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Hidden Histories - Intercultural Dialogue and Learning
Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

In the EU year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, this project has been designed to support the principle that everyone has the right to learn and that learning plays a significant role in personal growth and emancipation, prosperity, solidarity and local and global responsibility. If everyone is to benefit from learning, adult educators and organisations must find innovative ways of attracting people who are currently economically and socially excluded in the member states. A key objective of this project is to increase the participation in lifelong learning of marginalised and disadvantaged groups and, as a result of this participation to increase their engagement with civic society and learning. It fosters learning opportunities based on participation in local community activities, developing alternative and innovative ways of learning, and sharing good practice on intercultural education, learning by marginalized citizens and their linguistic, social and cultural inclusion. The generation of community histories and heritage material will form the basis of the engagement with our target groups, during which activity participants will develop social and civic skills and embark on a variety of learning and skills training. The target groups will be 'paired' with similar groups in another EU state; initially we will work with three target groups: rural, migrant and Deaf communites. They will share their knowledge and experience across EU borders through the travelling exhibitions and catalogues which are an output of the project. Outputs such as the exhibitions, catalogues, and the website will have a significant impact as tools for intercultural understanding and communication with the wider community, leading to greater integration and social inclusion. In addition, their impact will be felt through the development of the toolkit which will be used as the basis of training for practitioners who will work with other groups in the future.

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