life

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016,

The youth exchange "Fairy tale Life" will bring together young people from various European countries to explore roots of their cultures through national and international fairy tales. Fairy tale is exact example of cultural heritage which is unique for every country or region. It shows cultural identities and it is important to understand their roots. Through expressing fairy tale by various type...
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A Challenge for Youth

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016,

“A Challenge for Youth” will bring together 36 young people from 6 countries from EU to discuss and reflect together about the global challenges and global issues. We will organise this training seminar in Metz, France from 5-12 July 2015. Youth in the World is one of the eight priority fields of the new EU Youth Strategy. We share this point of view and believe that young people must be brought u...
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Green Entrepreneurship

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project topic came from the initiative of young people from our organization and our partner organizations. "Green Entrepreneurship" youth exchange brought together 40 young people from 5 countries: France, Poland, Estonia, Italy and Czech Republic. The youth exchange took place in Roosu Talu, Sulbi, Estonia from 26 April–02 May 2015 (with the arrival day on 27.04 and departure on 3.05.2015). ...
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Art is Everywhere

Start date: Aug 7, 2014, End date: Aug 6, 2015,

'Art is Everywhere' was a training course that took place in Metz, France. The participating countries in this project were France, Estonia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Slovenia and FYR Macedonia, so it was a rather diverse spectre and interesting project from the intercultural point of view as well. During this project, the participants were able to acquire skills and knowledge that led them...
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Dreamy Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

Dreamy Europe is a ground breaking international youth exchange which would work on intercultural learning of young people through culture, art and traditions. It is a fantastic tool to empower young people which will give them the opportunity to think, reflect and react about themes like European culture/s, European citizenship, racism and xenophobia, problems of young people, etc. In all these s...
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Get ready 4 Media

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

Before the youth exchange ?Get Ready 4 Media? together with our partners we identified the need to work on topics as media, journalism and media freedom. Taking in consideration the modern trends and the fast development of technology and media tools, we noted that young people need further education on the topic of media, especially learning how to use all media available today. The youth exchan...
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Colors of Cultures

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 16, 2015,

"Colors of Cultures" Youth Exchange took place in Arry, France. It brought together young people from five European countries: France, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Spain. We used photography to explore, learn and share knowledge about our communities and overcome racism and prejudice. We strongly believe this is very important now during the increased xenophobic discourse in media. The yo...
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EUropean Fairy Tale

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Mar 17, 2015,

EUropean Fairy Tale is a ground breaking international youth exchange which would work on intercultural learning of young people through culture, art and traditions. It is a fantastic tool to empower young people which will give them the opportunity to think, reflect and react about themes like European culture/s, European citizenship, racism and xenophobia, problems of young people, etc. In all t...
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The Third Power

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

The project "The Third Power" will involve 40 young people from Estonia, Czech Republic, France, Italy and Slovenia who will come to Aegviidu, Estonia and will discuss the role of media in our societies and how media can increase youth participation. We as organization, together with our partners, are looking forward to this exchange. 40 young people will visit Estonia from September 22nd-29th 201...
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Healthy Ways

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2014,

"Healthy Ways" is a unique youth exchange that will reflect on the topics connected to health. The idea of this youth exchange was proposed by a young medicine student who took part on our previous project and got interested in non-formal education. There will be 40 young people from Estonia, Romania, Spain, Slovenia and Czech Republic who will stay and work together for 8 days in a diverse and i...
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On the Way to Entrepreneurship

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

This exchange is a follow-up of the project on a similar topic that we realised successfull in 2013 and young people came up with the idea to make another similar project with different partners and different participants, so that to go deeper. It will empower young people, motivate them to take an active role in their lives and be young entrepreneurs, realise their creative ideas, and build somet...
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EVS World: an Experience for a Life

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

Youth unemployment is a serious issue now days. It is even more striking after the economic crisis increased the unemployment rates in the whole Europe. As a rule, the youth unemployment is more or less double to the general unemployment rate. One of the reasons is lack of practical skills and experience and volunteering can be one of the solutions for this problem. With this project, Together wou...
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Theatre for social change

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

Theatre for Social Change! is a ground-breaking international youth exchange which will take place in Bettemburg, Luxembourg and bring together 48 young people from Poland, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Estonia and Czech Republic. This project will provide opportunity for young people to work on intercultural learning through theatre. Forum theatre is a fantastic tool that will empower young people a...
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Take Action

Start date: Dec 10, 2012,

The project “Take action” aims to contribute to the development of youth entrepreneurship and generally creative activity of young people.This youth exchange will bring together 49 young people, mainly with fewer opportunities from 7 different European countries: Estonia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Turkey for 10 day in Luxembourg to awake the desire in young people t...
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YOUth Challenged

Start date: Dec 3, 2012,

“YOUth Challenged” will bring together 48 young people from 6 countries from EU and EEC to discuss and reflect together about the global challenges and global issues. We will organise this youth exchange in Minsk, Belarus which will have also a symbolic value – to bring young people together to reflect about global challenges on the border of Europe and Asia. Youth in the World is one of the eigh...
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Back to Roots

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

This exchange will allow 50 young people interested in participative activity, mainly young people with fewer opportunities who have regular contact with the organisation to develop the project with us. Participants will spend 7 days together, participating and interacting with locals in the city of Luxembourg. The thematic of this exchange is the active participation of young people, his identit...
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EVS in and for see

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

Youth unemployment is a serious problem. It is even more striking now when the economic crisis increased the unemployment rates in the whole Europe. As a rule, the youth unemployment is more or less double to the general unemployment rate. One of the reasons is lack of practical skills and experience and volunteering can be one of the solutions for this problem. By this.project, Together would lik...
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2011 China and EU for world youth

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

This project will enable 30 young people from China, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Italy to spend 2 months in another continent (the hosting places are in Iceland, Poland, Italy, France, Greece and Turkey) and take part in an exceptional voluntary service project. The volunteers involved will be young people with fewer opportunities. We will offer this unique opportunity to young people who are...
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International Youth Cooperation for Sustainability is a large-scale project which will bring together 60 young people from 6 countries of Europe and Africa. The project aims to raise awareness among young people about sustainable development and respect to our environment as pressing global challenges as well as to promote Euro-African dialogue, exchange and co-operation in the field of youth.Youn...
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