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Start date: Nov 7, 2016, End date: Nov 6, 2018,

In line with the objectives of the Europe2020 Strategy and ET2020, through "EUROFCT", IES Vega de Gudalete, aims to improve the quality of education and vocational training, giving a European dimension to the educational paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational education (informatics micros ...
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Start date: Nov 7, 2016, End date: Nov 6, 2018,

In line with the objectives of the Europe2020 Strategy and ET2020, through "AGROVEGA+", the consortium, led by the Lora del Rio Council, aims to improve the quality of education and vocational training, giving a European dimension to the educational paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to test and improve their skills: professionalism in the specific areas of vocational ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The “CÁDIZ European Youths” Project is fixed in a city particularly affected by unemployment and lack of opportunities, which concerns the way the youths face their immediate environment and therefore negative personal growth and professional development. In this regard, from the Cádiz City Council manage this project nowadays supporting the educational centers of the city in the mobility and ...
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Project EURO-FPB twith title: " Basic FP: Overcoming the past, working the present, discovering the future " , it is orientated for teachers' formation and for students' labor practices of Basic FP and Vocational Training, carried out in the context of the permanent learning of new knowledge and the acquisition of new professional competences in the sectors of commerce, bussiness administration, ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project consortium, PRÁCTICA LABORAL CON EUROPA DE ALUMNOS DE MADRID (Work based learning in Europe for Madrid students) requested through this call 2016, arises due to the interest shown by schools, and to provide continuity and response from the Directorate General for VET to the one started in 2015. In this call it has been increased up to 30% of the existing centres in Madrid and it is aim ...
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Das Projekt zielt auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Betriebe in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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In the sequence of a previous project, developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme – Pilot Project, named “Sports for Disabled – Training Curricula of Sports assistants for disabled people” which NRC – APPC was a partner, we intend to transfer the results and products, considerate innovative and adequate to the needs of qualifications of specific target groups to attend and assist disabled pe ...
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The project aims to train a new type of manager who will be capable of guiding the process of generational change in the running of family owned businesses. It will develop innovative e-learning tools to improve the skills of those with experience in management, but not skilled and qualified for coping with the next generation take-over of Small and Medium Sized family business Enterprises. The ma ...
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The project main objective is to identify best practice for training methods to be used in the technical-scientific sectors, specifically the metalworking / metal engineering sectors. This objective arises from the changing demands of the workforce and the need to ensure competitiveness in this sector. The project will focus on identifying training needs of trainers/teachers and best practice in t ...
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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Economic literature often puts the emphasis on the necessity of appreciation the value presented by the housework of women, especially during their parental leave. The study undertaken by the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy of Science (Poland) shows the perception of the household duties by men and women. For the question "Who am I?" most of men responded that the man (34.3%), and only in fi ...
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The ECVET-Trainer project proposed incorporating the results of Food-fit project (File:147627-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-KA1-EQF-2008-4524) in order to facilitate the understanding of the ECVET model by VET trainers and centres in the four key productive sectors of the EU (agriculture, industry, construction and services, see NACE codes below), taking into account the EQF levels 1 to 4 and the needs of impro ...
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Reason: European SME’s find themselves in a fast changing globalizing and highly competitive world.  Specific competencies are required to internationalize successfully. A need underlined by the EC policy for New Skills for New Jobs, where particular attention is given to globalisation + international trade with BRIC countries. Next to financial and production requirements, knowledge (markets, ...
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Business transfer is of major concern in the European Union. Almost one third of the SMEs in the European Union, approximately 690.000 businesses with about 2.8 million jobs will be faced with the succession/transfer process within the next years. The transfer of the BTP curriculum and the Screening Tool has contributed to the improvement of the skills of business successors/buyers and transferors ...
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...ational institutions (Cracow University of Economics, the Foundation of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Development) and two private companies (Inypsa and Noema).As result of eESPASE will create a new generalized model of supporting social entrepreneurs at European level which will culminate in the development of an e-learning platform aimed at social e ...
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In the MAESTRO project, an innovative and complete business process modelling and evaluation system, along with an e-learning methodology was proposed and tested. We exploited the extensive previous research and existing methodologies in the area of traditional education evaluation and especially in the area of students’ evaluation of (traditional) teaching effectiveness. Our innovation in this pr ...
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Information Communications Technology (ICT) and media competence are one of the underlying skills for the citizens taking part in social communication in the European information society. There is a Europe-wide pressing demand for specialists to pass on these skills. However, no European further-education-project with freely available teaching and studying materials, that would be used in special ...
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In our everyday lives we meet a lot of entrepreneurs who, 10 and 15 years ago, had the courage to launch their own small or medium-sized enterprises. We encounter a lot of competence, see good products and services. In such companies there is usually a lot of competence. Many of these companies are viable, but still always involved in this “vicious circle”: no time for strategic work --> no long- ...
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The main goal of this project is to apply and test thoroughly the methodology already developed by the Leonardo/Believe project in different business sectors and countries inside the European Union. The first objective is the creation of adequate metrics for initial business goal and the second one is the development of high quality e-learning course. The third objective concerns the actual runnin ...
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The target group will be trainers specialized in systems of company management. The potential users are: human resources managers, the professionals in charge of training, the directors of R&D departments and managers. The target sectors to which the CRISIS PROJECT is direct are education, management, human resources and research and development. As to the potential beneficiaries that will be thos ...
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Europe is increasingly experiencing negative effects of population ageing. They are visible in the demographic structure of the labour market, situation of people aged 50+ in the labour market and the cooperation between representatives of this age group with younger co-workers (aged 30-). The situation is particularly difficult in the public sector, where many people aged 45+ are employed. They a ...
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We perceive that a coherent and common methodology to promote entrepreneurship in secondary education is lacking at European level. There is also a need to embed an international dimension in order to provide pupils/students a first-hand experience of the challenges posed by actual working and business environment they will encounter in the near future. Within this transfer of innovation project ...
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Project HOLON T4T was a continuation of HOLON project and exploited and takes advantage of it’s main result - e-learning course “An e-learning systemic training to improve interplay of work, health and organization”. This course provided the necessary knowledge to analyze the enterprise as a whole or in its different parts as a mean to detect dysfunctions and apply change strategies to improve int ...
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A lake has ever since influenced in a specific way the history and the social development of its surrounding territory. It constantly affects its economy, for which tourism is, in many cases, the main feature.Promoting tourism of a lake district encloses, even today, complicated aspects related to: the variety of the natural environment, the more and more international changing demands of tour ...
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The condition of inmates or ex-inmates is one of the most difficult in terms of integration:in such a context, education is a powerful instrument for inmates and ex-inmates; it iseven more important and significant if it is developed as an alternative educationalpathway, able to combine the learning methods together with the in-service experience,in order to profit of the formal as well as non-for ...
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The CRITON project focuses on distance education and e-learning systems, aiming at offering accurately and timely prediction of the final performance of distance learners / e-learners. This project will enable teachers and tutors of different educational levels (primary / secondary / tertiary education, adult education, VET) to predict on time whether an e-learner succeeds or fails at the end of ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

