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We live in an interconnected and interdependent world in which globalization moulds our existence. That’s why we believe it necessary to be aware of our true identity, to learn about our own national values, culture and traditions and at the same time to gather information about other members of the European family.The purpose of the project is to foster four out of the eight EU key competence dev ...
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"Our past is unifying us". The European Union is based on 'unity in diversity': According to surveys in our schools, this concept is more easily floated than understood. The aim of our project is the investigation of these two principles in specific application areas, followed by the question of the real coherences and interdependencies between both ideas. Beginning with the term "European uni ...
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The aim of this project is the investment into the education infrastructure within the project area Euroregion POMERANIA, in order to secure the visions of further cooperation of the partners in the areas of cross-border education, vocational training and further education. On the premises of the Oberbarnim school a school annex to the modernised part of the school is planned for a cross-border de ...
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With this project the already started cross-border modular training courses of the German-Polish vocational training in the hotel and restaurant industry are to be supported, in order to accomplish the maximum goal – training qualification for two professions (expert in hotel management and hotel technician). Next to the high aim to accomplish two training qualifications, the development of fluenc ...
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Das vorgeschlagene Vorhaben ist ein deutsch-polnisches Pilotprojekt und verfolgt zwei Zielstellungen: Ausbau einer modernen grenzüberschreitenden touristischen Infrastruktur für einen nachhaltigen Tourismus zwischen dem Spreewald/Cottbus und Zielona Góra/Zagan/Krosno, dauerhafte Einbeziehung von deutschen und polnischen Jugendlichen / Schulen in die Entwicklung des Tourismus in der Euroregion. ...
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Mit dem Projekt wollen die Projektpartner im Rahmen des grenzüberschreitenden Lernens folgende Ziele erreichen:- Erwerb der Sprache des Nachbarn, - Auslandsaufenthalte in Form von Fachpraktika und interkulturellen Treffen,- Entwicklung von deutsch-polnischen Ausbildungsmodulen,- Förderung von sozialen und interkulturellen Kompetenzen.Das Hauptziel dieses Projektes ist eine langfristige Zusammenarb ...
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Česko-polské školy na vodě a kole

Start date: Nov 9, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Projekt bude realizován během školního roku 2006/2007. Vychází z aktivit, které představují pro mládež středoškolského věku atraktivní využití volného času a současně možnost navázat neformální mezinárodní přátelské vztahy. Těmito aktivitami jsou - vodní turistika, cykloturistika, pěší turistika, orientace v terénu, základní pravidla pohybu v přírodě s důrazem na ochranu životního prostředí. Proje ...
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J. A. Komenský by měl radost - aneb česko-polský školní rok

Start date: Aug 31, 2006, End date: Aug 30, 2007,

...e projektu proběhne v průběhu školního roku 2006/2007 formou 3 sportovních akcí a 1 vědomostní soutěže, určené pro žáky středních škol okresu Jeseník a družební střední školy Zespół Szkół Glucholazy. Projekt je zaměřen na posílení spolupráce mezi komunitami jako podpora společných akcí škol na obou stranách hranice a vzájemné seznámení jejich studentů, kteří mohou navázat a rozvíjet přeshraniční ...
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Krajina česko-polského pohraničí

