Search for European Projects

Theatre for social change
Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

Theatre for Social Change! is a ground-breaking international youth exchange which will take place in Bettemburg, Luxembourg and bring together 48 young people from Poland, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Estonia and Czech Republic. This project will provide opportunity for young people to work on intercultural learning through theatre. Forum theatre is a fantastic tool that will empower young people and give them the opportunity to pay attention, reflect and react, to express their opinion and point of view about the various social topics like marginalisation, social exclusion, reasons of poverty, European citizenship, youth participation, etc. In all these subjects interculturality will play big role and non-formal learning principles and practice will be reflected throughout the project. Participants will take active role and will be the main directors in the process of preparing the theatre play. Participants will come together from various backgrounds and cultures, with different experience and points of view. They will have an opportunity to discover the intercultural richness through interactive methods and using the beauty of theatre. Young people will share and present their cultures and use intercultural dialogue as a tool to understand their own backgrounds and increase the awareness about their European identity. During this project lot of effort will be put on the process and reflection about all these topics and participants will create short movie from the whole development of the project activities and the same one will be used after at local and international levels and by the partners in general to increase the visibility of the project and in same time to motivate “new” young people for active participation.
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5 Partners Participants