CLAP – Convicts Liberty Aid Project is a response to the harsh reality of a convict facing the first days of liberty. If these days are not well prepared in advance, the risk or returning in prison is so much higher. CLAP aims at assisting the preparation of these days by offering a set of tools to the prison workers and inmates, but more important offer these actors the chance to negotiate and re ...
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The European Union is willing to achieve in 2020 a rate of employment of 75% in women and men between 20 and 64 years old, and to reduce the 20% of the emissions of greenhouse effect gases, with 20% of the consumption covered by renewable energies. For that, 3 million workers are necessary in jobs linked to sustainable growth. Severe lacks of specialists on management and on technical fields make ...
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Web 2.0 technologies are a new wave of innovation that is rapidly changing the way we live, work, learn and interact. There is growing evidence that digital technology can greatly enhance both quality of services and quality of life, particularly for the most disadvantaged citizens and communities. But statistics still show a big gap between older and younger generations of Internet users. A key i ...
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In the EU year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, this project has been designed to support the principle that everyone has the right to learn and that learning plays a significant role in personal growth and emancipation, prosperity, solidarity and local and global responsibility. If everyone is to benefit from learning, adult educators and organisations must find innovative ways of att ...
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The CATS project will develop a set of frameworks, tools and systems to support the future growth and diversification of the European Energy Sector. The partnership will develop competency frameworks for a wide range of sub-sectors including both traditional and renewable technologies, produce interactive online competency assessment and impact assessment tools, guidance manuals and an eService so ...
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LLWINGS aims at developing an elearning system for school teachers (and staff) to develop a set of competences aimed at favouring learning skills acquisition and motivation to learn, and specifically related to the integration of non/informal learning in education to make curricula meaningful to their students and helping them in learning to learn. Early development of learning skills and motivati ...
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In 2005 in Europe 10,8% of adult working age population (24-64) has participated in Non Vocational Adult Education (NVAE); one benchmark adopted by the Council in 2003 was to reach an average level of participation of at least 12.5%. Recent studies (EAEA, Adult education trends and issues in Europe, 2006; Eurydice, Non vocational adult education in Europe, 2007) show common participation patterns ...
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Recognising a need for specialist teaching skills for those working in non-formal and adult education, the New Chance project developed and implemented a dedicated training programme, primarily targetting trade union/social partner staff. Implementing a three-step development programme, participants attended a series of national and international training sessions prior to undertaking local develo ...
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The target group of the ProTrain training concept are apprentices and skilled workers in companies, who want to gain the ability to understand, visualize and optimise their own workplace and task as well as the processes befor and after their work process and the process as a whole in the company.
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The project aims to introduce a teacher training programme in non-formal education.The project is based on the premises that in order to work in non-formal educationteachers need special skills and attitudes. The project plans to meet the growing needfor a qualified work force in the non-formal sector taking into account the growingnumber of teachers who are facing unemployment in the ageing socie ...
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Das Ziel des Projektes ist die Entwicklung eines modular aufgebauten und medial unterstützten Qualifizierungskonzeptes. Dies soll in Kombination aus 7 Qualifizierungsmodulen und einer Materialien-CD Auszubildende und Facharbeiter zur Durchführung unternehmensinterner Analysen (Prozessanalysen) hinsichtlich der Ermittlung und Umsetzung von Optimierungspotentialen befähigen. Dabei findet unter ander ...
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The project intends to develop and test a set of certificates in selected areas of ICT, more concretely WLANs, IEEE.11, HIPERLAN/2, Bluetooth, 3G and 4G, Internet protocols TCP-IP, VoIP and link it with the labour market needs and expectations. Within the project implementation a set of 11 certificates will be developed. The target groups involved in the project are ICT industry employees, especia ...
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Das Projekt zielte auf die marktreife Entwicklung und Einführung von Blended-Learning basierten Trainingsprodukten für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter vor allem mittelständischer Unternehmen in den Bereichen: 1. Internationale Rechnungslegung/Jahresabschluss mit IAS / IFRS; 2.Individuelles Unternehmensrating und 3. Projektmanagement und Reorganisation.
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The project intends to develop an instrument, incorporating cross-cultural indicators/descriptors, to better measure impact of VET programmes on the quality of life of people with disabilities in employment so that service providers will be able to improve the quality of VET provided, better match clients to employers and increase the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The instrument w ...
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