Start date: Feb 28, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

Cílem projektu Krajina česko-polského pohraničí je navázání spolupráce mezi vzdělávacími institucemi v Česku a Polsku. Podstatou společného projektu je porovnání historického vývoje české a polské části příhraničního regionu, které provedou přímo žáci a studenti zapojených škol, a to realizací projektových aktivit zakomponovaných přímo do výuky na školách. Mladí lidé se naučí se prezentovat vlastn ...
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With the project QUALITY GUIDELINES Transfer (QuaG) RKW Berlin and its partners offer support to those enterprises seeking international activities in vocational education and training as well as those wishing to develop an international scope.Cross-border mobility of employees and international education projects require comparable quality rules and consistent quality procedures of vocational edu ...
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According to WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the speed that people consume the natural resources is 50% more than the speed that nature renews itself. They claim that if all the people in the world consume in the speed of an average European citizen, there will be a need of 3 more earths. Therefore, it is obvious that the awareness about nature is crucial to have an earth that is enough both for ...
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This project aims to encourage students and teachers from 16 countries to work together on a topic important to them all: "Traditions". Intercultural education begins with common things and values, valorizing then those singularities of the people. The cultural beauty comes from the diversity. The traditions express the values, strength and the mark of the people in the best way. The relationship ...
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The focus of our project "GiB8!" was on an innovative and high-quality orientation of education, where the acquisition of key skills was in the foreground. In view of the demographic change, health-related skills are increasingly relevant for ensuring availability of skilled work force on the European job market. "GiB8!“ made use of the innovative approach "Teaching health-related skills as an int ...
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The project is based on activities aiming at establishing permanent and efficient cooperation between the schools from Poland and Slovakia as well as increasing students' educational and cognitive competences. This aim will be achieved by means of working on activities favouring students' direct interaction on both sides of the border. Students' contacts will be focused on increasing language skil ...
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The intention of our project was to have all partners experience a shared appreciation of relevant artworks and then create new works at each school, using English to communicate with each other. The basis of the project was to instil confidence in creativity as a general human ability and to understand art as a universal language following four main threads:1. Creative and performative approaches ...
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This project involves the SEK II students (age 16 - 18) from different countries and backgrounds and sends them into virtual walks. These virtual walks show buildings and places which are typical and important for the culture and tradition of each region where the involved students live. Each virtual walk is done on a personal computer using a web browser by a simple clicking with a mouse o ...
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The EU Strategy 2020 gives great importance to improving the quality of vocational training. All citizens should get an education which improves their employability. The activities for the development of VET are oriented to these guidelines. For the national systems this means that qualification programs must be more oriented to the economic needs. This requires to improve the cooperation between ...
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Im Projekt LANDLEBEN werden richtungsweisende Entwicklungen für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft am Beispiel von innovativen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, Kooperationen und regionalen Initiativen präsentiert. Die Partnerschulen erarbeiten gemeinsam Beispiele zu sechs verschiedenen Themenbereichen (gesunde Lebensmittel, erneuerbare Energie, nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Kultur- und Landschaftspflege ...
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“Inclusive Education: An ally to european identity” The project is based on the theory and practice of Inclusive education (where all children, despite their abilities and nationality, receive equal opportunities in teaching and learning).We believe that through the certain project all nine partner schools (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Italy, Germany, France and Turkey) with 160 w ...
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Art painting has its own voice in the feelings¿ world. Through it, people from very different mental abilities and different social backgrounds can communicate and interact. Art painting and artistic expression means much more than an aesthetic activity, but it also leads us to an emphatic and therapeutic zone. Our project ¿Special artist through Europe¿ propose a therapeutic work in handicapped s ...
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In January 2007 the four involved partners agreed on one project with the title "Modern Technologies and Data Communication in Vehicles". This project is divided into four phases each of which include a VETPRO-project and one IVT-project with several focus topics. Each of these partners accommodates the others for one phase. In October 2007 and April 2008 partner one was the host of two projects o ...
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Our project connects eight schools from different countries in the Baltic region and aims at improving co-operation of the Baltic Sea area as part of Europe. We intend to use the figure of Nils Holgersson to introduce the European dimension into the education of our students. Nils is a tool to make our students look at their own environment and culture during diverse activities and exchange their ...
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“Eco Ideas, Eco Citizens” is a multilateral Comenius school partnership from eight countries (Turkey,Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania, Italy, Spain,Poland and Bulgaria(TR,CZ,LV,RO,IT,ES have been together during the prep visit in Turkey moreover PL and BG sent their ideas through mails) eight of the school teachers and students work together for 2 years, aiming at awakening an environmental awar ...
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Secondary school students (aged 15-18) and teachers from Spain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Denmark, develop a European Partnership in order to promote Research as an educational tool. The project activities will focus on cooperative learning, use of English language and ITC, learning by doing, problem solving and key competences for Lifelong Learning and the learning communities will be involved ...
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1. THE IDEA“TRANSIT@school” is based on „TRANSIT“ by Jörg Heieck (photographer and teacher in Kaiserslautern/D). In 2005 he undertook a journey along 50°N from Normandy to Poland and documented it with impressive panoramic photos. Therefore, all partners of the project are situated nearly on 50°N.Since 2007, the centre of the EU has been situated on 50°10'21"N, 9°9'E (near Gelnhausen / D). Therefo ...
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"Are you ready to read me?" is our project to let youngsters from different countries and backgrounds meet each other through what they read. Or must we say: through what we think they read? Indeed, teachers easily think that pupils only like gaming, hanging out with friends and doing nothing but maybe youngsters ARE willing to read. Do our pupils only read magazines, blogs, facebook entries and t ...
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The final years in high school provide the basic orientations on future professional training and the aspired position. The project’s goal: The pupils shall systematically collect, analyse and compare their own ideas, the offers from outside institutions starting within the school and the regional level. Comparing the first own results with those of the partners - do we have comparable standards ...
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“ If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need” inspired by E. Hubbart, our partnership aims at developing European children’s integration through the culinary heritage of each participant school by promoting healthy eating habits.The project has four main themes;celebrating cultural diversity, skills&learning, healthy lifes ...
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Partnership focuses on increasing quality and innovation of vocational training at partner economic schools. The priority component of the partnership is to involve new or existing partners - real firms and institutions in a particular form of vocational education and training - training firm (trial enterprise). A training firm (TF) is a form of complex simulation of working process of real firms, ...
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People with disabilities represent around one sixth of the overall EU working age population but their employment rate is comparatively low.The statistical data with regard to disabled people varies according different sources. According to the results of surveys carried out in 2001 at EU level, 14.5% of the population of the 15 Member States (with the exception of Sweden) of working ag ...
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Project Participants: seven vocational training institutions from different European countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia and Turkey.Project Coordinator: Vilnius School of Car Mechanics and BusinessProject Objective: to prepare a compendium of theoretical and practical tasks for evaluation and comparison of car mechanics’ competencies acquired in different tra ...
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Communication between schools and families is essential for building trusting relationships that foster parental involvement. Parental involvement in schools and social institutes is necessary for youngsters to develop successfully and to make decisions that will have positive outcomes for their futures. This study will examine the role of new ICT communications technologies in fostering parental ...
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Der Schulkomplex mit integrierter Behindertenförderung in Łomnica realisiert zusammen mit der Gemeindeverwaltung Boxberg grenzübergreifende Treffen der Kinder aus Boxberg und Łomnica/Mysłakowice. Die Kinder nehmen an Kunst-, Musik-, Foto-, Film-, Informatik-, Theater- und Regionalworkshops sowie Sportwettkämpfen teil.
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The loss of knowledge and the missing possibilities to gain an adequate and comprehensive education in all aspects of care and management of traditional orchards is the main motivation for our initiative. One decisive point is to guarantee a close cooperation of practice-orientated and theory-orientated partners. It addresses vocational education institutions, adult education (layman, private gard ...
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Dynamin Identity

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

Over the last decade Internet is spreading within Europe and beyond. Surveys on children indicate that their first online experiences begin at the age of eight, while as they grow their online time increases rapidly in frequency and duration. This is alarming because except from its benefits, Internet brings with it several risks or even hazards.Parents, who are troubled about children’s online sa ...
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The project “Membership Of Volunteering Experience!” is designed to young people especially with fewer opportunities coming from difficult backgrounds between ages of 18-30. The youngsters will have the possibility to go abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to practice or gain new skill and live in the new community. EFM is going to implement the project together with partner organizations from ...
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Validity Of Tolerance and Education

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The project "VOTE! - Validity Of Tolerance & Education" creates the unique chance to 30 young people (especially those with fewer opportunities) between 18-30 years old to be involved in voluntary work abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to another country.In a frame of the "VOTE!" project EFM will cooperate with EU countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Poland & other Partner Cou ...
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Dynamical & Overseas EVS

Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The project "DO EVS" – “Dynamical & Overseas EVS” gives to 30 young people (24 with less opportunities) between the age 18 – 30, an opportunity to go abroad in a group or as an individual person for a period from 3 to 10 months to another country.EFM is going to cooperate in a frame of the "DO EVS" project with 12 EU countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, ...
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The EUROLUDIX project (European Useful Recreational activities for Learning languages in Unity and Diversity Improving well being of students) is a project focused on inter cultural team work involving 7 European countries (Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,Greece). It lasted two years (2009-2011). Each country organised a sporting event with international mixed teams which c ...
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Civic competence can be defined as 'the ability and willingness to engage in active participation, based on an attitude of trust in other people, in all the contexts of social life: school, local community, working place, recreational activities'. From an individual point of view, civic competence is a tool for empowering the individuals and giving them the motivation, autonomy and responsibility ...
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